log for com.scalepractice:9
== Installed Android Tools ==
2025-02-11 02:47:23,751 DEBUG: Reading 'config.yml'
2025-02-11 02:47:23,766 INFO: Creating log directory
2025-02-11 02:47:23,766 INFO: Creating temporary directory
2025-02-11 02:47:23,766 INFO: Creating output directory
2025-02-11 02:47:23,775 DEBUG: Getting git vcs interface for https://github.com/aburdiss/ScalePractice.git
2025-02-11 02:47:23,775 DEBUG: Checking com.scalepractice:9
2025-02-11 02:47:23,775 INFO: Building version 2.8.0 (9) of com.scalepractice
2025-02-11 02:47:23,776 INFO: Running 'sudo' commands in /home/vagrant
2025-02-11 02:47:23,776 DEBUG: > sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive bash -e -u -o pipefail -x -c apt-get update; apt-get install npm; npm install -g corepack
+ apt-get update
Get:1 https://security.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security InRelease [48.0 kB]
Get:2 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm InRelease [151 kB]
Get:3 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm-updates InRelease [55.4 kB]
Get:4 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm-backports InRelease [59.0 kB]
Get:5 https://security.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security/main amd64 Packages [245 kB]
Get:6 https://security.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security/main Translation-en [146 kB]
Get:7 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 Packages [8792 kB]
Get:8 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main Translation-en [6109 kB]
Get:9 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm-updates/main amd64 Packages [13.5 kB]
Get:10 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm-updates/main Translation-en [16.0 kB]
Get:11 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm-backports/main amd64 Packages [283 kB]
Get:12 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm-backports/main Translation-en [236 kB]
Fetched 16.2 MB in 7s (2171 kB/s)
Reading package lists...
+ apt-get install npm
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
The following additional packages will be installed:
eslint gyp handlebars libc-ares2 libjs-async libjs-events libjs-inherits
libjs-is-typedarray libjs-prettify libjs-regenerate libjs-source-map
libjs-sprintf-js libjs-typedarray-to-buffer libjs-util libnode-dev
libnode108 libssl-dev libuv1 libuv1-dev node-abbrev node-acorn
node-agent-base node-ajv node-ajv-keywords node-ampproject-remapping
node-ansi-escapes node-ansi-regex node-ansi-styles node-anymatch node-aproba
node-archy node-are-we-there-yet node-argparse node-arrify node-assert
node-async node-async-each node-babel-helper-define-polyfill-provider
node-babel-plugin-add-module-exports node-babel-plugin-lodash
node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2 node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3
node-babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator node-babel7 node-babel7-runtime
node-balanced-match node-base64-js node-binary-extensions
node-brace-expansion node-braces node-browserslist node-builtins node-busboy
node-cacache node-camelcase node-caniuse-lite node-chalk node-chokidar
node-chownr node-chrome-trace-event node-ci-info node-cjs-module-lexer
node-cli-table node-cliui node-clone node-clone-deep node-color-convert
node-color-name node-colors node-columnify node-commander node-commondir
node-concat-stream node-console-control-strings node-convert-source-map
node-copy-concurrently node-core-js node-core-js-compat node-core-js-pure
node-core-util-is node-css-loader node-css-selector-tokenizer
node-data-uri-to-buffer node-debbundle-es-to-primitive node-debug
node-decamelize node-decompress-response node-deep-equal node-deep-is
node-defaults node-define-properties node-defined node-del node-delegates
node-depd node-diff node-doctrine node-electron-to-chromium node-encoding
node-end-of-stream node-enhanced-resolve node-err-code node-errno
node-error-ex node-es-abstract node-es-module-lexer node-es6-error
node-escape-string-regexp node-escodegen node-eslint-scope node-eslint-utils
node-eslint-visitor-keys node-espree node-esprima node-esquery
node-esrecurse node-estraverse node-esutils node-events node-fancy-log
node-fast-deep-equal node-fast-levenshtein node-fetch node-file-entry-cache
node-fill-range node-find-cache-dir node-find-up node-flat-cache
node-flatted node-for-in node-for-own node-foreground-child
node-fs-readdir-recursive node-fs-write-stream-atomic node-fs.realpath
node-function-bind node-functional-red-black-tree node-gauge
node-get-caller-file node-get-stream node-glob node-glob-parent node-globals
node-globby node-got node-graceful-fs node-gyp node-has-flag
node-has-unicode node-hosted-git-info node-https-proxy-agent node-iconv-lite
node-icss-utils node-ieee754 node-iferr node-ignore node-imurmurhash
node-indent-string node-inflight node-inherits node-ini node-interpret
node-ip node-ip-regex node-is-arrayish node-is-binary-path node-is-buffer
node-is-extendable node-is-extglob node-is-glob node-is-number
node-is-path-cwd node-is-path-inside node-is-plain-obj node-is-plain-object
node-is-stream node-is-typedarray node-is-windows node-isarray node-isexe
node-isobject node-istanbul node-jest-debbundle node-jest-worker
node-js-tokens node-js-yaml node-jsesc node-json-buffer
node-json-parse-better-errors node-json-schema node-json-schema-traverse
node-json-stable-stringify node-json5 node-jsonify node-jsonparse
node-kind-of node-levn node-loader-runner node-locate-path node-lodash
node-lodash-packages node-lowercase-keys node-lru-cache node-make-dir
node-memfs node-memory-fs node-merge-stream node-micromatch node-mime
node-mime-types node-mimic-response node-minimatch node-minimist
node-minipass node-mkdirp node-move-concurrently node-ms node-mute-stream
node-n3 node-negotiator node-neo-async node-nopt node-normalize-package-data
node-normalize-path node-npm-bundled node-npm-package-arg node-npm-run-path
node-npmlog node-object-assign node-object-inspect node-once node-optimist
node-optionator node-osenv node-p-cancelable node-p-limit node-p-locate
node-p-map node-parse-json node-path-dirname node-path-exists
node-path-is-absolute node-path-is-inside node-path-type node-picocolors
node-pify node-pkg-dir node-postcss node-postcss-modules-extract-imports
node-postcss-modules-values node-postcss-value-parser node-prelude-ls
node-process-nextick-args node-progress node-promise-inflight
node-promise-retry node-promzard node-prr node-pump node-punycode
node-quick-lru node-randombytes node-read node-read-package-json
node-read-pkg node-readable-stream node-readdirp node-rechoir
node-regenerate node-regenerate-unicode-properties node-regenerator-runtime
node-regenerator-transform node-regexpp node-regexpu-core node-regjsgen
node-regjsparser node-repeat-string node-require-directory node-resolve
node-resolve-cwd node-resolve-from node-resumer node-retry node-rimraf
node-run-queue node-safe-buffer node-schema-utils node-semver
node-serialize-javascript node-set-blocking node-set-immediate-shim
node-shebang-command node-shebang-regex node-signal-exit node-slash
node-slice-ansi node-source-list-map node-source-map node-source-map-support
node-spdx-correct node-spdx-exceptions node-spdx-expression-parse
node-spdx-license-ids node-sprintf-js node-ssri node-string-decoder
node-string-width node-strip-ansi node-strip-bom node-strip-json-comments
node-supports-color node-tapable node-tape node-tar node-terser
node-text-table node-through node-time-stamp node-to-fast-properties
node-to-regex-range node-tslib node-type-check node-typedarray
node-typedarray-to-buffer node-undici
node-unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript node-unique-filename node-uri-js
node-util node-util-deprecate node-uuid node-v8-compile-cache node-v8flags
node-validate-npm-package-license node-validate-npm-package-name
node-watchpack node-wcwidth.js node-webassemblyjs node-webpack-sources
node-which node-wide-align node-wordwrap node-wrap-ansi node-wrappy
node-write node-write-file-atomic node-xtend node-y18n node-yallist
node-yargs node-yargs-parser nodejs terser webpack
Suggested packages:
node-babel-eslint node-esprima-fb node-inquirer libjs-angularjs libssl-doc
node-babel-plugin-polyfill-es-shims node-babel7-debug javascript-common
livescript chai node-jest-diff node-opener
Recommended packages:
javascript-common build-essential nodejs-doc node-tap
The following NEW packages will be installed:
eslint gyp handlebars libc-ares2 libjs-async libjs-events libjs-inherits
libjs-is-typedarray libjs-prettify libjs-regenerate libjs-source-map
libjs-sprintf-js libjs-typedarray-to-buffer libjs-util libnode-dev
libnode108 libssl-dev libuv1 libuv1-dev node-abbrev node-acorn
node-agent-base node-ajv node-ajv-keywords node-ampproject-remapping
node-ansi-escapes node-ansi-regex node-ansi-styles node-anymatch node-aproba
node-archy node-are-we-there-yet node-argparse node-arrify node-assert
node-async node-async-each node-babel-helper-define-polyfill-provider
node-babel-plugin-add-module-exports node-babel-plugin-lodash
node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2 node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3
node-babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator node-babel7 node-babel7-runtime
node-balanced-match node-base64-js node-binary-extensions
node-brace-expansion node-braces node-browserslist node-builtins node-busboy
node-cacache node-camelcase node-caniuse-lite node-chalk node-chokidar
node-chownr node-chrome-trace-event node-ci-info node-cjs-module-lexer
node-cli-table node-cliui node-clone node-clone-deep node-color-convert
node-color-name node-colors node-columnify node-commander node-commondir
node-concat-stream node-console-control-strings node-convert-source-map
node-copy-concurrently node-core-js node-core-js-compat node-core-js-pure
node-core-util-is node-css-loader node-css-selector-tokenizer
node-data-uri-to-buffer node-debbundle-es-to-primitive node-debug
node-decamelize node-decompress-response node-deep-equal node-deep-is
node-defaults node-define-properties node-defined node-del node-delegates
node-depd node-diff node-doctrine node-electron-to-chromium node-encoding
node-end-of-stream node-enhanced-resolve node-err-code node-errno
node-error-ex node-es-abstract node-es-module-lexer node-es6-error
node-escape-string-regexp node-escodegen node-eslint-scope node-eslint-utils
node-eslint-visitor-keys node-espree node-esprima node-esquery
node-esrecurse node-estraverse node-esutils node-events node-fancy-log
node-fast-deep-equal node-fast-levenshtein node-fetch node-file-entry-cache
node-fill-range node-find-cache-dir node-find-up node-flat-cache
node-flatted node-for-in node-for-own node-foreground-child
node-fs-readdir-recursive node-fs-write-stream-atomic node-fs.realpath
node-function-bind node-functional-red-black-tree node-gauge
node-get-caller-file node-get-stream node-glob node-glob-parent node-globals
node-globby node-got node-graceful-fs node-gyp node-has-flag
node-has-unicode node-hosted-git-info node-https-proxy-agent node-iconv-lite
node-icss-utils node-ieee754 node-iferr node-ignore node-imurmurhash
node-indent-string node-inflight node-inherits node-ini node-interpret
node-ip node-ip-regex node-is-arrayish node-is-binary-path node-is-buffer
node-is-extendable node-is-extglob node-is-glob node-is-number
node-is-path-cwd node-is-path-inside node-is-plain-obj node-is-plain-object
node-is-stream node-is-typedarray node-is-windows node-isarray node-isexe
node-isobject node-istanbul node-jest-debbundle node-jest-worker
node-js-tokens node-js-yaml node-jsesc node-json-buffer
node-json-parse-better-errors node-json-schema node-json-schema-traverse
node-json-stable-stringify node-json5 node-jsonify node-jsonparse
node-kind-of node-levn node-loader-runner node-locate-path node-lodash
node-lodash-packages node-lowercase-keys node-lru-cache node-make-dir
node-memfs node-memory-fs node-merge-stream node-micromatch node-mime
node-mime-types node-mimic-response node-minimatch node-minimist
node-minipass node-mkdirp node-move-concurrently node-ms node-mute-stream
node-n3 node-negotiator node-neo-async node-nopt node-normalize-package-data
node-normalize-path node-npm-bundled node-npm-package-arg node-npm-run-path
node-npmlog node-object-assign node-object-inspect node-once node-optimist
node-optionator node-osenv node-p-cancelable node-p-limit node-p-locate
node-p-map node-parse-json node-path-dirname node-path-exists
node-path-is-absolute node-path-is-inside node-path-type node-picocolors
node-pify node-pkg-dir node-postcss node-postcss-modules-extract-imports
node-postcss-modules-values node-postcss-value-parser node-prelude-ls
node-process-nextick-args node-progress node-promise-inflight
node-promise-retry node-promzard node-prr node-pump node-punycode
node-quick-lru node-randombytes node-read node-read-package-json
node-read-pkg node-readable-stream node-readdirp node-rechoir
node-regenerate node-regenerate-unicode-properties node-regenerator-runtime
node-regenerator-transform node-regexpp node-regexpu-core node-regjsgen
node-regjsparser node-repeat-string node-require-directory node-resolve
node-resolve-cwd node-resolve-from node-resumer node-retry node-rimraf
node-run-queue node-safe-buffer node-schema-utils node-semver
node-serialize-javascript node-set-blocking node-set-immediate-shim
node-shebang-command node-shebang-regex node-signal-exit node-slash
node-slice-ansi node-source-list-map node-source-map node-source-map-support
node-spdx-correct node-spdx-exceptions node-spdx-expression-parse
node-spdx-license-ids node-sprintf-js node-ssri node-string-decoder
node-string-width node-strip-ansi node-strip-bom node-strip-json-comments
node-supports-color node-tapable node-tape node-tar node-terser
node-text-table node-through node-time-stamp node-to-fast-properties
node-to-regex-range node-tslib node-type-check node-typedarray
node-typedarray-to-buffer node-undici
node-unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript node-unique-filename node-uri-js
node-util node-util-deprecate node-uuid node-v8-compile-cache node-v8flags
node-validate-npm-package-license node-validate-npm-package-name
node-watchpack node-wcwidth.js node-webassemblyjs node-webpack-sources
node-which node-wide-align node-wordwrap node-wrap-ansi node-wrappy
node-write node-write-file-atomic node-xtend node-y18n node-yallist
node-yargs node-yargs-parser nodejs npm terser webpack
0 upgraded, 358 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
Need to get 25.5 MB of archives.
After this operation, 160 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-fast-deep-equal all 3.1.3-3 [5768 B]
Get:2 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-json-schema-traverse all 1.0.0-3 [6308 B]
Get:3 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-jsonify all 0.0.1-1 [8704 B]
Get:4 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-json-stable-stringify all 1.0.2+~cs5.2.34-1 [11.3 kB]
Get:5 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libc-ares2 amd64 1.18.1-3 [102 kB]
Get:6 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libuv1 amd64 1.44.2-1+deb12u1 [136 kB]
Get:7 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-xtend all 4.0.2-3 [3932 B]
Get:8 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-acorn all 8.8.1+ds+~cs25.17.7-2 [128 kB]
Get:9 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-cjs-module-lexer all 1.2.2+dfsg-5 [30.1 kB]
Get:10 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-busboy all 1.6.0+~cs2.6.0-2 [16.9 kB]
Get:11 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-undici all 5.15.0+dfsg1+~cs20.10.9.3-1+deb12u4 [285 kB]
Get:12 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libnode108 amd64 18.19.0+dfsg-6~deb12u2 [10.5 MB]
Get:13 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 nodejs amd64 18.19.0+dfsg-6~deb12u2 [319 kB]
Get:14 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-punycode all 2.1.1-6 [9444 B]
Get:15 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-uri-js all 4.4.0+dfsg-8 [47.3 kB]
Get:16 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-ajv all 6.12.6-3 [74.0 kB]
Get:17 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libjs-inherits all 2.0.4-6 [3548 B]
Get:18 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-inherits all 2.0.4-6 [4548 B]
Get:19 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-core-util-is all 1.0.3-1 [4072 B]
Get:20 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-safe-buffer all 5.2.1+~cs2.1.2-3 [15.5 kB]
Get:21 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-string-decoder all 1.3.0-6 [7180 B]
Get:22 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-process-nextick-args all 2.0.1-3 [3816 B]
Get:23 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-util-deprecate all 1.0.2-3 [4436 B]
Get:24 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-isarray all 2.0.5-4 [4040 B]
Get:25 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-readable-stream all 3.6.0+~cs3.0.0-4 [32.0 kB]
Get:26 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-typedarray all 0.0.7-1 [11.4 kB]
Get:27 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-concat-stream all 2.0.0+~2.0.0-2 [6388 B]
Get:28 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-ms all 2.1.3+~cs0.7.31-3 [5648 B]
Get:29 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-debug all 4.3.4+~cs4.1.7-1 [18.1 kB]
Get:30 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-esutils all 2.0.3+~2.0.0-1 [12.4 kB]
Get:31 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-doctrine all 3.0.0-4 [19.9 kB]
Get:32 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-eslint-visitor-keys all 3.3.0+~1.0.0-1 [17.1 kB]
Get:33 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-estraverse all 5.3.0+ds+~5.1.1-1 [11.6 kB]
Get:34 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-object-assign all 4.1.1-7 [4684 B]
Get:35 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-esrecurse all 4.3.0-2 [6048 B]
Get:36 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-eslint-scope all 7.1.1+~3.7.4-1 [35.6 kB]
Get:37 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-espree all 9.4.1~dfsg-1 [41.0 kB]
Get:38 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-esquery all 1.4.2~ds-1 [24.9 kB]
Get:39 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-eslint-utils all 3.0.0-3 [15.5 kB]
Get:40 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-flatted all 3.2.7~ds-1 [10.3 kB]
Get:41 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-fs.realpath all 1.0.0-3 [6172 B]
Get:42 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-wrappy all 1.0.2-3 [3776 B]
Get:43 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-once all 1.4.0-7 [4492 B]
Get:44 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-inflight all 1.0.6-2 [3952 B]
Get:45 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-balanced-match all 2.0.0-1 [4872 B]
Get:46 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-brace-expansion all 2.0.1-2 [7320 B]
Get:47 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-minimatch all 5.1.1+~5.1.2-1 [18.6 kB]
Get:48 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-glob all 8.0.3+~cs8.4.15-1 [133 kB]
Get:49 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-rimraf all 3.0.2-2 [11.1 kB]
Get:50 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-write all 2.0.0~6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5 [17.8 kB]
Get:51 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-flat-cache all 3.0.4~6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5 [20.1 kB]
Get:52 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-file-entry-cache all 6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5 [15.0 kB]
Get:53 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-functional-red-black-tree all 1.0.1+20181105-7 [14.1 kB]
Get:54 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-is-extglob all 2.1.1-5 [4612 B]
Get:55 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-is-glob all 4.0.3-2 [6620 B]
Get:56 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-path-dirname all 1.0.2-2 [4312 B]
Get:57 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-glob-parent all 6.0.2+~5.1.1-2 [8784 B]
Get:58 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-globals all 13.18.0-1 [11.1 kB]
Get:59 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-resolve-from all 5.0.0+~3.1.0+~3.3.0+~2.0.0-1 [7292 B]
Get:60 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-imurmurhash all 0.1.4+dfsg+~0.1.1-2 [8412 B]
Get:61 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-ignore all 5.2.1-1 [26.4 kB]
Get:62 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-prelude-ls all 1.2.1+dfsg-3 [11.3 kB]
Get:63 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-type-check all 0.4.0+dfsg-3 [9184 B]
Get:64 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-levn all 0.4.1+dfsg-2 [10.2 kB]
Get:65 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-lodash all 4.17.21+dfsg+~cs8.31.198.20210220-9 [462 kB]
Get:66 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-memfs all 3.4.12+~cs1.0.3-1 [46.8 kB]
Get:67 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-mkdirp all 1.0.4+~1.0.2-4 [11.6 kB]
Get:68 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-deep-is all 0.1.4-1 [5136 B]
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Get:71 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-progress all 2.0.3-2 [8256 B]
Get:72 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libjs-regenerate all 1.4.2-3 [14.3 kB]
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Get:74 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-regenerate-unicode-properties all 10.1.0+ds-1 [50.7 kB]
Get:75 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-regexpp all 3.2.0-4 [27.0 kB]
Get:76 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-yallist all 4.0.0+~4.0.1-1 [8172 B]
Get:77 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-lru-cache all 7.14.1-1 [26.3 kB]
Get:78 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-semver all 7.3.5+~7.3.9-2 [42.1 kB]
Get:79 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-strip-json-comments all 4.0.0-4 [5668 B]
Get:80 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-json-schema all 0.4.0+~7.0.11-1 [13.1 kB]
Get:81 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-v8-compile-cache all 2.3.0-3+deb12u1 [8464 B]
Get:82 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 eslint all 6.4.0~dfsg+~6.1.9-7 [606 kB]
Get:83 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 gyp all 0.1+20220404git9ecf45e-2 [237 kB]
Get:84 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-neo-async all 2.6.2+~cs3.0.0-2 [35.2 kB]
Get:85 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-arrify all 2.0.1-3 [3700 B]
Get:86 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-is-plain-obj all 3.0.0-2 [3972 B]
Get:87 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-is-buffer all 2.0.5-2 [4112 B]
Get:88 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-kind-of all 6.0.3+dfsg-2 [10.2 kB]
Get:89 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-minimist all 1.2.7+~cs5.3.2-2 [14.7 kB]
Get:90 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-wordwrap all 1.0.0-4 [4628 B]
Get:91 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-optimist all 0.6.1+~0.0.30-2 [13.5 kB]
Get:92 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libjs-source-map all 0.7.0++dfsg2+really.0.6.1-15 [29.6 kB]
Get:93 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-source-map all 0.7.0++dfsg2+really.0.6.1-15 [41.7 kB]
Get:94 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 handlebars all 3:4.7.7+~4.1.0-1 [199 kB]
Get:95 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libjs-async all 0.8.0-6 [24.2 kB]
Get:96 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libjs-events all 3.3.0+~3.0.0-3 [11.3 kB]
Get:97 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libjs-is-typedarray all 1.0.0-4 [3816 B]
Get:98 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libjs-prettify all 2015.12.04+dfsg-1.1 [41.7 kB]
Get:99 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libjs-sprintf-js all 1.1.2+ds1+~1.1.2-1 [12.8 kB]
Get:100 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libjs-typedarray-to-buffer all 4.0.0-2 [4668 B]
Get:101 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-lodash-packages all 4.17.21+dfsg+~cs8.31.198.20210220-9 [179 kB]
Get:102 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-function-bind all 1.1.1+repacked+~1.0.3-2 [5252 B]
Get:103 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-object-inspect all 1.12.2+~cs1.8.1-1 [20.8 kB]
Get:104 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-es-abstract all 1.20.4+~cs26.27.47-1 [137 kB]
Get:105 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-resolve all 1.22.1+~cs5.31.10-1 [28.1 kB]
Get:106 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-define-properties all 1.1.4+~1.1.3-1 [6828 B]
Get:107 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-debbundle-es-to-primitive all 1.2.1+~cs9.7.25-2 [39.9 kB]
Get:108 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-defined all 1.0.1+~1.0.0-1 [6776 B]
Get:109 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-abbrev all 1.1.1+~1.1.2-1 [5692 B]
Get:110 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-archy all 1.0.0-6 [4556 B]
Get:111 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-async all 0.8.0-6 [3748 B]
Get:112 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-convert-source-map all 1.9.0+~1.5.2-1 [8176 B]
Get:113 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-decamelize all 4.0.0-2 [4080 B]
Get:114 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-es6-error all 4.1.1-5 [6148 B]
Get:115 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-esprima all 4.0.1+ds+~4.0.3-2 [69.3 kB]
Get:116 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-escodegen all 2.0.0+dfsg+~0.0.7-2 [23.0 kB]
Get:117 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-commondir all 1.0.1+~1.0.0-1 [4388 B]
Get:118 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-is-number all 7.0.0-4 [6020 B]
Get:119 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-repeat-string all 1.6.1+repack-1 [5600 B]
Get:120 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-to-regex-range all 5.0.1-4 [10.5 kB]
Get:121 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-fill-range all 7.0.1+~7.0.0-1 [8952 B]
Get:122 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-braces all 3.0.2+~3.0.1-1 [20.8 kB]
Get:123 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-normalize-path all 3.0.0+~3.0.0-1 [6608 B]
Get:124 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-anymatch all 3.1.3+~cs4.6.1-2 [33.4 kB]
Get:125 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-micromatch all 4.0.5+~4.0.2-1 [25.8 kB]
Get:126 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-pify all 5.0.0+~cs5.0.1-1 [7072 B]
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Get:128 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-n3 all 1.16.3+~1.2.3+~1.10.4-1 [37.0 kB]
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Get:132 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-is-path-cwd all 2.2.0-2 [3672 B]
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Get:135 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-escape-string-regexp all 4.0.0-2 [4296 B]
Get:136 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-indent-string all 4.0.0-2 [4144 B]
Get:137 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-p-map all 4.0.0+~3.1.0+~3.0.1-1 [7912 B]
Get:138 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-del all 7.0.0-5 [6804 B]
Get:139 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-make-dir all 3.1.0-3 [6040 B]
Get:140 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-p-limit all 4.0.0+~cs4.0.0-5 [7576 B]
Get:141 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-p-locate all 6.0.0-12 [5752 B]
Get:142 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-locate-path all 7.1.1-2 [5584 B]
Get:143 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-path-exists all 5.0.0-8 [4732 B]
Get:144 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-find-up all 6.3.0-7 [9388 B]
Get:145 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-pkg-dir all 5.0.0-2 [4260 B]
Get:146 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-find-cache-dir all 3.3.2+~3.2.1-1 [6152 B]
Get:147 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-signal-exit all 3.0.7+~3.0.1-1 [7600 B]
Get:148 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-foreground-child all 2.0.0-5 [6384 B]
Get:149 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-is-stream all 3.0.0-4 [5076 B]
Get:150 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-is-windows all 1.0.2+~cs1.0.0-1 [5936 B]
Get:151 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-sprintf-js all 1.1.2+ds1+~1.1.2-1 [4024 B]
Get:152 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-argparse all 2.0.1-2 [34.6 kB]
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Get:154 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-nopt all 5.0.0-4 [12.1 kB]
Get:155 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-npm-run-path all 5.1.0+~4.0.0-8 [6276 B]
Get:156 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-shebang-regex all 3.0.0-2 [3528 B]
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Get:160 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-supports-color all 8.1.1+~8.1.1-1 [6920 B]
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Get:163 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-ampproject-remapping all 2.2.0+~cs5.15.37-1 [59.4 kB]
Get:164 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-babel-plugin-add-module-exports all 1.0.4+dfsg1~cs5.8.0-4 [8672 B]
Get:165 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-regenerator-runtime all 0.15.1+~0.10.8-1 [10.6 kB]
Get:166 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-babel7-runtime all 7.20.15+ds1+~cs214.269.168-3+deb12u2 [116 kB]
Get:167 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-babel-helper-define-polyfill-provider all 0.3.3~0~20220913+ds1-1 [27.4 kB]
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Get:169 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-caniuse-lite all 1.0.30001436+dfsg+~1.0.1-1 [208 kB]
Get:170 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-electron-to-chromium all 1.4.284-1 [20.6 kB]
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Get:173 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-core-js-compat all 3.26.1-3 [66.1 kB]
Get:174 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3 all 0.6.0~0~20220913+ds1-1 [29.5 kB]
Get:175 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator all 0.4.1~0~20220913+ds1-1 [5036 B]
Get:176 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-color-name all 1.1.4+~1.1.1-2 [5920 B]
Get:177 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-color-convert all 2.0.1+~cs2.0.0-2 [13.1 kB]
Get:178 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-ansi-styles all 6.2.1-2 [8640 B]
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Get:180 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-for-in all 1.0.2-4 [4840 B]
Get:181 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-for-own all 1.0.0-3 [4800 B]
Get:182 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-is-plain-object all 5.0.0-7 [6108 B]
Get:183 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-is-extendable all 1.0.1-3 [5228 B]
Get:184 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-clone-deep all 4.0.1+~cs7.0.2-1 [6720 B]
Get:185 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-commander all 9.4.1-1 [65.3 kB]
Get:186 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-core-js all 3.26.1-3 [268 kB]
Get:187 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-core-js-pure all 3.26.1-3 [250 kB]
Get:188 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-fs-readdir-recursive all 1.1.0+~1.1.0-1 [4540 B]
Get:189 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-js-tokens all 8.0.0-2 [14.9 kB]
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Get:191 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-json5 all 2.2.3+dfsg-1 [25.6 kB]
Get:192 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-quick-lru all 6.1.1-4 [8076 B]
Get:193 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-regenerator-transform all 0.15.1+~0.10.8-1 [24.6 kB]
Get:194 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-regjsgen all 0.7.1+ds-1 [6968 B]
Get:195 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-regjsparser all 0.9.1+ds-2 [22.1 kB]
Get:196 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript all 2.0.0-2 [4540 B]
Get:197 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript all 2.1.0+ds-1 [5256 B]
Get:198 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-unicode-match-property-ecmascript all 2.0.0-2 [4440 B]
Get:199 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript all 2.1.0+ds-1 [7272 B]
Get:200 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-regexpu-core all 5.2.2-3 [13.9 kB]
Get:201 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-source-map-support all 0.5.21+ds+~0.5.4-1 [14.5 kB]
Get:202 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-to-fast-properties all 3.0.1-3 [4332 B]
Get:203 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-v8flags all 3.2.0+~3.1.1-1 [7612 B]
Get:204 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-babel7 all 7.20.15+ds1+~cs214.269.168-3+deb12u2 [712 kB]
Get:205 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-is-arrayish all 0.3.2-3 [3960 B]
Get:206 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-error-ex all 1.3.2-4 [5656 B]
Get:207 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-json-parse-better-errors all 1.0.2+~cs3.3.1-2 [7800 B]
Get:208 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-parse-json all 5.2.0+~cs5.1.7-1 [7356 B]
Get:209 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-hosted-git-info all 6.1.1-2 [12.6 kB]
Get:210 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-spdx-license-ids all 3.0.12-1 [6276 B]
Get:211 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-spdx-exceptions all 2.3.0-2 [3992 B]
Get:212 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-spdx-expression-parse all 3.0.1+~3.0.1-1 [7532 B]
Get:213 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-spdx-correct all 3.1.1-2 [5464 B]
Get:214 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-validate-npm-package-license all 3.0.4-2 [4280 B]
Get:215 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-normalize-package-data all 4.0.1+~2.4.1-1 [13.6 kB]
Get:216 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-read-pkg all 5.2.0-2 [24.0 kB]
Get:217 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-uuid all 8.3.2+~8.3.3-3 [44.0 kB]
Get:218 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-isexe all 2.0.0+~2.0.1-5 [6084 B]
Get:219 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-which all 2.0.2+~cs1.3.2-3 [8368 B]
Get:220 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-is-typedarray all 1.0.0-4 [3292 B]
Get:221 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-typedarray-to-buffer all 4.0.0-2 [3380 B]
Get:222 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-write-file-atomic all 4.0.2+~4.0.0-1 [9284 B]
Get:223 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-slice-ansi all 5.0.0+~cs9.0.0-5 [8788 B]
Get:224 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-ansi-regex all 5.0.1-1 [4912 B]
Get:225 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-strip-ansi all 6.0.1-2 [4120 B]
Get:226 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-clone all 2.1.2-4 [8280 B]
Get:227 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-defaults all 1.0.4+~1.0.3-1 [4400 B]
Get:228 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-wcwidth.js all 1.0.2-2 [7088 B]
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Get:230 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-wrap-ansi all 8.0.1+~8.0.1-3 [11.8 kB]
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Get:232 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-get-caller-file all 2.0.5+~cs1.1.1-4 [5728 B]
Get:233 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-require-directory all 2.1.1+~2.1.2-1 [7092 B]
Get:234 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-y18n all 5.0.8+~5.0.0-3 [10.2 kB]
Get:235 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-camelcase all 7.0.0-3 [6032 B]
Get:236 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-yargs-parser all 21.1.1+~21.0.0-4 [28.4 kB]
Get:237 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-yargs all 16.2.0+~16.0.4-7 [128 kB]
Get:238 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-istanbul all 0.4.5+repack10+~cs97.25.57-3 [207 kB]
Get:239 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-through all 2.3.8+~cs0.0.30-1 [5452 B]
Get:240 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-resumer all 0.0.0-6 [4144 B]
Get:241 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-tape all 5.6.1+~cs8.20.19-1 [70.9 kB]
Get:242 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-deep-equal all 2.1.0+~cs31.12.80-1 [34.5 kB]
Get:243 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libjs-util all 0.12.5+~1.0.10-1 [16.0 kB]
Get:244 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libssl-dev amd64 3.0.15-1~deb12u1 [2439 kB]
Get:245 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libuv1-dev amd64 1.44.2-1+deb12u1 [172 kB]
Get:246 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 libnode-dev amd64 18.19.0+dfsg-6~deb12u2 [503 kB]
Get:247 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-agent-base all 6.0.2+~cs5.4.2-2 [17.3 kB]
Get:248 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-ajv-keywords all 3.5.2-2 [20.3 kB]
Get:249 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-ansi-escapes all 5.0.0+really.4.3.1-1 [8896 B]
Get:250 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-aproba all 2.0.0-3 [5844 B]
Get:251 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-delegates all 1.0.0-3 [4528 B]
Get:252 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-are-we-there-yet all 3.0.1+~1.1.0-1 [10.0 kB]
Get:253 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-async-each all 1.0.3-3 [4292 B]
Get:254 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-babel-plugin-lodash all 3.3.4+~cs2.0.1-6 [11.0 kB]
Get:255 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-base64-js all 1.5.1+dfsg+~1.3.0-2 [7140 B]
Get:256 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-binary-extensions all 2.2.0-2 [4408 B]
Get:257 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-builtins all 5.0.1-1 [4072 B]
Get:258 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-chownr all 2.0.0-2 [4424 B]
Get:259 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-iconv-lite all 0.6.3-3 [115 kB]
Get:260 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-encoding all 0.1.13-2 [4400 B]
Get:261 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-jsonparse all 1.3.1-10 [8020 B]
Get:262 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-minipass all 3.3.6+~cs9.4.19-1 [43.0 kB]
Get:263 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-iferr all 1.0.2+~1.0.2-1 [4588 B]
Get:264 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-fs-write-stream-atomic all 1.0.10-6 [5316 B]
Get:265 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-run-queue all 2.0.0-3 [5156 B]
Get:266 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-copy-concurrently all 1.0.5-9 [7100 B]
Get:267 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-move-concurrently all 1.0.1-5 [5152 B]
Get:268 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-promise-inflight all 1.0.1+~1.0.0-1 [4864 B]
Get:269 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-ssri all 9.0.1-2 [18.0 kB]
Get:270 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-unique-filename all 1.1.1+ds-2 [4032 B]
Get:271 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-cacache all 17.0.3+~cs10.3.7-1 [45.1 kB]
Get:272 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-is-binary-path all 2.1.0-5 [3684 B]
Get:273 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-path-is-absolute all 2.0.0-2 [4068 B]
Get:274 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-set-immediate-shim all 2.0.0-2 [3740 B]
Get:275 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-readdirp all 3.6.0-1 [11.5 kB]
Get:276 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-chokidar all 3.5.3-2 [32.3 kB]
Get:277 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-tslib all 2.4.1-1 [19.5 kB]
Get:278 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-chrome-trace-event all 1.0.3-2 [6984 B]
Get:279 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-ci-info all 3.6.1+~cs1.1.0-1 [11.7 kB]
Get:280 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-colors all 1.4.0-4 [11.9 kB]
Get:281 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-cli-table all 0.3.11+~cs0.13.4-3 [23.6 kB]
Get:282 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-columnify all 1.6.0+~1.5.1-1 [12.4 kB]
Get:283 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-console-control-strings all 1.1.0-3 [5564 B]
Get:284 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-css-selector-tokenizer all 0.8.0+~cs4.8.3-1 [13.0 kB]
Get:285 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-isobject all 4.0.0-2 [5332 B]
Get:286 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-postcss all 8.4.20+~cs8.0.23-1 [180 kB]
Get:287 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-icss-utils all 5.1.0+~5.1.0-1 [7564 B]
Get:288 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-postcss-modules-extract-imports all 3.0.0-2 [6584 B]
Get:289 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-postcss-modules-values all 4.0.0+~4.0.0-1 [7180 B]
Get:290 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-postcss-value-parser all 4.2.0-1 [10.4 kB]
Get:291 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-prr all 1.0.1-3 [4352 B]
Get:292 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-errno all 1.0.0-3 [7736 B]
Get:293 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-memory-fs all 0.5.0+~0.3.3-2 [7676 B]
Get:294 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-tapable all 2.2.1-2 [13.6 kB]
Get:295 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-enhanced-resolve all 5.10.0-1 [33.6 kB]
Get:296 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-es-module-lexer all 1.1.0+dfsg-2+deb12u1 [19.7 kB]
Get:297 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-events all 3.3.0+~3.0.0-3 [5888 B]
Get:298 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-resolve-cwd all 3.0.0-2 [4212 B]
Get:299 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-jest-debbundle all 29.3.1~ds1+~cs70.48.25-2 [129 kB]
Get:300 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-interpret all 2.2.0-3 [7660 B]
Get:301 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-merge-stream all 2.0.0+~1.1.2-2 [5124 B]
Get:302 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-jest-worker all 29.3.1~ds1+~cs70.48.25-2 [112 kB]
Get:303 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-loader-runner all 4.3.0-1 [7644 B]
Get:304 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-mime all 3.0.0+dfsg+~cs3.97.1-1 [40.4 kB]
Get:305 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-mime-types all 2.1.35-1 [9456 B]
Get:306 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-rechoir all 0.8.0+~0.6.1-2 [6628 B]
Get:307 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-schema-utils all 3.1.1~ds-2 [20.0 kB]
Get:308 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-randombytes all 2.1.0+~2.0.0-2 [4852 B]
Get:309 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-serialize-javascript all 6.0.0-2 [12.7 kB]
Get:310 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-watchpack all 2.4.0+~cs2.8.1-1 [20.2 kB]
Get:311 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-webassemblyjs all 1.11.4+dfsg+~cs10.11.17-2 [139 kB]
Get:312 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-source-list-map all 2.0.1+dfsg-2 [9348 B]
Get:313 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-webpack-sources all 3.2.3+~3.2.0-2 [23.2 kB]
Get:314 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-terser all 5.16.5-2 [204 kB]
Get:315 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 terser all 5.16.5-2 [16.5 kB]
Get:316 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 webpack all 5.75.0+dfsg+~cs17.16.14-1+deb12u1 [756 kB]
Get:317 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-css-loader all 6.7.2+~cs14.0.11-1 [73.0 kB]
Get:318 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-data-uri-to-buffer all 4.0.0-3 [5540 B]
Get:319 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-mimic-response all 3.1.0-8 [5404 B]
Get:320 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-decompress-response all 6.0.0-2 [4620 B]
Get:321 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-depd all 2.0.0-2 [11.2 kB]
Get:322 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-diff all 5.0.0~dfsg+~5.0.1-4 [69.7 kB]
Get:323 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-end-of-stream all 1.4.4+~1.4.1-1 [5292 B]
Get:324 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-err-code all 2.0.3+dfsg-3 [4884 B]
Get:325 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-time-stamp all 2.2.0-2 [6016 B]
Get:326 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-fancy-log all 1.3.3+~cs1.3.1-2 [7940 B]
Get:327 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-fetch all 3.3.0+~cs11.4.11-2 [212 kB]
Get:328 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-has-unicode all 2.0.1-5 [3992 B]
Get:329 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-wide-align all 1.1.3-4 [4244 B]
Get:330 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-gauge all 4.0.4-1 [19.6 kB]
Get:331 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-pump all 3.0.0-5 [5136 B]
Get:332 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-get-stream all 6.0.1-1 [7208 B]
Get:333 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-lowercase-keys all 2.0.0-2 [3768 B]
Get:334 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-json-buffer all 3.0.1+~3.0.0-1 [4536 B]
Get:335 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-p-cancelable all 2.1.1-1 [7272 B]
Get:336 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-got all 11.8.5+~cs58.13.36-3 [121 kB]
Get:337 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-https-proxy-agent all 5.0.1+~cs8.0.0-3 [16.1 kB]
Get:338 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-set-blocking all 2.0.0-2 [4248 B]
Get:339 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-npmlog all 7.0.1+~4.1.4-1 [11.4 kB]
Get:340 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-osenv all 0.1.5+~0.1.1-1 [5884 B]
Get:341 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-tar all 6.1.13+~cs7.0.5-1 [51.1 kB]
Get:342 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-gyp all 9.3.0-2 [57.9 kB]
Get:343 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-ieee754 all 1.2.1-3 [5268 B]
Get:344 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-ini all 3.0.1-2 [6928 B]
Get:345 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-ip all 2.0.0+~1.1.0-1 [8128 B]
Get:346 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-ip-regex all 4.3.0+~4.1.1-1 [5188 B]
Get:347 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-mute-stream all 0.0.8+~0.0.1-3 [6232 B]
Get:348 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-negotiator all 0.6.3+~0.6.1-1 [10.8 kB]
Get:349 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-read-package-json all 5.0.2+~2.0.0-1 [12.0 kB]
Get:350 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-npm-bundled all 2.0.1-2 [6408 B]
Get:351 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-validate-npm-package-name all 5.0.0+~4.0.0-1 [7444 B]
Get:352 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-npm-package-arg all 10.0.0+~3.0.0-2 [11.4 kB]
Get:353 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-retry all 0.13.1+~0.12.1-1 [11.2 kB]
Get:354 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-promise-retry all 2.0.1-4 [5016 B]
Get:355 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-read all 1.0.7-5 [5388 B]
Get:356 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-promzard all 0.3.0-2 [6788 B]
Get:357 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 node-text-table all 0.2.0-4 [4736 B]
Get:358 https://debian.osuosl.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 npm all 9.2.0~ds1-1 [669 kB]
debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed
Fetched 25.5 MB in 10s (2677 kB/s)
Selecting previously unselected package node-fast-deep-equal.
(Reading database ... 64017 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../000-node-fast-deep-equal_3.1.3-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-fast-deep-equal (3.1.3-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-json-schema-traverse.
Preparing to unpack .../001-node-json-schema-traverse_1.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-json-schema-traverse (1.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-jsonify.
Preparing to unpack .../002-node-jsonify_0.0.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-jsonify (0.0.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-json-stable-stringify.
Preparing to unpack .../003-node-json-stable-stringify_1.0.2+~cs5.2.34-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-json-stable-stringify (1.0.2+~cs5.2.34-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libc-ares2:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../004-libc-ares2_1.18.1-3_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libc-ares2:amd64 (1.18.1-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libuv1:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../005-libuv1_1.44.2-1+deb12u1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libuv1:amd64 (1.44.2-1+deb12u1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-xtend.
Preparing to unpack .../006-node-xtend_4.0.2-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-xtend (4.0.2-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-acorn.
Preparing to unpack .../007-node-acorn_8.8.1+ds+~cs25.17.7-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-acorn (8.8.1+ds+~cs25.17.7-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-cjs-module-lexer.
Preparing to unpack .../008-node-cjs-module-lexer_1.2.2+dfsg-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-cjs-module-lexer (1.2.2+dfsg-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-busboy.
Preparing to unpack .../009-node-busboy_1.6.0+~cs2.6.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-busboy (1.6.0+~cs2.6.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-undici.
Preparing to unpack .../010-node-undici_5.15.0+dfsg1+~cs20.10.9.3-1+deb12u4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-undici (5.15.0+dfsg1+~cs20.10.9.3-1+deb12u4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libnode108:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../011-libnode108_18.19.0+dfsg-6~deb12u2_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libnode108:amd64 (18.19.0+dfsg-6~deb12u2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package nodejs.
Preparing to unpack .../012-nodejs_18.19.0+dfsg-6~deb12u2_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking nodejs (18.19.0+dfsg-6~deb12u2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-punycode.
Preparing to unpack .../013-node-punycode_2.1.1-6_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-punycode (2.1.1-6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-uri-js.
Preparing to unpack .../014-node-uri-js_4.4.0+dfsg-8_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-uri-js (4.4.0+dfsg-8) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-ajv.
Preparing to unpack .../015-node-ajv_6.12.6-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-ajv (6.12.6-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libjs-inherits.
Preparing to unpack .../016-libjs-inherits_2.0.4-6_all.deb ...
Unpacking libjs-inherits (2.0.4-6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-inherits.
Preparing to unpack .../017-node-inherits_2.0.4-6_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-inherits (2.0.4-6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-core-util-is.
Preparing to unpack .../018-node-core-util-is_1.0.3-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-core-util-is (1.0.3-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-safe-buffer.
Preparing to unpack .../019-node-safe-buffer_5.2.1+~cs2.1.2-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-safe-buffer (5.2.1+~cs2.1.2-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-string-decoder.
Preparing to unpack .../020-node-string-decoder_1.3.0-6_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-string-decoder (1.3.0-6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-process-nextick-args.
Preparing to unpack .../021-node-process-nextick-args_2.0.1-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-process-nextick-args (2.0.1-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-util-deprecate.
Preparing to unpack .../022-node-util-deprecate_1.0.2-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-util-deprecate (1.0.2-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-isarray.
Preparing to unpack .../023-node-isarray_2.0.5-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-isarray (2.0.5-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-readable-stream.
Preparing to unpack .../024-node-readable-stream_3.6.0+~cs3.0.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-readable-stream (3.6.0+~cs3.0.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-typedarray.
Preparing to unpack .../025-node-typedarray_0.0.7-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-typedarray (0.0.7-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-concat-stream.
Preparing to unpack .../026-node-concat-stream_2.0.0+~2.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-concat-stream (2.0.0+~2.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-ms.
Preparing to unpack .../027-node-ms_2.1.3+~cs0.7.31-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-ms (2.1.3+~cs0.7.31-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-debug.
Preparing to unpack .../028-node-debug_4.3.4+~cs4.1.7-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-debug (4.3.4+~cs4.1.7-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-esutils.
Preparing to unpack .../029-node-esutils_2.0.3+~2.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-esutils (2.0.3+~2.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-doctrine.
Preparing to unpack .../030-node-doctrine_3.0.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-doctrine (3.0.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-eslint-visitor-keys.
Preparing to unpack .../031-node-eslint-visitor-keys_3.3.0+~1.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-eslint-visitor-keys (3.3.0+~1.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-estraverse.
Preparing to unpack .../032-node-estraverse_5.3.0+ds+~5.1.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-estraverse (5.3.0+ds+~5.1.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-object-assign.
Preparing to unpack .../033-node-object-assign_4.1.1-7_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-object-assign (4.1.1-7) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-esrecurse.
Preparing to unpack .../034-node-esrecurse_4.3.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-esrecurse (4.3.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-eslint-scope.
Preparing to unpack .../035-node-eslint-scope_7.1.1+~3.7.4-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-eslint-scope (7.1.1+~3.7.4-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-espree.
Preparing to unpack .../036-node-espree_9.4.1~dfsg-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-espree (9.4.1~dfsg-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-esquery.
Preparing to unpack .../037-node-esquery_1.4.2~ds-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-esquery (1.4.2~ds-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-eslint-utils.
Preparing to unpack .../038-node-eslint-utils_3.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-eslint-utils (3.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-flatted.
Preparing to unpack .../039-node-flatted_3.2.7~ds-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-flatted (3.2.7~ds-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-fs.realpath.
Preparing to unpack .../040-node-fs.realpath_1.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-fs.realpath (1.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-wrappy.
Preparing to unpack .../041-node-wrappy_1.0.2-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-wrappy (1.0.2-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-once.
Preparing to unpack .../042-node-once_1.4.0-7_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-once (1.4.0-7) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-inflight.
Preparing to unpack .../043-node-inflight_1.0.6-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-inflight (1.0.6-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-balanced-match.
Preparing to unpack .../044-node-balanced-match_2.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-balanced-match (2.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-brace-expansion.
Preparing to unpack .../045-node-brace-expansion_2.0.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-brace-expansion (2.0.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-minimatch.
Preparing to unpack .../046-node-minimatch_5.1.1+~5.1.2-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-minimatch (5.1.1+~5.1.2-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-glob.
Preparing to unpack .../047-node-glob_8.0.3+~cs8.4.15-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-glob (8.0.3+~cs8.4.15-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-rimraf.
Preparing to unpack .../048-node-rimraf_3.0.2-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-rimraf (3.0.2-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-write.
Preparing to unpack .../049-node-write_2.0.0~6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-write (2.0.0~6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-flat-cache.
Preparing to unpack .../050-node-flat-cache_3.0.4~6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-flat-cache (3.0.4~6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-file-entry-cache.
Preparing to unpack .../051-node-file-entry-cache_6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-file-entry-cache (6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-functional-red-black-tree.
Preparing to unpack .../052-node-functional-red-black-tree_1.0.1+20181105-7_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-functional-red-black-tree (1.0.1+20181105-7) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-is-extglob.
Preparing to unpack .../053-node-is-extglob_2.1.1-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-is-extglob (2.1.1-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-is-glob.
Preparing to unpack .../054-node-is-glob_4.0.3-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-is-glob (4.0.3-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-path-dirname.
Preparing to unpack .../055-node-path-dirname_1.0.2-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-path-dirname (1.0.2-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-glob-parent.
Preparing to unpack .../056-node-glob-parent_6.0.2+~5.1.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-glob-parent (6.0.2+~5.1.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-globals.
Preparing to unpack .../057-node-globals_13.18.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-globals (13.18.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-resolve-from.
Preparing to unpack .../058-node-resolve-from_5.0.0+~3.1.0+~3.3.0+~2.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-resolve-from (5.0.0+~3.1.0+~3.3.0+~2.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-imurmurhash.
Preparing to unpack .../059-node-imurmurhash_0.1.4+dfsg+~0.1.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-imurmurhash (0.1.4+dfsg+~0.1.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-ignore.
Preparing to unpack .../060-node-ignore_5.2.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-ignore (5.2.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-prelude-ls.
Preparing to unpack .../061-node-prelude-ls_1.2.1+dfsg-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-prelude-ls (1.2.1+dfsg-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-type-check.
Preparing to unpack .../062-node-type-check_0.4.0+dfsg-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-type-check (0.4.0+dfsg-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-levn.
Preparing to unpack .../063-node-levn_0.4.1+dfsg-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-levn (0.4.1+dfsg-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-lodash.
Preparing to unpack .../064-node-lodash_4.17.21+dfsg+~cs8.31.198.20210220-9_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-lodash (4.17.21+dfsg+~cs8.31.198.20210220-9) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-memfs.
Preparing to unpack .../065-node-memfs_3.4.12+~cs1.0.3-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-memfs (3.4.12+~cs1.0.3-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-mkdirp.
Preparing to unpack .../066-node-mkdirp_1.0.4+~1.0.2-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-mkdirp (1.0.4+~1.0.2-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-deep-is.
Preparing to unpack .../067-node-deep-is_0.1.4-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-deep-is (0.1.4-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-fast-levenshtein.
Preparing to unpack .../068-node-fast-levenshtein_2.0.6+ds-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-fast-levenshtein (2.0.6+ds-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-optionator.
Preparing to unpack .../069-node-optionator_0.9.1+dfsg+~cs1.2.3-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-optionator (0.9.1+dfsg+~cs1.2.3-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-progress.
Preparing to unpack .../070-node-progress_2.0.3-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-progress (2.0.3-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libjs-regenerate.
Preparing to unpack .../071-libjs-regenerate_1.4.2-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking libjs-regenerate (1.4.2-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-regenerate.
Preparing to unpack .../072-node-regenerate_1.4.2-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-regenerate (1.4.2-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-regenerate-unicode-properties.
Preparing to unpack .../073-node-regenerate-unicode-properties_10.1.0+ds-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-regenerate-unicode-properties (10.1.0+ds-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-regexpp.
Preparing to unpack .../074-node-regexpp_3.2.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-regexpp (3.2.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-yallist.
Preparing to unpack .../075-node-yallist_4.0.0+~4.0.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-yallist (4.0.0+~4.0.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-lru-cache.
Preparing to unpack .../076-node-lru-cache_7.14.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-lru-cache (7.14.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-semver.
Preparing to unpack .../077-node-semver_7.3.5+~7.3.9-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-semver (7.3.5+~7.3.9-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-strip-json-comments.
Preparing to unpack .../078-node-strip-json-comments_4.0.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-strip-json-comments (4.0.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-json-schema.
Preparing to unpack .../079-node-json-schema_0.4.0+~7.0.11-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-json-schema (0.4.0+~7.0.11-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-v8-compile-cache.
Preparing to unpack .../080-node-v8-compile-cache_2.3.0-3+deb12u1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-v8-compile-cache (2.3.0-3+deb12u1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package eslint.
Preparing to unpack .../081-eslint_6.4.0~dfsg+~6.1.9-7_all.deb ...
Unpacking eslint (6.4.0~dfsg+~6.1.9-7) ...
Selecting previously unselected package gyp.
Preparing to unpack .../082-gyp_0.1+20220404git9ecf45e-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking gyp (0.1+20220404git9ecf45e-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-neo-async.
Preparing to unpack .../083-node-neo-async_2.6.2+~cs3.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-neo-async (2.6.2+~cs3.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-arrify.
Preparing to unpack .../084-node-arrify_2.0.1-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-arrify (2.0.1-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-is-plain-obj.
Preparing to unpack .../085-node-is-plain-obj_3.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-is-plain-obj (3.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-is-buffer.
Preparing to unpack .../086-node-is-buffer_2.0.5-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-is-buffer (2.0.5-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-kind-of.
Preparing to unpack .../087-node-kind-of_6.0.3+dfsg-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-kind-of (6.0.3+dfsg-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-minimist.
Preparing to unpack .../088-node-minimist_1.2.7+~cs5.3.2-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-minimist (1.2.7+~cs5.3.2-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-wordwrap.
Preparing to unpack .../089-node-wordwrap_1.0.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-wordwrap (1.0.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-optimist.
Preparing to unpack .../090-node-optimist_0.6.1+~0.0.30-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-optimist (0.6.1+~0.0.30-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libjs-source-map.
Preparing to unpack .../091-libjs-source-map_0.7.0++dfsg2+really.0.6.1-15_all.deb ...
Unpacking libjs-source-map (0.7.0++dfsg2+really.0.6.1-15) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-source-map.
Preparing to unpack .../092-node-source-map_0.7.0++dfsg2+really.0.6.1-15_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-source-map (0.7.0++dfsg2+really.0.6.1-15) ...
Selecting previously unselected package handlebars.
Preparing to unpack .../093-handlebars_3%3a4.7.7+~4.1.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking handlebars (3:4.7.7+~4.1.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libjs-async.
Preparing to unpack .../094-libjs-async_0.8.0-6_all.deb ...
Unpacking libjs-async (0.8.0-6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libjs-events.
Preparing to unpack .../095-libjs-events_3.3.0+~3.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking libjs-events (3.3.0+~3.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libjs-is-typedarray.
Preparing to unpack .../096-libjs-is-typedarray_1.0.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking libjs-is-typedarray (1.0.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libjs-prettify.
Preparing to unpack .../097-libjs-prettify_2015.12.04+dfsg-1.1_all.deb ...
Unpacking libjs-prettify (2015.12.04+dfsg-1.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libjs-sprintf-js.
Preparing to unpack .../098-libjs-sprintf-js_1.1.2+ds1+~1.1.2-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking libjs-sprintf-js (1.1.2+ds1+~1.1.2-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libjs-typedarray-to-buffer.
Preparing to unpack .../099-libjs-typedarray-to-buffer_4.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking libjs-typedarray-to-buffer (4.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-lodash-packages.
Preparing to unpack .../100-node-lodash-packages_4.17.21+dfsg+~cs8.31.198.20210220-9_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-lodash-packages (4.17.21+dfsg+~cs8.31.198.20210220-9) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-function-bind.
Preparing to unpack .../101-node-function-bind_1.1.1+repacked+~1.0.3-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-function-bind (1.1.1+repacked+~1.0.3-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-object-inspect.
Preparing to unpack .../102-node-object-inspect_1.12.2+~cs1.8.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-object-inspect (1.12.2+~cs1.8.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-es-abstract.
Preparing to unpack .../103-node-es-abstract_1.20.4+~cs26.27.47-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-es-abstract (1.20.4+~cs26.27.47-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-resolve.
Preparing to unpack .../104-node-resolve_1.22.1+~cs5.31.10-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-resolve (1.22.1+~cs5.31.10-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-define-properties.
Preparing to unpack .../105-node-define-properties_1.1.4+~1.1.3-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-define-properties (1.1.4+~1.1.3-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-debbundle-es-to-primitive.
Preparing to unpack .../106-node-debbundle-es-to-primitive_1.2.1+~cs9.7.25-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-debbundle-es-to-primitive (1.2.1+~cs9.7.25-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-defined.
Preparing to unpack .../107-node-defined_1.0.1+~1.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-defined (1.0.1+~1.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-abbrev.
Preparing to unpack .../108-node-abbrev_1.1.1+~1.1.2-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-abbrev (1.1.1+~1.1.2-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-archy.
Preparing to unpack .../109-node-archy_1.0.0-6_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-archy (1.0.0-6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-async.
Preparing to unpack .../110-node-async_0.8.0-6_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-async (0.8.0-6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-convert-source-map.
Preparing to unpack .../111-node-convert-source-map_1.9.0+~1.5.2-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-convert-source-map (1.9.0+~1.5.2-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-decamelize.
Preparing to unpack .../112-node-decamelize_4.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-decamelize (4.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-es6-error.
Preparing to unpack .../113-node-es6-error_4.1.1-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-es6-error (4.1.1-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-esprima.
Preparing to unpack .../114-node-esprima_4.0.1+ds+~4.0.3-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-esprima (4.0.1+ds+~4.0.3-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-escodegen.
Preparing to unpack .../115-node-escodegen_2.0.0+dfsg+~0.0.7-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-escodegen (2.0.0+dfsg+~0.0.7-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-commondir.
Preparing to unpack .../116-node-commondir_1.0.1+~1.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-commondir (1.0.1+~1.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-is-number.
Preparing to unpack .../117-node-is-number_7.0.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-is-number (7.0.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-repeat-string.
Preparing to unpack .../118-node-repeat-string_1.6.1+repack-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-repeat-string (1.6.1+repack-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-to-regex-range.
Preparing to unpack .../119-node-to-regex-range_5.0.1-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-to-regex-range (5.0.1-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-fill-range.
Preparing to unpack .../120-node-fill-range_7.0.1+~7.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-fill-range (7.0.1+~7.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-braces.
Preparing to unpack .../121-node-braces_3.0.2+~3.0.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-braces (3.0.2+~3.0.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-normalize-path.
Preparing to unpack .../122-node-normalize-path_3.0.0+~3.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-normalize-path (3.0.0+~3.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-anymatch.
Preparing to unpack .../123-node-anymatch_3.1.3+~cs4.6.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-anymatch (3.1.3+~cs4.6.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-micromatch.
Preparing to unpack .../124-node-micromatch_4.0.5+~4.0.2-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-micromatch (4.0.5+~4.0.2-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-pify.
Preparing to unpack .../125-node-pify_5.0.0+~cs5.0.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-pify (5.0.0+~cs5.0.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-path-type.
Preparing to unpack .../126-node-path-type_4.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-path-type (4.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-n3.
Preparing to unpack .../127-node-n3_1.16.3+~1.2.3+~1.10.4-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-n3 (1.16.3+~1.2.3+~1.10.4-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-slash.
Preparing to unpack .../128-node-slash_4.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-slash (4.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-globby.
Preparing to unpack .../129-node-globby_13.1.3+~cs16.25.40-1+deb12u1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-globby (13.1.3+~cs16.25.40-1+deb12u1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-graceful-fs.
Preparing to unpack .../130-node-graceful-fs_4.2.10-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-graceful-fs (4.2.10-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-is-path-cwd.
Preparing to unpack .../131-node-is-path-cwd_2.2.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-is-path-cwd (2.2.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-path-is-inside.
Preparing to unpack .../132-node-path-is-inside_1.0.2+~1.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-path-is-inside (1.0.2+~1.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-is-path-inside.
Preparing to unpack .../133-node-is-path-inside_3.0.3-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-is-path-inside (3.0.3-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-escape-string-regexp.
Preparing to unpack .../134-node-escape-string-regexp_4.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-escape-string-regexp (4.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-indent-string.
Preparing to unpack .../135-node-indent-string_4.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-indent-string (4.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-p-map.
Preparing to unpack .../136-node-p-map_4.0.0+~3.1.0+~3.0.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-p-map (4.0.0+~3.1.0+~3.0.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-del.
Preparing to unpack .../137-node-del_7.0.0-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-del (7.0.0-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-make-dir.
Preparing to unpack .../138-node-make-dir_3.1.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-make-dir (3.1.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-p-limit.
Preparing to unpack .../139-node-p-limit_4.0.0+~cs4.0.0-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-p-limit (4.0.0+~cs4.0.0-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-p-locate.
Preparing to unpack .../140-node-p-locate_6.0.0-12_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-p-locate (6.0.0-12) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-locate-path.
Preparing to unpack .../141-node-locate-path_7.1.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-locate-path (7.1.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-path-exists.
Preparing to unpack .../142-node-path-exists_5.0.0-8_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-path-exists (5.0.0-8) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-find-up.
Preparing to unpack .../143-node-find-up_6.3.0-7_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-find-up (6.3.0-7) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-pkg-dir.
Preparing to unpack .../144-node-pkg-dir_5.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-pkg-dir (5.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-find-cache-dir.
Preparing to unpack .../145-node-find-cache-dir_3.3.2+~3.2.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-find-cache-dir (3.3.2+~3.2.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-signal-exit.
Preparing to unpack .../146-node-signal-exit_3.0.7+~3.0.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-signal-exit (3.0.7+~3.0.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-foreground-child.
Preparing to unpack .../147-node-foreground-child_2.0.0-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-foreground-child (2.0.0-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-is-stream.
Preparing to unpack .../148-node-is-stream_3.0.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-is-stream (3.0.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-is-windows.
Preparing to unpack .../149-node-is-windows_1.0.2+~cs1.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-is-windows (1.0.2+~cs1.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-sprintf-js.
Preparing to unpack .../150-node-sprintf-js_1.1.2+ds1+~1.1.2-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-sprintf-js (1.1.2+ds1+~1.1.2-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-argparse.
Preparing to unpack .../151-node-argparse_2.0.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-argparse (2.0.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-js-yaml.
Preparing to unpack .../152-node-js-yaml_4.1.0+dfsg+~4.0.5-7_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-js-yaml (4.1.0+dfsg+~4.0.5-7) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-nopt.
Preparing to unpack .../153-node-nopt_5.0.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-nopt (5.0.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-npm-run-path.
Preparing to unpack .../154-node-npm-run-path_5.1.0+~4.0.0-8_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-npm-run-path (5.1.0+~4.0.0-8) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-shebang-regex.
Preparing to unpack .../155-node-shebang-regex_3.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-shebang-regex (3.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-shebang-command.
Preparing to unpack .../156-node-shebang-command_2.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-shebang-command (2.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-strip-bom.
Preparing to unpack .../157-node-strip-bom_4.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-strip-bom (4.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-has-flag.
Preparing to unpack .../158-node-has-flag_4.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-has-flag (4.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-supports-color.
Preparing to unpack .../159-node-supports-color_8.1.1+~8.1.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-supports-color (8.1.1+~8.1.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-util.
Preparing to unpack .../160-node-util_0.12.5+~1.0.10-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-util (0.12.5+~1.0.10-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-assert.
Preparing to unpack .../161-node-assert_2.0.0+~cs3.9.8-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-assert (2.0.0+~cs3.9.8-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-ampproject-remapping.
Preparing to unpack .../162-node-ampproject-remapping_2.2.0+~cs5.15.37-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-ampproject-remapping (2.2.0+~cs5.15.37-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-babel-plugin-add-module-exports.
Preparing to unpack .../163-node-babel-plugin-add-module-exports_1.0.4+dfsg1~cs5.8.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-babel-plugin-add-module-exports (1.0.4+dfsg1~cs5.8.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-regenerator-runtime.
Preparing to unpack .../164-node-regenerator-runtime_0.15.1+~0.10.8-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-regenerator-runtime (0.15.1+~0.10.8-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-babel7-runtime.
Preparing to unpack .../165-node-babel7-runtime_7.20.15+ds1+~cs214.269.168-3+deb12u2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-babel7-runtime (7.20.15+ds1+~cs214.269.168-3+deb12u2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-babel-helper-define-polyfill-provider.
Preparing to unpack .../166-node-babel-helper-define-polyfill-provider_0.3.3~0~20220913+ds1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-babel-helper-define-polyfill-provider (0.3.3~0~20220913+ds1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2.
Preparing to unpack .../167-node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2_0.3.3~0~20220913+ds1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2 (0.3.3~0~20220913+ds1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-caniuse-lite.
Preparing to unpack .../168-node-caniuse-lite_1.0.30001436+dfsg+~1.0.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-caniuse-lite (1.0.30001436+dfsg+~1.0.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-electron-to-chromium.
Preparing to unpack .../169-node-electron-to-chromium_1.4.284-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-electron-to-chromium (1.4.284-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-picocolors.
Preparing to unpack .../170-node-picocolors_1.0.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-picocolors (1.0.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-browserslist.
Preparing to unpack .../171-node-browserslist_4.21.4+~cs6.1.17-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-browserslist (4.21.4+~cs6.1.17-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-core-js-compat.
Preparing to unpack .../172-node-core-js-compat_3.26.1-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-core-js-compat (3.26.1-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3.
Preparing to unpack .../173-node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3_0.6.0~0~20220913+ds1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3 (0.6.0~0~20220913+ds1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator.
Preparing to unpack .../174-node-babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator_0.4.1~0~20220913+ds1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator (0.4.1~0~20220913+ds1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-color-name.
Preparing to unpack .../175-node-color-name_1.1.4+~1.1.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-color-name (1.1.4+~1.1.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-color-convert.
Preparing to unpack .../176-node-color-convert_2.0.1+~cs2.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-color-convert (2.0.1+~cs2.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-ansi-styles.
Preparing to unpack .../177-node-ansi-styles_6.2.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-ansi-styles (6.2.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-chalk.
Preparing to unpack .../178-node-chalk_5.2.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-chalk (5.2.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-for-in.
Preparing to unpack .../179-node-for-in_1.0.2-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-for-in (1.0.2-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-for-own.
Preparing to unpack .../180-node-for-own_1.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-for-own (1.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-is-plain-object.
Preparing to unpack .../181-node-is-plain-object_5.0.0-7_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-is-plain-object (5.0.0-7) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-is-extendable.
Preparing to unpack .../182-node-is-extendable_1.0.1-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-is-extendable (1.0.1-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-clone-deep.
Preparing to unpack .../183-node-clone-deep_4.0.1+~cs7.0.2-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-clone-deep (4.0.1+~cs7.0.2-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-commander.
Preparing to unpack .../184-node-commander_9.4.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-commander (9.4.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-core-js.
Preparing to unpack .../185-node-core-js_3.26.1-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-core-js (3.26.1-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-core-js-pure.
Preparing to unpack .../186-node-core-js-pure_3.26.1-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-core-js-pure (3.26.1-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-fs-readdir-recursive.
Preparing to unpack .../187-node-fs-readdir-recursive_1.1.0+~1.1.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-fs-readdir-recursive (1.1.0+~1.1.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-js-tokens.
Preparing to unpack .../188-node-js-tokens_8.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-js-tokens (8.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-jsesc.
Preparing to unpack .../189-node-jsesc_3.0.2+~3.0.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-jsesc (3.0.2+~3.0.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-json5.
Preparing to unpack .../190-node-json5_2.2.3+dfsg-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-json5 (2.2.3+dfsg-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-quick-lru.
Preparing to unpack .../191-node-quick-lru_6.1.1-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-quick-lru (6.1.1-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-regenerator-transform.
Preparing to unpack .../192-node-regenerator-transform_0.15.1+~0.10.8-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-regenerator-transform (0.15.1+~0.10.8-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-regjsgen.
Preparing to unpack .../193-node-regjsgen_0.7.1+ds-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-regjsgen (0.7.1+ds-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-regjsparser.
Preparing to unpack .../194-node-regjsparser_0.9.1+ds-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-regjsparser (0.9.1+ds-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript.
Preparing to unpack .../195-node-unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript_2.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript (2.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript.
Preparing to unpack .../196-node-unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript_2.1.0+ds-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript (2.1.0+ds-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-unicode-match-property-ecmascript.
Preparing to unpack .../197-node-unicode-match-property-ecmascript_2.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-unicode-match-property-ecmascript (2.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript.
Preparing to unpack .../198-node-unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript_2.1.0+ds-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript (2.1.0+ds-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-regexpu-core.
Preparing to unpack .../199-node-regexpu-core_5.2.2-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-regexpu-core (5.2.2-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-source-map-support.
Preparing to unpack .../200-node-source-map-support_0.5.21+ds+~0.5.4-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-source-map-support (0.5.21+ds+~0.5.4-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-to-fast-properties.
Preparing to unpack .../201-node-to-fast-properties_3.0.1-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-to-fast-properties (3.0.1-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-v8flags.
Preparing to unpack .../202-node-v8flags_3.2.0+~3.1.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-v8flags (3.2.0+~3.1.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-babel7.
Preparing to unpack .../203-node-babel7_7.20.15+ds1+~cs214.269.168-3+deb12u2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-babel7 (7.20.15+ds1+~cs214.269.168-3+deb12u2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-is-arrayish.
Preparing to unpack .../204-node-is-arrayish_0.3.2-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-is-arrayish (0.3.2-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-error-ex.
Preparing to unpack .../205-node-error-ex_1.3.2-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-error-ex (1.3.2-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-json-parse-better-errors.
Preparing to unpack .../206-node-json-parse-better-errors_1.0.2+~cs3.3.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-json-parse-better-errors (1.0.2+~cs3.3.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-parse-json.
Preparing to unpack .../207-node-parse-json_5.2.0+~cs5.1.7-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-parse-json (5.2.0+~cs5.1.7-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-hosted-git-info.
Preparing to unpack .../208-node-hosted-git-info_6.1.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-hosted-git-info (6.1.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-spdx-license-ids.
Preparing to unpack .../209-node-spdx-license-ids_3.0.12-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-spdx-license-ids (3.0.12-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-spdx-exceptions.
Preparing to unpack .../210-node-spdx-exceptions_2.3.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-spdx-exceptions (2.3.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-spdx-expression-parse.
Preparing to unpack .../211-node-spdx-expression-parse_3.0.1+~3.0.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-spdx-expression-parse (3.0.1+~3.0.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-spdx-correct.
Preparing to unpack .../212-node-spdx-correct_3.1.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-spdx-correct (3.1.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-validate-npm-package-license.
Preparing to unpack .../213-node-validate-npm-package-license_3.0.4-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-validate-npm-package-license (3.0.4-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-normalize-package-data.
Preparing to unpack .../214-node-normalize-package-data_4.0.1+~2.4.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-normalize-package-data (4.0.1+~2.4.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-read-pkg.
Preparing to unpack .../215-node-read-pkg_5.2.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-read-pkg (5.2.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-uuid.
Preparing to unpack .../216-node-uuid_8.3.2+~8.3.3-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-uuid (8.3.2+~8.3.3-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-isexe.
Preparing to unpack .../217-node-isexe_2.0.0+~2.0.1-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-isexe (2.0.0+~2.0.1-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-which.
Preparing to unpack .../218-node-which_2.0.2+~cs1.3.2-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-which (2.0.2+~cs1.3.2-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-is-typedarray.
Preparing to unpack .../219-node-is-typedarray_1.0.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-is-typedarray (1.0.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-typedarray-to-buffer.
Preparing to unpack .../220-node-typedarray-to-buffer_4.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-typedarray-to-buffer (4.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-write-file-atomic.
Preparing to unpack .../221-node-write-file-atomic_4.0.2+~4.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-write-file-atomic (4.0.2+~4.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-slice-ansi.
Preparing to unpack .../222-node-slice-ansi_5.0.0+~cs9.0.0-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-slice-ansi (5.0.0+~cs9.0.0-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-ansi-regex.
Preparing to unpack .../223-node-ansi-regex_5.0.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-ansi-regex (5.0.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-strip-ansi.
Preparing to unpack .../224-node-strip-ansi_6.0.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-strip-ansi (6.0.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-clone.
Preparing to unpack .../225-node-clone_2.1.2-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-clone (2.1.2-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-defaults.
Preparing to unpack .../226-node-defaults_1.0.4+~1.0.3-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-defaults (1.0.4+~1.0.3-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-wcwidth.js.
Preparing to unpack .../227-node-wcwidth.js_1.0.2-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-wcwidth.js (1.0.2-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-string-width.
Preparing to unpack .../228-node-string-width_4.2.3+~cs13.2.3-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-string-width (4.2.3+~cs13.2.3-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-wrap-ansi.
Preparing to unpack .../229-node-wrap-ansi_8.0.1+~8.0.1-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-wrap-ansi (8.0.1+~8.0.1-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-cliui.
Preparing to unpack .../230-node-cliui_7.0.4+repack+~cs3.1.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-cliui (7.0.4+repack+~cs3.1.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-get-caller-file.
Preparing to unpack .../231-node-get-caller-file_2.0.5+~cs1.1.1-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-get-caller-file (2.0.5+~cs1.1.1-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-require-directory.
Preparing to unpack .../232-node-require-directory_2.1.1+~2.1.2-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-require-directory (2.1.1+~2.1.2-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-y18n.
Preparing to unpack .../233-node-y18n_5.0.8+~5.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-y18n (5.0.8+~5.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-camelcase.
Preparing to unpack .../234-node-camelcase_7.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-camelcase (7.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-yargs-parser.
Preparing to unpack .../235-node-yargs-parser_21.1.1+~21.0.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-yargs-parser (21.1.1+~21.0.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-yargs.
Preparing to unpack .../236-node-yargs_16.2.0+~16.0.4-7_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-yargs (16.2.0+~16.0.4-7) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-istanbul.
Preparing to unpack .../237-node-istanbul_0.4.5+repack10+~cs97.25.57-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-istanbul (0.4.5+repack10+~cs97.25.57-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-through.
Preparing to unpack .../238-node-through_2.3.8+~cs0.0.30-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-through (2.3.8+~cs0.0.30-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-resumer.
Preparing to unpack .../239-node-resumer_0.0.0-6_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-resumer (0.0.0-6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-tape.
Preparing to unpack .../240-node-tape_5.6.1+~cs8.20.19-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-tape (5.6.1+~cs8.20.19-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-deep-equal.
Preparing to unpack .../241-node-deep-equal_2.1.0+~cs31.12.80-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-deep-equal (2.1.0+~cs31.12.80-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libjs-util.
Preparing to unpack .../242-libjs-util_0.12.5+~1.0.10-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking libjs-util (0.12.5+~1.0.10-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libssl-dev:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../243-libssl-dev_3.0.15-1~deb12u1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libssl-dev:amd64 (3.0.15-1~deb12u1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libuv1-dev:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../244-libuv1-dev_1.44.2-1+deb12u1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libuv1-dev:amd64 (1.44.2-1+deb12u1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libnode-dev.
Preparing to unpack .../245-libnode-dev_18.19.0+dfsg-6~deb12u2_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libnode-dev (18.19.0+dfsg-6~deb12u2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-agent-base.
Preparing to unpack .../246-node-agent-base_6.0.2+~cs5.4.2-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-agent-base (6.0.2+~cs5.4.2-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-ajv-keywords.
Preparing to unpack .../247-node-ajv-keywords_3.5.2-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-ajv-keywords (3.5.2-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-ansi-escapes.
Preparing to unpack .../248-node-ansi-escapes_5.0.0+really.4.3.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-ansi-escapes (5.0.0+really.4.3.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-aproba.
Preparing to unpack .../249-node-aproba_2.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-aproba (2.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-delegates.
Preparing to unpack .../250-node-delegates_1.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-delegates (1.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-are-we-there-yet.
Preparing to unpack .../251-node-are-we-there-yet_3.0.1+~1.1.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-are-we-there-yet (3.0.1+~1.1.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-async-each.
Preparing to unpack .../252-node-async-each_1.0.3-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-async-each (1.0.3-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-babel-plugin-lodash.
Preparing to unpack .../253-node-babel-plugin-lodash_3.3.4+~cs2.0.1-6_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-babel-plugin-lodash (3.3.4+~cs2.0.1-6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-base64-js.
Preparing to unpack .../254-node-base64-js_1.5.1+dfsg+~1.3.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-base64-js (1.5.1+dfsg+~1.3.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-binary-extensions.
Preparing to unpack .../255-node-binary-extensions_2.2.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-binary-extensions (2.2.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-builtins.
Preparing to unpack .../256-node-builtins_5.0.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-builtins (5.0.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-chownr.
Preparing to unpack .../257-node-chownr_2.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-chownr (2.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-iconv-lite.
Preparing to unpack .../258-node-iconv-lite_0.6.3-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-iconv-lite (0.6.3-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-encoding.
Preparing to unpack .../259-node-encoding_0.1.13-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-encoding (0.1.13-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-jsonparse.
Preparing to unpack .../260-node-jsonparse_1.3.1-10_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-jsonparse (1.3.1-10) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-minipass.
Preparing to unpack .../261-node-minipass_3.3.6+~cs9.4.19-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-minipass (3.3.6+~cs9.4.19-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-iferr.
Preparing to unpack .../262-node-iferr_1.0.2+~1.0.2-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-iferr (1.0.2+~1.0.2-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-fs-write-stream-atomic.
Preparing to unpack .../263-node-fs-write-stream-atomic_1.0.10-6_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-fs-write-stream-atomic (1.0.10-6) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-run-queue.
Preparing to unpack .../264-node-run-queue_2.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-run-queue (2.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-copy-concurrently.
Preparing to unpack .../265-node-copy-concurrently_1.0.5-9_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-copy-concurrently (1.0.5-9) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-move-concurrently.
Preparing to unpack .../266-node-move-concurrently_1.0.1-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-move-concurrently (1.0.1-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-promise-inflight.
Preparing to unpack .../267-node-promise-inflight_1.0.1+~1.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-promise-inflight (1.0.1+~1.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-ssri.
Preparing to unpack .../268-node-ssri_9.0.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-ssri (9.0.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-unique-filename.
Preparing to unpack .../269-node-unique-filename_1.1.1+ds-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-unique-filename (1.1.1+ds-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-cacache.
Preparing to unpack .../270-node-cacache_17.0.3+~cs10.3.7-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-cacache (17.0.3+~cs10.3.7-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-is-binary-path.
Preparing to unpack .../271-node-is-binary-path_2.1.0-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-is-binary-path (2.1.0-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-path-is-absolute.
Preparing to unpack .../272-node-path-is-absolute_2.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-path-is-absolute (2.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-set-immediate-shim.
Preparing to unpack .../273-node-set-immediate-shim_2.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-set-immediate-shim (2.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-readdirp.
Preparing to unpack .../274-node-readdirp_3.6.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-readdirp (3.6.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-chokidar.
Preparing to unpack .../275-node-chokidar_3.5.3-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-chokidar (3.5.3-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-tslib.
Preparing to unpack .../276-node-tslib_2.4.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-tslib (2.4.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-chrome-trace-event.
Preparing to unpack .../277-node-chrome-trace-event_1.0.3-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-chrome-trace-event (1.0.3-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-ci-info.
Preparing to unpack .../278-node-ci-info_3.6.1+~cs1.1.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-ci-info (3.6.1+~cs1.1.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-colors.
Preparing to unpack .../279-node-colors_1.4.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-colors (1.4.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-cli-table.
Preparing to unpack .../280-node-cli-table_0.3.11+~cs0.13.4-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-cli-table (0.3.11+~cs0.13.4-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-columnify.
Preparing to unpack .../281-node-columnify_1.6.0+~1.5.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-columnify (1.6.0+~1.5.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-console-control-strings.
Preparing to unpack .../282-node-console-control-strings_1.1.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-console-control-strings (1.1.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-css-selector-tokenizer.
Preparing to unpack .../283-node-css-selector-tokenizer_0.8.0+~cs4.8.3-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-css-selector-tokenizer (0.8.0+~cs4.8.3-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-isobject.
Preparing to unpack .../284-node-isobject_4.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-isobject (4.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-postcss.
Preparing to unpack .../285-node-postcss_8.4.20+~cs8.0.23-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-postcss (8.4.20+~cs8.0.23-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-icss-utils.
Preparing to unpack .../286-node-icss-utils_5.1.0+~5.1.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-icss-utils (5.1.0+~5.1.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-postcss-modules-extract-imports.
Preparing to unpack .../287-node-postcss-modules-extract-imports_3.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-postcss-modules-extract-imports (3.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-postcss-modules-values.
Preparing to unpack .../288-node-postcss-modules-values_4.0.0+~4.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-postcss-modules-values (4.0.0+~4.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-postcss-value-parser.
Preparing to unpack .../289-node-postcss-value-parser_4.2.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-postcss-value-parser (4.2.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-prr.
Preparing to unpack .../290-node-prr_1.0.1-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-prr (1.0.1-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-errno.
Preparing to unpack .../291-node-errno_1.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-errno (1.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-memory-fs.
Preparing to unpack .../292-node-memory-fs_0.5.0+~0.3.3-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-memory-fs (0.5.0+~0.3.3-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-tapable.
Preparing to unpack .../293-node-tapable_2.2.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-tapable (2.2.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-enhanced-resolve.
Preparing to unpack .../294-node-enhanced-resolve_5.10.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-enhanced-resolve (5.10.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-es-module-lexer.
Preparing to unpack .../295-node-es-module-lexer_1.1.0+dfsg-2+deb12u1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-es-module-lexer (1.1.0+dfsg-2+deb12u1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-events.
Preparing to unpack .../296-node-events_3.3.0+~3.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-events (3.3.0+~3.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-resolve-cwd.
Preparing to unpack .../297-node-resolve-cwd_3.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-resolve-cwd (3.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-jest-debbundle.
Preparing to unpack .../298-node-jest-debbundle_29.3.1~ds1+~cs70.48.25-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-jest-debbundle (29.3.1~ds1+~cs70.48.25-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-interpret.
Preparing to unpack .../299-node-interpret_2.2.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-interpret (2.2.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-merge-stream.
Preparing to unpack .../300-node-merge-stream_2.0.0+~1.1.2-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-merge-stream (2.0.0+~1.1.2-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-jest-worker.
Preparing to unpack .../301-node-jest-worker_29.3.1~ds1+~cs70.48.25-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-jest-worker (29.3.1~ds1+~cs70.48.25-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-loader-runner.
Preparing to unpack .../302-node-loader-runner_4.3.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-loader-runner (4.3.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-mime.
Preparing to unpack .../303-node-mime_3.0.0+dfsg+~cs3.97.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-mime (3.0.0+dfsg+~cs3.97.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-mime-types.
Preparing to unpack .../304-node-mime-types_2.1.35-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-mime-types (2.1.35-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-rechoir.
Preparing to unpack .../305-node-rechoir_0.8.0+~0.6.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-rechoir (0.8.0+~0.6.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-schema-utils.
Preparing to unpack .../306-node-schema-utils_3.1.1~ds-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-schema-utils (3.1.1~ds-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-randombytes.
Preparing to unpack .../307-node-randombytes_2.1.0+~2.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-randombytes (2.1.0+~2.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-serialize-javascript.
Preparing to unpack .../308-node-serialize-javascript_6.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-serialize-javascript (6.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-watchpack.
Preparing to unpack .../309-node-watchpack_2.4.0+~cs2.8.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-watchpack (2.4.0+~cs2.8.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-webassemblyjs.
Preparing to unpack .../310-node-webassemblyjs_1.11.4+dfsg+~cs10.11.17-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-webassemblyjs (1.11.4+dfsg+~cs10.11.17-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-source-list-map.
Preparing to unpack .../311-node-source-list-map_2.0.1+dfsg-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-source-list-map (2.0.1+dfsg-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-webpack-sources.
Preparing to unpack .../312-node-webpack-sources_3.2.3+~3.2.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-webpack-sources (3.2.3+~3.2.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-terser.
Preparing to unpack .../313-node-terser_5.16.5-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-terser (5.16.5-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package terser.
Preparing to unpack .../314-terser_5.16.5-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking terser (5.16.5-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package webpack.
Preparing to unpack .../315-webpack_5.75.0+dfsg+~cs17.16.14-1+deb12u1_all.deb ...
Unpacking webpack (5.75.0+dfsg+~cs17.16.14-1+deb12u1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-css-loader.
Preparing to unpack .../316-node-css-loader_6.7.2+~cs14.0.11-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-css-loader (6.7.2+~cs14.0.11-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-data-uri-to-buffer.
Preparing to unpack .../317-node-data-uri-to-buffer_4.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-data-uri-to-buffer (4.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-mimic-response.
Preparing to unpack .../318-node-mimic-response_3.1.0-8_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-mimic-response (3.1.0-8) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-decompress-response.
Preparing to unpack .../319-node-decompress-response_6.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-decompress-response (6.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-depd.
Preparing to unpack .../320-node-depd_2.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-depd (2.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-diff.
Preparing to unpack .../321-node-diff_5.0.0~dfsg+~5.0.1-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-diff (5.0.0~dfsg+~5.0.1-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-end-of-stream.
Preparing to unpack .../322-node-end-of-stream_1.4.4+~1.4.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-end-of-stream (1.4.4+~1.4.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-err-code.
Preparing to unpack .../323-node-err-code_2.0.3+dfsg-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-err-code (2.0.3+dfsg-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-time-stamp.
Preparing to unpack .../324-node-time-stamp_2.2.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-time-stamp (2.2.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-fancy-log.
Preparing to unpack .../325-node-fancy-log_1.3.3+~cs1.3.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-fancy-log (1.3.3+~cs1.3.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-fetch.
Preparing to unpack .../326-node-fetch_3.3.0+~cs11.4.11-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-fetch (3.3.0+~cs11.4.11-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-has-unicode.
Preparing to unpack .../327-node-has-unicode_2.0.1-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-has-unicode (2.0.1-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-wide-align.
Preparing to unpack .../328-node-wide-align_1.1.3-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-wide-align (1.1.3-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-gauge.
Preparing to unpack .../329-node-gauge_4.0.4-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-gauge (4.0.4-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-pump.
Preparing to unpack .../330-node-pump_3.0.0-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-pump (3.0.0-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-get-stream.
Preparing to unpack .../331-node-get-stream_6.0.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-get-stream (6.0.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-lowercase-keys.
Preparing to unpack .../332-node-lowercase-keys_2.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-lowercase-keys (2.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-json-buffer.
Preparing to unpack .../333-node-json-buffer_3.0.1+~3.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-json-buffer (3.0.1+~3.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-p-cancelable.
Preparing to unpack .../334-node-p-cancelable_2.1.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-p-cancelable (2.1.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-got.
Preparing to unpack .../335-node-got_11.8.5+~cs58.13.36-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-got (11.8.5+~cs58.13.36-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-https-proxy-agent.
Preparing to unpack .../336-node-https-proxy-agent_5.0.1+~cs8.0.0-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-https-proxy-agent (5.0.1+~cs8.0.0-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-set-blocking.
Preparing to unpack .../337-node-set-blocking_2.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-set-blocking (2.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-npmlog.
Preparing to unpack .../338-node-npmlog_7.0.1+~4.1.4-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-npmlog (7.0.1+~4.1.4-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-osenv.
Preparing to unpack .../339-node-osenv_0.1.5+~0.1.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-osenv (0.1.5+~0.1.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-tar.
Preparing to unpack .../340-node-tar_6.1.13+~cs7.0.5-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-tar (6.1.13+~cs7.0.5-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-gyp.
Preparing to unpack .../341-node-gyp_9.3.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-gyp (9.3.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-ieee754.
Preparing to unpack .../342-node-ieee754_1.2.1-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-ieee754 (1.2.1-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-ini.
Preparing to unpack .../343-node-ini_3.0.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-ini (3.0.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-ip.
Preparing to unpack .../344-node-ip_2.0.0+~1.1.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-ip (2.0.0+~1.1.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-ip-regex.
Preparing to unpack .../345-node-ip-regex_4.3.0+~4.1.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-ip-regex (4.3.0+~4.1.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-mute-stream.
Preparing to unpack .../346-node-mute-stream_0.0.8+~0.0.1-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-mute-stream (0.0.8+~0.0.1-3) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-negotiator.
Preparing to unpack .../347-node-negotiator_0.6.3+~0.6.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-negotiator (0.6.3+~0.6.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-read-package-json.
Preparing to unpack .../348-node-read-package-json_5.0.2+~2.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-read-package-json (5.0.2+~2.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-npm-bundled.
Preparing to unpack .../349-node-npm-bundled_2.0.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-npm-bundled (2.0.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-validate-npm-package-name.
Preparing to unpack .../350-node-validate-npm-package-name_5.0.0+~4.0.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-validate-npm-package-name (5.0.0+~4.0.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-npm-package-arg.
Preparing to unpack .../351-node-npm-package-arg_10.0.0+~3.0.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-npm-package-arg (10.0.0+~3.0.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-retry.
Preparing to unpack .../352-node-retry_0.13.1+~0.12.1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-retry (0.13.1+~0.12.1-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-promise-retry.
Preparing to unpack .../353-node-promise-retry_2.0.1-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-promise-retry (2.0.1-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-read.
Preparing to unpack .../354-node-read_1.0.7-5_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-read (1.0.7-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-promzard.
Preparing to unpack .../355-node-promzard_0.3.0-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-promzard (0.3.0-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package node-text-table.
Preparing to unpack .../356-node-text-table_0.2.0-4_all.deb ...
Unpacking node-text-table (0.2.0-4) ...
Selecting previously unselected package npm.
Preparing to unpack .../357-npm_9.2.0~ds1-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking npm (9.2.0~ds1-1) ...
Setting up node-colors (1.4.0-4) ...
Setting up node-fs.realpath (1.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-ampproject-remapping (2.2.0+~cs5.15.37-1) ...
Setting up node-diff (5.0.0~dfsg+~5.0.1-4) ...
Setting up node-abbrev (1.1.1+~1.1.2-1) ...
Setting up node-path-is-inside (1.0.2+~1.0.0-1) ...
Setting up libjs-sprintf-js (1.1.2+ds1+~1.1.2-1) ...
Setting up node-pify (5.0.0+~cs5.0.1-1) ...
Setting up node-p-limit (4.0.0+~cs4.0.0-5) ...
Setting up node-yallist (4.0.0+~4.0.1-1) ...
Setting up libjs-inherits (2.0.4-6) ...
Setting up node-p-cancelable (2.1.1-1) ...
Setting up node-is-windows (1.0.2+~cs1.0.0-1) ...
Setting up node-ansi-regex (5.0.1-1) ...
Setting up node-loader-runner (4.3.0-1) ...
Setting up node-object-inspect (1.12.2+~cs1.8.1-1) ...
Setting up node-slash (4.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-util-deprecate (1.0.2-3) ...
Setting up node-ieee754 (1.2.1-3) ...
Setting up node-fs-readdir-recursive (1.1.0+~1.1.0-1) ...
Setting up node-v8flags (3.2.0+~3.1.1-1) ...
Setting up node-retry (0.13.1+~0.12.1-1) ...
Setting up node-get-caller-file (2.0.5+~cs1.1.1-4) ...
Setting up node-arrify (2.0.1-3) ...
Setting up node-eslint-visitor-keys (3.3.0+~1.0.0-1) ...
Setting up node-caniuse-lite (1.0.30001436+dfsg+~1.0.1-1) ...
Setting up node-isobject (4.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-delegates (1.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-depd (2.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-isexe (2.0.0+~2.0.1-5) ...
Setting up node-jsonparse (1.3.1-10) ...
Setting up node-core-js-pure (3.26.1-3) ...
Setting up node-es-module-lexer (1.1.0+dfsg-2+deb12u1) ...
Setting up node-path-exists (5.0.0-8) ...
Setting up node-unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript (2.1.0+ds-1) ...
Setting up node-escape-string-regexp (4.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-through (2.3.8+~cs0.0.30-1) ...
Setting up libjs-source-map (0.7.0++dfsg2+really.0.6.1-15) ...
Setting up node-p-locate (6.0.0-12) ...
Setting up node-negotiator (0.6.3+~0.6.1-1) ...
Setting up node-tslib (2.4.1-1) ...
Setting up node-strip-bom (4.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-ci-info (3.6.1+~cs1.1.0-1) ...
Setting up node-color-name (1.1.4+~1.1.1-2) ...
Setting up node-chrome-trace-event (1.0.3-2) ...
Setting up node-json-buffer (3.0.1+~3.0.0-1) ...
Setting up node-electron-to-chromium (1.4.284-1) ...
Setting up node-cjs-module-lexer (1.2.2+dfsg-5) ...
Setting up node-console-control-strings (1.1.0-3) ...
Setting up node-source-list-map (2.0.1+dfsg-2) ...
Setting up node-camelcase (7.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-resumer (0.0.0-6) ...
Setting up libc-ares2:amd64 (1.18.1-3) ...
Setting up node-uuid (8.3.2+~8.3.3-3) ...
Setting up node-terser (5.16.5-2) ...
Setting up node-path-type (4.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-indent-string (4.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-typedarray (0.0.7-1) ...
Setting up node-function-bind (1.1.1+repacked+~1.0.3-2) ...
Setting up node-clone (2.1.2-4) ...
Setting up node-p-map (4.0.0+~3.1.0+~3.0.1-1) ...
Setting up node-iferr (1.0.2+~1.0.2-1) ...
Setting up node-chownr (2.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-has-flag (4.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-estraverse (5.3.0+ds+~5.1.1-1) ...
Setting up node-regjsgen (0.7.1+ds-1) ...
Setting up node-lodash-packages (4.17.21+dfsg+~cs8.31.198.20210220-9) ...
Setting up node-json-schema-traverse (1.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-inherits (2.0.4-6) ...
Setting up node-path-is-absolute (2.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-locate-path (7.1.1-2) ...
Setting up node-ini (3.0.1-2) ...
Setting up node-postcss-value-parser (4.2.0-1) ...
Setting up node-safe-buffer (5.2.1+~cs2.1.2-3) ...
Setting up node-promise-inflight (1.0.1+~1.0.0-1) ...
Setting up libuv1:amd64 (1.44.2-1+deb12u1) ...
Setting up node-json-parse-better-errors (1.0.2+~cs3.3.1-2) ...
Setting up node-unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript (2.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-sprintf-js (1.1.2+ds1+~1.1.2-1) ...
Setting up node-flatted (3.2.7~ds-1) ...
Setting up node-y18n (5.0.8+~5.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-fast-deep-equal (3.1.3-3) ...
Setting up node-shebang-regex (3.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-err-code (2.0.3+dfsg-3) ...
Setting up node-resolve-from (5.0.0+~3.1.0+~3.3.0+~2.0.0-1) ...
Setting up node-balanced-match (2.0.0-1) ...
Setting up node-convert-source-map (1.9.0+~1.5.2-1) ...
Setting up node-brace-expansion (2.0.1-2) ...
Setting up node-is-stream (3.0.0-4) ...
Setting up node-spdx-exceptions (2.3.0-2) ...
Setting up node-js-tokens (8.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-core-js (3.26.1-3) ...
Setting up node-interpret (2.2.0-3) ...
Setting up node-set-blocking (2.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-prr (1.0.1-3) ...
Setting up libssl-dev:amd64 (3.0.15-1~deb12u1) ...
Setting up node-repeat-string (1.6.1+repack-1) ...
Setting up node-globals (13.18.0-1) ...
Setting up node-deep-is (0.1.4-1) ...
Setting up node-signal-exit (3.0.7+~3.0.1-1) ...
Setting up node-randombytes (2.1.0+~2.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-source-map (0.7.0++dfsg2+really.0.6.1-15) ...
Setting up node-wrappy (1.0.2-3) ...
Setting up node-text-table (0.2.0-4) ...
Setting up node-require-directory (2.1.1+~2.1.2-1) ...
Setting up node-ip (2.0.0+~1.1.0-1) ...
Setting up node-quick-lru (6.1.1-4) ...
Setting up node-regenerator-runtime (0.15.1+~0.10.8-1) ...
Setting up node-to-fast-properties (3.0.1-3) ...
Setting up node-defaults (1.0.4+~1.0.3-1) ...
Setting up node-mute-stream (0.0.8+~0.0.1-3) ...
Setting up node-memfs (3.4.12+~cs1.0.3-1) ...
Setting up node-mimic-response (3.1.0-8) ...
Setting up node-commander (9.4.1-1) ...
Setting up libjs-typedarray-to-buffer (4.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-graceful-fs (4.2.10-1) ...
Setting up node-merge-stream (2.0.0+~1.1.2-2) ...
Setting up node-is-path-cwd (2.2.0-2) ...
Setting up node-jsonify (0.0.1-1) ...
Setting up node-json-stable-stringify (1.0.2+~cs5.2.34-1) ...
Setting up node-fast-levenshtein (2.0.6+ds-3) ...
Setting up libjs-regenerate (1.4.2-3) ...
Setting up node-aproba (2.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript (2.1.0+ds-1) ...
Setting up node-binary-extensions (2.2.0-2) ...
Setting up node-is-plain-object (5.0.0-7) ...
Setting up node-eslint-utils (3.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-path-dirname (1.0.2-2) ...
Setting up node-ip-regex (4.3.0+~4.1.1-1) ...
Setting up node-spdx-license-ids (3.0.12-1) ...
Setting up node-string-decoder (1.3.0-6) ...
Setting up node-esutils (2.0.3+~2.0.0-1) ...
Setting up node-time-stamp (2.2.0-2) ...
Setting up node-commondir (1.0.1+~1.0.0-1) ...
Setting up libjs-prettify (2015.12.04+dfsg-1.1) ...
Setting up libjs-events (3.3.0+~3.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-run-queue (2.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-core-util-is (1.0.3-1) ...
Setting up node-json-schema (0.4.0+~7.0.11-1) ...
Setting up node-prelude-ls (1.2.1+dfsg-3) ...
Setting up node-minimatch (5.1.1+~5.1.2-1) ...
Setting up libjs-async (0.8.0-6) ...
Setting up node-imurmurhash (0.1.4+dfsg+~0.1.1-2) ...
Setting up node-xtend (4.0.2-3) ...
Setting up node-set-immediate-shim (2.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-foreground-child (2.0.0-5) ...
Setting up node-wordwrap (1.0.0-4) ...
Setting up node-read (1.0.7-5) ...
Setting up node-regexpp (3.2.0-4) ...
Setting up node-is-arrayish (0.3.2-3) ...
Setting up node-base64-js (1.5.1+dfsg+~1.3.0-2) ...
Setting up node-esquery (1.4.2~ds-1) ...
Setting up node-npm-run-path (5.1.0+~4.0.0-8) ...
Setting up node-is-buffer (2.0.5-2) ...
Setting up node-color-convert (2.0.1+~cs2.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-data-uri-to-buffer (4.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-async-each (1.0.3-3) ...
Setting up node-isarray (2.0.5-4) ...
Setting up node-osenv (0.1.5+~0.1.1-1) ...
Setting up node-is-plain-obj (3.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-is-extglob (2.1.1-5) ...
Setting up node-tapable (2.2.1-2) ...
Setting up node-shebang-command (2.0.0-1) ...
Setting up libjs-is-typedarray (1.0.0-4) ...
Setting up node-lowercase-keys (2.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-babel-plugin-add-module-exports (1.0.4+dfsg1~cs5.8.0-4) ...
Setting up node-decompress-response (6.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-process-nextick-args (2.0.1-3) ...
Setting up node-has-unicode (2.0.1-5) ...
Setting up node-busboy (1.6.0+~cs2.6.0-2) ...
Setting up gyp (0.1+20220404git9ecf45e-2) ...
Setting up libuv1-dev:amd64 (1.44.2-1+deb12u1) ...
Setting up node-readable-stream (3.6.0+~cs3.0.0-4) ...
Setting up node-lru-cache (7.14.1-1) ...
Setting up node-promise-retry (2.0.1-4) ...
Setting up node-supports-color (8.1.1+~8.1.1-1) ...
Setting up node-error-ex (1.3.2-4) ...
Setting up node-once (1.4.0-7) ...
Setting up node-webpack-sources (3.2.3+~3.2.0-2) ...
Setting up node-n3 (1.16.3+~1.2.3+~1.10.4-1) ...
Setting up node-serialize-javascript (6.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-resolve (1.22.1+~cs5.31.10-1) ...
Setting up node-are-we-there-yet (3.0.1+~1.1.0-1) ...
Setting up node-find-up (6.3.0-7) ...
Setting up node-kind-of (6.0.3+dfsg-2) ...
Setting up node-is-binary-path (2.1.0-5) ...
Setting up node-events (3.3.0+~3.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-minimist (1.2.7+~cs5.3.2-2) ...
Setting up node-fancy-log (1.3.3+~cs1.3.1-2) ...
Setting up node-promzard (0.3.0-2) ...
Setting up node-wcwidth.js (1.0.2-2) ...
Setting up node-resolve-cwd (3.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-fetch (3.3.0+~cs11.4.11-2) ...
Setting up node-babel7-runtime (7.20.15+ds1+~cs214.269.168-3+deb12u2) ...
Setting up node-iconv-lite (0.6.3-3) ...
Setting up node-type-check (0.4.0+dfsg-3) ...
Setting up node-rechoir (0.8.0+~0.6.1-2) ...
Setting up node-ansi-styles (6.2.1-2) ...
Setting up node-pkg-dir (5.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-async (0.8.0-6) ...
Setting up node-optimist (0.6.1+~0.0.30-2) ...
Setting up node-spdx-expression-parse (3.0.1+~3.0.1-1) ...
Setting up node-concat-stream (2.0.0+~2.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-is-typedarray (1.0.0-4) ...
Setting up node-undici (5.15.0+dfsg1+~cs20.10.9.3-1+deb12u4) ...
Setting up node-inflight (1.0.6-2) ...
Setting up node-hosted-git-info (6.1.1-2) ...
Setting up node-encoding (0.1.13-2) ...
Setting up node-slice-ansi (5.0.0+~cs9.0.0-5) ...
Setting up node-fs-write-stream-atomic (1.0.10-6) ...
Setting up node-end-of-stream (1.4.4+~1.4.1-1) ...
Setting up node-pump (3.0.0-5) ...
Setting up node-regenerator-transform (0.15.1+~0.10.8-1) ...
Setting up node-levn (0.4.1+dfsg-2) ...
Setting up node-spdx-correct (3.1.1-2) ...
Setting up node-glob (8.0.3+~cs8.4.15-1) ...
Setting up node-get-stream (6.0.1-1) ...
Setting up node-got (11.8.5+~cs58.13.36-3) ...
Setting up node-typedarray-to-buffer (4.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-minipass (3.3.6+~cs9.4.19-1) ...
Setting up node-validate-npm-package-license (3.0.4-2) ...
Setting up node-optionator (0.9.1+dfsg+~cs1.2.3-1) ...
Setting up node-ssri (9.0.1-2) ...
Setting up node-write-file-atomic (4.0.2+~4.0.0-1) ...
Setting up node-acorn (8.8.1+ds+~cs25.17.7-2) ...
Setting up node-espree (9.4.1~dfsg-1) ...
Setting up node-debbundle-es-to-primitive (1.2.1+~cs9.7.25-2) ...
Setting up node-define-properties (1.1.4+~1.1.3-1) ...
Setting up libnode108:amd64 (18.19.0+dfsg-6~deb12u2) ...
Setting up nodejs (18.19.0+dfsg-6~deb12u2) ...
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/nodejs to provide /usr/bin/js (js) in auto mode
Setting up node-argparse (2.0.1-2) ...
Setting up terser (5.16.5-2) ...
Setting up node-mime (3.0.0+dfsg+~cs3.97.1-1) ...
Setting up node-source-map-support (0.5.21+ds+~0.5.4-1) ...
Setting up node-unique-filename (1.1.1+ds-2) ...
Setting up node-unicode-match-property-ecmascript (2.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-defined (1.0.1+~1.0.0-1) ...
Setting up node-mime-types (2.1.35-1) ...
Setting up node-ansi-escapes (5.0.0+really.4.3.1-1) ...
Setting up node-strip-ansi (6.0.1-2) ...
Setting up node-write (2.0.0~6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5) ...
Setting up node-ignore (5.2.1-1) ...
Setting up node-chalk (5.2.0-1) ...
Setting up node-which (2.0.2+~cs1.3.2-3) ...
Setting up node-punycode (2.1.1-6) ...
Setting up node-css-selector-tokenizer (0.8.0+~cs4.8.3-1) ...
Setting up node-esprima (4.0.1+ds+~4.0.3-2) ...
Setting up node-is-path-inside (3.0.3-2) ...
Setting up node-neo-async (2.6.2+~cs3.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-mkdirp (1.0.4+~1.0.2-4) ...
Setting up node-uri-js (4.4.0+dfsg-8) ...
Setting up node-es6-error (4.1.1-5) ...
Setting up node-archy (1.0.0-6) ...
Setting up node-js-yaml (4.1.0+dfsg+~4.0.5-7) ...
Setting up node-nopt (5.0.0-4) ...
Setting up node-lodash (4.17.21+dfsg+~cs8.31.198.20210220-9) ...
Setting up node-progress (2.0.3-2) ...
Setting up node-json5 (2.2.3+dfsg-1) ...
Setting up node-ms (2.1.3+~cs0.7.31-3) ...
Setting up node-rimraf (3.0.2-2) ...
Setting up node-string-width (4.2.3+~cs13.2.3-1) ...
Setting up node-regenerate (1.4.2-3) ...
Setting up node-semver (7.3.5+~7.3.9-2) ...
Setting up node-picocolors (1.0.0-4) ...
Setting up node-es-abstract (1.20.4+~cs26.27.47-1) ...
Setting up node-builtins (5.0.1-1) ...
Setting up handlebars (3:4.7.7+~4.1.0-1) ...
Setting up node-object-assign (4.1.1-7) ...
Setting up node-is-glob (4.0.3-2) ...
Setting up node-v8-compile-cache (2.3.0-3+deb12u1) ...
Setting up node-flat-cache (3.0.4~6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5) ...
Setting up node-is-number (7.0.0-4) ...
Setting up node-for-in (1.0.2-4) ...
Setting up node-webassemblyjs (1.11.4+dfsg+~cs10.11.17-2) ...
Setting up node-strip-json-comments (4.0.0-4) ...
Setting up libnode-dev (18.19.0+dfsg-6~deb12u2) ...
Setting up node-is-extendable (1.0.1-3) ...
Setting up node-columnify (1.6.0+~1.5.1-1) ...
Setting up node-tape (5.6.1+~cs8.20.19-1) ...
Setting up node-doctrine (3.0.0-4) ...
Setting up node-copy-concurrently (1.0.5-9) ...
Setting up node-ajv (6.12.6-3) ...
Setting up node-jsesc (3.0.2+~3.0.1-1) ...
Setting up node-regjsparser (0.9.1+ds-2) ...
Setting up node-errno (1.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-decamelize (4.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-move-concurrently (1.0.1-5) ...
Setting up node-normalize-path (3.0.0+~3.0.0-1) ...
Setting up node-functional-red-black-tree (1.0.1+20181105-7) ...
Setting up node-debug (4.3.4+~cs4.1.7-1) ...
Setting up node-agent-base (6.0.2+~cs5.4.2-2) ...
Setting up node-browserslist (4.21.4+~cs6.1.17-2) ...
Setting up node-yargs-parser (21.1.1+~21.0.0-4) ...
Setting up node-make-dir (3.1.0-3) ...
Setting up node-validate-npm-package-name (5.0.0+~4.0.0-1) ...
Setting up node-esrecurse (4.3.0-2) ...
Setting up node-file-entry-cache (6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5) ...
Setting up node-wrap-ansi (8.0.1+~8.0.1-3) ...
Setting up node-normalize-package-data (4.0.1+~2.4.1-1) ...
Setting up node-for-own (1.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-eslint-scope (7.1.1+~3.7.4-1) ...
Setting up node-escodegen (2.0.0+dfsg+~0.0.7-2) ...
Setting up node-memory-fs (0.5.0+~0.3.3-2) ...
Setting up node-babel-helper-define-polyfill-provider (0.3.3~0~20220913+ds1-1) ...
Setting up node-cli-table (0.3.11+~cs0.13.4-3) ...
Setting up node-tar (6.1.13+~cs7.0.5-1) ...
Setting up node-regenerate-unicode-properties (10.1.0+ds-1) ...
Setting up node-glob-parent (6.0.2+~5.1.1-2) ...
Setting up node-enhanced-resolve (5.10.0-1) ...
Setting up node-postcss (8.4.20+~cs8.0.23-1) ...
Setting up node-wide-align (1.1.3-4) ...
Setting up node-npm-package-arg (10.0.0+~3.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-anymatch (3.1.3+~cs4.6.1-2) ...
Setting up node-postcss-modules-extract-imports (3.0.0-2) ...
Setting up node-https-proxy-agent (5.0.1+~cs8.0.0-3) ...
Setting up node-cliui (7.0.4+repack+~cs3.1.0-4) ...
Setting up node-deep-equal (2.1.0+~cs31.12.80-1) ...
Setting up node-regexpu-core (5.2.2-3) ...
Setting up node-yargs (16.2.0+~16.0.4-7) ...
Setting up node-to-regex-range (5.0.1-4) ...
Setting up node-cacache (17.0.3+~cs10.3.7-1) ...
Setting up node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2 (0.3.3~0~20220913+ds1-1) ...
Setting up node-ajv-keywords (3.5.2-2) ...
Setting up node-read-package-json (5.0.2+~2.0.0-1) ...
Setting up node-core-js-compat (3.26.1-3) ...
Setting up node-clone-deep (4.0.1+~cs7.0.2-1) ...
Setting up eslint (6.4.0~dfsg+~6.1.9-7) ...
Setting up libjs-util (0.12.5+~1.0.10-1) ...
Setting up node-babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator (0.4.1~0~20220913+ds1-1) ...
Setting up node-gauge (4.0.4-1) ...
Setting up node-readdirp (3.6.0-1) ...
Setting up node-icss-utils (5.1.0+~5.1.0-1) ...
Setting up node-npm-bundled (2.0.1-2) ...
Setting up node-schema-utils (3.1.1~ds-2) ...
Setting up node-jest-worker (29.3.1~ds1+~cs70.48.25-2) ...
Setting up node-npmlog (7.0.1+~4.1.4-1) ...
Setting up node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3 (0.6.0~0~20220913+ds1-1) ...
Setting up node-postcss-modules-values (4.0.0+~4.0.0-1) ...
Setting up node-fill-range (7.0.1+~7.0.0-1) ...
Setting up node-util (0.12.5+~1.0.10-1) ...
Setting up node-assert (2.0.0+~cs3.9.8-2) ...
Setting up node-gyp (9.3.0-2) ...
Setting up node-braces (3.0.2+~3.0.1-1) ...
Setting up node-chokidar (3.5.3-2) ...
Setting up node-watchpack (2.4.0+~cs2.8.1-1) ...
Setting up node-micromatch (4.0.5+~4.0.2-1) ...
Setting up node-globby (13.1.3+~cs16.25.40-1+deb12u1) ...
Setting up node-del (7.0.0-5) ...
Setting up node-find-cache-dir (3.3.2+~3.2.1-1) ...
Setting up node-babel7 (7.20.15+ds1+~cs214.269.168-3+deb12u2) ...
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/babeljs-7 to provide /usr/bin/babeljs (babeljs) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/babeljs-7-external-helpers to provide /usr/bin/babeljs-external-helpers (babeljs-external-helpers) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/babeljs-7-node to provide /usr/bin/babeljs-node (babeljs-node) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/babeljs-7-parser to provide /usr/bin/babeljs-parser (babeljs-parser) in auto mode
Setting up node-babel-plugin-lodash (3.3.4+~cs2.0.1-6) ...
Setting up node-jest-debbundle (29.3.1~ds1+~cs70.48.25-2) ...
Setting up node-parse-json (5.2.0+~cs5.1.7-1) ...
Setting up node-read-pkg (5.2.0-2) ...
Setting up node-istanbul (0.4.5+repack10+~cs97.25.57-3) ...
Setting up webpack (5.75.0+dfsg+~cs17.16.14-1+deb12u1) ...
Setting up node-css-loader (6.7.2+~cs14.0.11-1) ...
Setting up npm (9.2.0~ds1-1) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.36-9+deb12u9) ...
+ npm install -g corepack
added 1 package in 683ms
2025-02-11 02:55:32,822 DEBUG: > sudo passwd --lock root
passwd: password changed.
2025-02-11 02:55:33,337 DEBUG: > sudo SUDO_FORCE_REMOVE=yes dpkg --purge sudo
(Reading database ... 92221 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing sudo (1.9.13p3-1+deb12u1) ...
Purging configuration files for sudo (1.9.13p3-1+deb12u1) ...
dpkg: warning: while removing sudo, directory '/etc/sudoers.d' not empty so not removed
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.36-9+deb12u9) ...
2025-02-11 02:55:53,635 INFO: Getting source for revision 44dfd9d20fceb54684bc7747c7a5d984b3772bc7
2025-02-11 02:55:53,636 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice
2025-02-11 02:55:53,636 DEBUG: > git rev-parse --show-toplevel
2025-02-11 02:55:53,847 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice
2025-02-11 02:55:53,848 DEBUG: > git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard
2025-02-11 02:55:54,051 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice
2025-02-11 02:55:54,051 DEBUG: > git reset --hard
2025-02-11 02:55:54,354 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice
2025-02-11 02:55:54,355 DEBUG: > git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -dffx
2025-02-11 02:55:54,457 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice
2025-02-11 02:55:54,458 DEBUG: > git clean -dffx
2025-02-11 02:55:54,560 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice
2025-02-11 02:55:54,561 DEBUG: > git -c core.askpass=/bin/true -c core.sshCommand=/bin/false -c url.https://.insteadOf=ssh:// -c url.https://u:p@bitbucket.org/.insteadOf=git@bitbucket.org: -c url.https://u:p@bitbucket.org.insteadOf=git://bitbucket.org -c url.https://u:p@bitbucket.org.insteadOf=https://bitbucket.org -c url.https://u:p@github.com/.insteadOf=git@github.com: -c url.https://u:p@github.com.insteadOf=git://github.com -c url.https://u:p@github.com.insteadOf=https://github.com -c url.https://u:p@gitlab.com/.insteadOf=git@gitlab.com: -c url.https://u:p@gitlab.com.insteadOf=git://gitlab.com -c url.https://u:p@gitlab.com.insteadOf=https://gitlab.com -c url.https://u:p@codeberg.org/.insteadOf=git@codeberg.org: -c url.https://u:p@codeberg.org.insteadOf=git://codeberg.org -c url.https://u:p@codeberg.org.insteadOf=https://codeberg.org fetch --prune --prune-tags --force origin
2025-02-11 02:55:55,365 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice
2025-02-11 02:55:55,365 DEBUG: > git -c core.askpass=/bin/true -c core.sshCommand=/bin/false -c url.https://.insteadOf=ssh:// -c url.https://u:p@bitbucket.org/.insteadOf=git@bitbucket.org: -c url.https://u:p@bitbucket.org.insteadOf=git://bitbucket.org -c url.https://u:p@bitbucket.org.insteadOf=https://bitbucket.org -c url.https://u:p@github.com/.insteadOf=git@github.com: -c url.https://u:p@github.com.insteadOf=git://github.com -c url.https://u:p@github.com.insteadOf=https://github.com -c url.https://u:p@gitlab.com/.insteadOf=git@gitlab.com: -c url.https://u:p@gitlab.com.insteadOf=git://gitlab.com -c url.https://u:p@gitlab.com.insteadOf=https://gitlab.com -c url.https://u:p@codeberg.org/.insteadOf=git@codeberg.org: -c url.https://u:p@codeberg.org.insteadOf=git://codeberg.org -c url.https://u:p@codeberg.org.insteadOf=https://codeberg.org fetch --prune --tags --force origin
2025-02-11 02:55:55,869 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice
2025-02-11 02:55:55,869 DEBUG: > git remote set-head origin --auto
2025-02-11 02:55:56,473 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice
2025-02-11 02:55:56,474 DEBUG: > git checkout -f 44dfd9d20fceb54684bc7747c7a5d984b3772bc7
2025-02-11 02:55:56,777 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice
2025-02-11 02:55:56,777 DEBUG: > git clean -dffx
2025-02-11 02:55:56,880 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice
2025-02-11 02:55:56,880 DEBUG: > git rev-parse --show-toplevel
2025-02-11 02:55:57,083 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice
2025-02-11 02:55:57,083 DEBUG: > git submodule deinit --all --force
2025-02-11 02:55:57,186 INFO: Running 'init' commands in build/com.scalepractice/android/app
2025-02-11 02:55:57,186 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice/android/app
2025-02-11 02:55:57,186 DEBUG: > bash -e -u -o pipefail -x -c -- cd ../..; corepack enable; yarn
/etc/bash.bashrc: line 7: PS1: unbound variable
+ cd ../..
+ corepack enable
+ yarn
! Corepack is about to download https://repo.yarnpkg.com/3.6.4/packages/yarnpkg-cli/bin/yarn.js
➤ YN0000: ┌ Resolution step
➤ YN0002: │ @react-native/babel-plugin-codegen@npm:0.76.2 doesn't provide @babel/preset-env (p13f92), requested by @react-native/codegen
➤ YN0002: │ babel-plugin-transform-flow-enums@npm:0.0.2 doesn't provide @babel/core (pd2efd), requested by @babel/plugin-syntax-flow
➤ YN0002: │ react-native@npm:0.76.2 [a15a1] doesn't provide @babel/core (p11fe4), requested by babel-jest
➤ YN0002: │ react-native@npm:0.76.2 [a15a1] doesn't provide @babel/preset-env (p73c84), requested by @react-native/codegen
➤ YN0000: │ Some peer dependencies are incorrectly met; run yarn explain peer-requirements <hash> for details, where <hash> is the six-letter p-prefixed code
➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 0s 912ms
➤ YN0000: ┌ Fetch step
➤ YN0013: │ @ampproject/remapping@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/code-frame@npm:7.26.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/compat-data@npm:7.26.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/core@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/eslint-parser@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/code-frame@npm:7.26.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/compat-data@npm:7.26.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/core@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/eslint-parser@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/generator@npm:7.26.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/compat-data@npm:7.26.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/core@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/eslint-parser@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/generator@npm:7.26.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-annotate-as-pure@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/core@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/eslint-parser@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/generator@npm:7.26.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-annotate-as-pure@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/eslint-parser@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/generator@npm:7.26.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-annotate-as-pure@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-compilation-targets@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/generator@npm:7.26.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-annotate-as-pure@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-compilation-targets@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-create-class-features-plugin@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-annotate-as-pure@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-compilation-targets@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-create-class-features-plugin@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-create-regexp-features-plugin@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-compilation-targets@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-create-class-features-plugin@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-create-regexp-features-plugin@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-define-polyfill-provider@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-compilation-targets@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-create-class-features-plugin@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-create-regexp-features-plugin@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-define-polyfill-provider@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-member-expression-to-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-create-class-features-plugin@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-create-regexp-features-plugin@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-define-polyfill-provider@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-member-expression-to-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-module-imports@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-create-regexp-features-plugin@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-define-polyfill-provider@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-member-expression-to-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-module-imports@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-module-transforms@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-define-polyfill-provider@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-member-expression-to-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-module-imports@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-module-transforms@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-optimise-call-expression@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-member-expression-to-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-module-imports@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-module-transforms@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-optimise-call-expression@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-plugin-utils@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-module-imports@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-module-transforms@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-optimise-call-expression@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-plugin-utils@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-remap-async-to-generator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-module-transforms@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-optimise-call-expression@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-plugin-utils@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-remap-async-to-generator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-replace-supers@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-optimise-call-expression@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-plugin-utils@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-remap-async-to-generator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-replace-supers@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-simple-access@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-plugin-utils@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-remap-async-to-generator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-replace-supers@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-simple-access@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-skip-transparent-expression-wrappers@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-remap-async-to-generator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-replace-supers@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-simple-access@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-skip-transparent-expression-wrappers@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-string-parser@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-replace-supers@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-simple-access@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-skip-transparent-expression-wrappers@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-string-parser@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-validator-identifier@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-simple-access@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-skip-transparent-expression-wrappers@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-string-parser@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-validator-identifier@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-validator-option@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-skip-transparent-expression-wrappers@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-string-parser@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-validator-identifier@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-validator-option@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-wrap-function@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-string-parser@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-validator-identifier@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-validator-option@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-wrap-function@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helpers@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-validator-identifier@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-validator-option@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-wrap-function@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helpers@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/parser@npm:7.26.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-validator-option@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-wrap-function@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helpers@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/parser@npm:7.26.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-firefox-class-in-computed-class-key@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helper-wrap-function@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helpers@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/parser@npm:7.26.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-firefox-class-in-computed-class-key@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-safari-class-field-initializer-scope@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/helpers@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/parser@npm:7.26.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-firefox-class-in-computed-class-key@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-safari-class-field-initializer-scope@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-safari-id-destructuring-collision-in-function-expression@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/parser@npm:7.26.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-firefox-class-in-computed-class-key@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-safari-class-field-initializer-scope@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-safari-id-destructuring-collision-in-function-expression@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-firefox-class-in-computed-class-key@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-safari-class-field-initializer-scope@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-safari-id-destructuring-collision-in-function-expression@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-static-class-fields-redefine-readonly@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-safari-class-field-initializer-scope@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-safari-id-destructuring-collision-in-function-expression@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-static-class-fields-redefine-readonly@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties@npm:7.18.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-safari-id-destructuring-collision-in-function-expression@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-static-class-fields-redefine-readonly@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties@npm:7.18.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-static-class-fields-redefine-readonly@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties@npm:7.18.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator@npm:7.18.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-static-class-fields-redefine-readonly@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties@npm:7.18.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator@npm:7.18.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining@npm:7.21.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties@npm:7.18.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator@npm:7.18.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining@npm:7.21.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object@npm:7.21.0-placeholder-for-preset-env.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator@npm:7.18.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining@npm:7.21.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object@npm:7.21.0-placeholder-for-preset-env.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-async-generators@npm:7.8.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator@npm:7.18.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining@npm:7.21.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object@npm:7.21.0-placeholder-for-preset-env.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-async-generators@npm:7.8.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-bigint@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining@npm:7.21.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object@npm:7.21.0-placeholder-for-preset-env.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-async-generators@npm:7.8.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-bigint@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties@npm:7.12.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object@npm:7.21.0-placeholder-for-preset-env.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-async-generators@npm:7.8.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-bigint@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties@npm:7.12.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-class-static-block@npm:7.14.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-async-generators@npm:7.8.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-bigint@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties@npm:7.12.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-class-static-block@npm:7.14.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-bigint@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties@npm:7.12.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-class-static-block@npm:7.14.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-export-default-from@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties@npm:7.12.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-class-static-block@npm:7.14.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-export-default-from@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-flow@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-class-static-block@npm:7.14.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-export-default-from@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-flow@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-assertions@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-export-default-from@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-flow@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-assertions@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-attributes@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-export-default-from@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-flow@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-assertions@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-attributes@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta@npm:7.10.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-flow@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-assertions@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-attributes@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta@npm:7.10.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-json-strings@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-assertions@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-attributes@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta@npm:7.10.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-json-strings@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-attributes@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta@npm:7.10.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-json-strings@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-logical-assignment-operators@npm:7.10.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta@npm:7.10.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-json-strings@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-logical-assignment-operators@npm:7.10.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-json-strings@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-logical-assignment-operators@npm:7.10.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-numeric-separator@npm:7.10.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-logical-assignment-operators@npm:7.10.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-numeric-separator@npm:7.10.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-logical-assignment-operators@npm:7.10.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-numeric-separator@npm:7.10.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-optional-catch-binding@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-numeric-separator@npm:7.10.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-optional-catch-binding@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-optional-chaining@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-numeric-separator@npm:7.10.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-optional-catch-binding@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-optional-chaining@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-private-property-in-object@npm:7.14.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-optional-catch-binding@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-optional-chaining@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-private-property-in-object@npm:7.14.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-top-level-await@npm:7.14.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-optional-catch-binding@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-optional-chaining@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-private-property-in-object@npm:7.14.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-top-level-await@npm:7.14.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-typescript@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-optional-chaining@npm:7.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-private-property-in-object@npm:7.14.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-top-level-await@npm:7.14.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-typescript@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-unicode-sets-regex@npm:7.18.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-private-property-in-object@npm:7.14.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-top-level-await@npm:7.14.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-typescript@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-unicode-sets-regex@npm:7.18.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-top-level-await@npm:7.14.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-typescript@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-unicode-sets-regex@npm:7.18.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-async-generator-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-typescript@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-unicode-sets-regex@npm:7.18.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-async-generator-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-syntax-unicode-sets-regex@npm:7.18.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-async-generator-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-async-generator-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-async-generator-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-class-static-block@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-class-static-block@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-classes@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-class-static-block@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-classes@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-computed-properties@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-class-static-block@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-classes@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-computed-properties@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-destructuring@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-class-static-block@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-classes@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-computed-properties@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-destructuring@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-dotall-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-classes@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-computed-properties@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-destructuring@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-dotall-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-keys@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-computed-properties@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-destructuring@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-dotall-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-keys@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-named-capturing-groups-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-destructuring@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-dotall-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-keys@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-named-capturing-groups-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-dynamic-import@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-dotall-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-keys@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-named-capturing-groups-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-dynamic-import@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-keys@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-named-capturing-groups-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-dynamic-import@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-export-namespace-from@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-named-capturing-groups-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-dynamic-import@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-export-namespace-from@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-dynamic-import@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-export-namespace-from@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-for-of@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-export-namespace-from@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-for-of@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-function-name@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-export-namespace-from@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-for-of@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-function-name@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-json-strings@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-for-of@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-function-name@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-json-strings@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-for-of@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-function-name@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-json-strings@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-function-name@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-json-strings@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-member-expression-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-json-strings@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-member-expression-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-amd@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-member-expression-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-amd@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-member-expression-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-amd@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-systemjs@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-member-expression-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-amd@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-systemjs@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-amd@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-systemjs@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-systemjs@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-new-target@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-systemjs@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-new-target@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-new-target@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-numeric-separator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-new-target@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-numeric-separator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-object-rest-spread@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-new-target@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-numeric-separator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-object-rest-spread@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-object-super@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-numeric-separator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-object-rest-spread@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-object-super@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-numeric-separator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-object-rest-spread@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-object-super@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-optional-chaining@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-object-rest-spread@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-object-super@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-optional-chaining@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-parameters@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-object-super@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-optional-chaining@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-parameters@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-private-methods@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-optional-chaining@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-parameters@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-private-methods@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-private-property-in-object@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-optional-chaining@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-parameters@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-private-methods@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-private-property-in-object@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-property-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-parameters@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-private-methods@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-private-property-in-object@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-property-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-private-methods@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-private-property-in-object@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-property-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-self@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-private-property-in-object@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-property-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-self@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-source@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-property-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-self@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-source@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-self@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-source@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-regenerator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-self@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-source@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-regenerator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-regexp-modifiers@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-source@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-regenerator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-regexp-modifiers@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-reserved-words@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-regenerator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-regexp-modifiers@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-reserved-words@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-runtime@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-regenerator@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-regexp-modifiers@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-reserved-words@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-runtime@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-regexp-modifiers@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-reserved-words@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-runtime@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-spread@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-reserved-words@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-runtime@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-spread@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-sticky-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-runtime@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-spread@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-sticky-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-template-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-spread@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-sticky-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-template-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-typeof-symbol@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-spread@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-sticky-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-template-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-typeof-symbol@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-typescript@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-sticky-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-template-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-typeof-symbol@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-typescript@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-escapes@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-template-literals@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-typeof-symbol@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-typescript@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-escapes@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-property-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-typeof-symbol@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-typescript@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-escapes@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-property-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-typescript@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-escapes@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-property-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-sets-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-escapes@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-property-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-sets-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-env@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-property-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-sets-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-env@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-flow@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-sets-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-env@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-flow@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-modules@npm:0.1.6-no-external-plugins can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-sets-regex@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-env@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-flow@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-modules@npm:0.1.6-no-external-plugins can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-typescript@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-env@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-flow@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-modules@npm:0.1.6-no-external-plugins can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-typescript@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/register@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-flow@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-modules@npm:0.1.6-no-external-plugins can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-typescript@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/register@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/runtime@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-modules@npm:0.1.6-no-external-plugins can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-typescript@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/register@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/runtime@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/template@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/preset-typescript@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/register@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/runtime@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/template@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/traverse@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/register@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/runtime@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/template@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/traverse@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/types@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/runtime@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/template@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/traverse@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/types@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @bcoe/v8-coverage@npm:0.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/template@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/traverse@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/types@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @bcoe/v8-coverage@npm:0.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @egjs/hammerjs@npm:2.0.17 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/traverse@npm:7.25.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/types@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @bcoe/v8-coverage@npm:0.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @egjs/hammerjs@npm:2.0.17 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint-community/eslint-utils@npm:4.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @babel/types@npm:7.26.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @bcoe/v8-coverage@npm:0.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @egjs/hammerjs@npm:2.0.17 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint-community/eslint-utils@npm:4.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint-community/regexpp@npm:4.12.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @bcoe/v8-coverage@npm:0.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @egjs/hammerjs@npm:2.0.17 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint-community/eslint-utils@npm:4.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint-community/regexpp@npm:4.12.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint/eslintrc@npm:2.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @egjs/hammerjs@npm:2.0.17 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint-community/eslint-utils@npm:4.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint-community/regexpp@npm:4.12.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint/eslintrc@npm:2.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint/js@npm:8.57.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint-community/eslint-utils@npm:4.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint-community/regexpp@npm:4.12.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint/eslintrc@npm:2.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint/js@npm:8.57.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @hapi/hoek@npm:9.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint-community/regexpp@npm:4.12.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint/eslintrc@npm:2.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint/js@npm:8.57.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @hapi/hoek@npm:9.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @hapi/topo@npm:5.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint/eslintrc@npm:2.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint/js@npm:8.57.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @hapi/hoek@npm:9.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @hapi/topo@npm:5.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @humanwhocodes/config-array@npm:0.13.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @eslint/js@npm:8.57.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @hapi/hoek@npm:9.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @hapi/topo@npm:5.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @humanwhocodes/config-array@npm:0.13.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @humanwhocodes/module-importer@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @hapi/hoek@npm:9.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @hapi/topo@npm:5.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @humanwhocodes/config-array@npm:0.13.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @humanwhocodes/module-importer@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @humanwhocodes/object-schema@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @hapi/topo@npm:5.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @humanwhocodes/config-array@npm:0.13.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @humanwhocodes/module-importer@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @humanwhocodes/object-schema@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @isaacs/cliui@npm:8.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @humanwhocodes/config-array@npm:0.13.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @humanwhocodes/module-importer@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @humanwhocodes/object-schema@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @isaacs/cliui@npm:8.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @isaacs/ttlcache@npm:1.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @humanwhocodes/module-importer@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @humanwhocodes/object-schema@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @isaacs/cliui@npm:8.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @isaacs/ttlcache@npm:1.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @istanbuljs/load-nyc-config@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @humanwhocodes/object-schema@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @isaacs/cliui@npm:8.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @isaacs/ttlcache@npm:1.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @istanbuljs/load-nyc-config@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @istanbuljs/schema@npm:0.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @isaacs/cliui@npm:8.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @isaacs/ttlcache@npm:1.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @istanbuljs/load-nyc-config@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @istanbuljs/schema@npm:0.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/console@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @isaacs/ttlcache@npm:1.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @istanbuljs/load-nyc-config@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @istanbuljs/schema@npm:0.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/console@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/core@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @istanbuljs/load-nyc-config@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @istanbuljs/schema@npm:0.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/console@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/core@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/create-cache-key-function@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @istanbuljs/schema@npm:0.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/console@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/core@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/create-cache-key-function@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/environment@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/console@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/core@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/create-cache-key-function@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/environment@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/expect-utils@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/core@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/create-cache-key-function@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/environment@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/expect-utils@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/expect@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/create-cache-key-function@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/environment@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/expect-utils@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/expect@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/fake-timers@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/environment@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/expect-utils@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/expect@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/fake-timers@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/globals@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/expect-utils@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/expect@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/fake-timers@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/globals@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/reporters@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/expect@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/fake-timers@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/globals@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/reporters@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/schemas@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/fake-timers@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/globals@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/reporters@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/schemas@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/source-map@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/globals@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/reporters@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/schemas@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/source-map@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/test-result@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/reporters@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/schemas@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/source-map@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/test-result@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/test-sequencer@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/schemas@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/source-map@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/test-result@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/test-sequencer@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/transform@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/source-map@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/test-result@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/test-sequencer@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/transform@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/types@npm:26.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/test-result@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/test-sequencer@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/transform@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/types@npm:26.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/types@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/test-sequencer@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/transform@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/types@npm:26.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/types@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/gen-mapping@npm:0.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/transform@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/types@npm:26.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/types@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/gen-mapping@npm:0.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/resolve-uri@npm:3.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/types@npm:26.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/types@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/gen-mapping@npm:0.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/resolve-uri@npm:3.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/set-array@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jest/types@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/gen-mapping@npm:0.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/resolve-uri@npm:3.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/set-array@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/source-map@npm:0.3.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/gen-mapping@npm:0.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/resolve-uri@npm:3.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/set-array@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/source-map@npm:0.3.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec@npm:1.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/resolve-uri@npm:3.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/set-array@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/source-map@npm:0.3.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec@npm:1.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/trace-mapping@npm:0.3.25 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/set-array@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/source-map@npm:0.3.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec@npm:1.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/trace-mapping@npm:0.3.25 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nicolo-ribaudo/eslint-scope-5-internals@npm:5.1.1-v1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/source-map@npm:0.3.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec@npm:1.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/trace-mapping@npm:0.3.25 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nicolo-ribaudo/eslint-scope-5-internals@npm:5.1.1-v1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nodelib/fs.scandir@npm:2.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec@npm:1.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/trace-mapping@npm:0.3.25 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nicolo-ribaudo/eslint-scope-5-internals@npm:5.1.1-v1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nodelib/fs.scandir@npm:2.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nodelib/fs.stat@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @jridgewell/trace-mapping@npm:0.3.25 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nicolo-ribaudo/eslint-scope-5-internals@npm:5.1.1-v1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nodelib/fs.scandir@npm:2.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nodelib/fs.stat@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nodelib/fs.walk@npm:1.2.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nicolo-ribaudo/eslint-scope-5-internals@npm:5.1.1-v1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nodelib/fs.scandir@npm:2.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nodelib/fs.stat@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nodelib/fs.walk@npm:1.2.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @npmcli/agent@npm:2.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nodelib/fs.scandir@npm:2.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nodelib/fs.stat@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nodelib/fs.walk@npm:1.2.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @npmcli/agent@npm:2.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @npmcli/fs@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nodelib/fs.stat@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nodelib/fs.walk@npm:1.2.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @npmcli/agent@npm:2.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @npmcli/fs@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @pkgjs/parseargs@npm:0.11.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @nodelib/fs.walk@npm:1.2.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @npmcli/agent@npm:2.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @npmcli/fs@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @pkgjs/parseargs@npm:0.11.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-async-storage/async-storage@npm:1.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @npmcli/agent@npm:2.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @npmcli/fs@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @pkgjs/parseargs@npm:0.11.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-async-storage/async-storage@npm:1.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-clean@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @npmcli/fs@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @pkgjs/parseargs@npm:0.11.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-async-storage/async-storage@npm:1.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-clean@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-config-apple@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @pkgjs/parseargs@npm:0.11.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-async-storage/async-storage@npm:1.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-clean@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-config-apple@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-config@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-async-storage/async-storage@npm:1.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-clean@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-config-apple@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-config@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-debugger-ui@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-clean@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-config-apple@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-config@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-debugger-ui@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-doctor@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-config-apple@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-config@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-debugger-ui@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-doctor@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-platform-android@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-config@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-debugger-ui@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-doctor@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-platform-android@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-platform-apple@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-debugger-ui@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-doctor@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-platform-android@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-platform-apple@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-platform-ios@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-doctor@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-platform-android@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-platform-apple@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-platform-ios@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-server-api@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-platform-android@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-platform-apple@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-platform-ios@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-server-api@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-tools@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-platform-apple@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-platform-ios@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-server-api@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-tools@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-types@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-platform-ios@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-server-api@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-tools@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-types@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-server-api@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-tools@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-types@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-masked-view/masked-view@npm:0.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-tools@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-types@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-masked-view/masked-view@npm:0.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-picker/picker@npm:2.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli-types@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-masked-view/masked-view@npm:0.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-picker/picker@npm:2.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/assets-registry@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-community/cli@npm:15.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-masked-view/masked-view@npm:0.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-picker/picker@npm:2.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/assets-registry@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/babel-plugin-codegen@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-masked-view/masked-view@npm:0.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-picker/picker@npm:2.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/assets-registry@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/babel-plugin-codegen@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/babel-preset@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native-picker/picker@npm:2.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/assets-registry@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/babel-plugin-codegen@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/babel-preset@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/codegen@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/assets-registry@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/babel-plugin-codegen@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/babel-preset@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/codegen@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/community-cli-plugin@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/babel-plugin-codegen@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/babel-preset@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/codegen@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/community-cli-plugin@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/debugger-frontend@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/babel-preset@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/codegen@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/community-cli-plugin@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/debugger-frontend@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/dev-middleware@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/codegen@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/community-cli-plugin@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/debugger-frontend@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/dev-middleware@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/eslint-config@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/community-cli-plugin@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/debugger-frontend@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/dev-middleware@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/eslint-config@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/eslint-plugin@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/debugger-frontend@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/dev-middleware@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/eslint-config@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/eslint-plugin@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/gradle-plugin@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/dev-middleware@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/eslint-config@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/eslint-plugin@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/gradle-plugin@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/js-polyfills@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/eslint-config@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/eslint-plugin@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/gradle-plugin@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/js-polyfills@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/metro-babel-transformer@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/eslint-plugin@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/gradle-plugin@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/js-polyfills@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/metro-babel-transformer@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/metro-config@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/gradle-plugin@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/js-polyfills@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/metro-babel-transformer@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/metro-config@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/normalize-color@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/js-polyfills@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/metro-babel-transformer@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/metro-config@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/normalize-color@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/normalize-colors@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/metro-babel-transformer@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/metro-config@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/normalize-color@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/normalize-colors@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/typescript-config@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/metro-config@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/normalize-color@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/normalize-colors@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/typescript-config@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/virtualized-lists@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/normalize-color@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/normalize-colors@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/typescript-config@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/virtualized-lists@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/bottom-tabs@npm:6.6.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/normalize-colors@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/typescript-config@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/virtualized-lists@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/bottom-tabs@npm:6.6.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/core@npm:6.4.17 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/typescript-config@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/virtualized-lists@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/bottom-tabs@npm:6.6.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/core@npm:6.4.17 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/elements@npm:1.3.31 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-native/virtualized-lists@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/bottom-tabs@npm:6.6.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/core@npm:6.4.17 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/elements@npm:1.3.31 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/native@npm:6.1.18 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/bottom-tabs@npm:6.6.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/core@npm:6.4.17 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/elements@npm:1.3.31 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/native@npm:6.1.18 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/routers@npm:6.1.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/core@npm:6.4.17 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/elements@npm:1.3.31 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/native@npm:6.1.18 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/routers@npm:6.1.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/stack@npm:6.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/elements@npm:1.3.31 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/native@npm:6.1.18 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/routers@npm:6.1.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/stack@npm:6.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sideway/address@npm:4.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/native@npm:6.1.18 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/routers@npm:6.1.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/stack@npm:6.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sideway/address@npm:4.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sideway/formula@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/routers@npm:6.1.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/stack@npm:6.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sideway/address@npm:4.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sideway/formula@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sideway/pinpoint@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @react-navigation/stack@npm:6.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sideway/address@npm:4.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sideway/formula@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sideway/pinpoint@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sinclair/typebox@npm:0.27.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sideway/address@npm:4.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sideway/formula@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sideway/pinpoint@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sinclair/typebox@npm:0.27.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sinonjs/commons@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sideway/formula@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sideway/pinpoint@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sinclair/typebox@npm:0.27.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sinonjs/commons@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sinonjs/fake-timers@npm:10.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sideway/pinpoint@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sinclair/typebox@npm:0.27.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sinonjs/commons@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sinonjs/fake-timers@npm:10.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @testing-library/react-native@npm:9.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sinclair/typebox@npm:0.27.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sinonjs/commons@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sinonjs/fake-timers@npm:10.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @testing-library/react-native@npm:9.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__core@npm:7.20.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sinonjs/commons@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sinonjs/fake-timers@npm:10.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @testing-library/react-native@npm:9.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__core@npm:7.20.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__generator@npm:7.6.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @sinonjs/fake-timers@npm:10.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @testing-library/react-native@npm:9.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__core@npm:7.20.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__generator@npm:7.6.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__template@npm:7.4.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @testing-library/react-native@npm:9.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__core@npm:7.20.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__generator@npm:7.6.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__template@npm:7.4.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__traverse@npm:7.20.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__core@npm:7.20.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__generator@npm:7.6.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__template@npm:7.4.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__traverse@npm:7.20.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/graceful-fs@npm:4.1.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__generator@npm:7.6.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__template@npm:7.4.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__traverse@npm:7.20.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/graceful-fs@npm:4.1.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/hammerjs@npm:2.0.46 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__template@npm:7.4.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__traverse@npm:7.20.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/graceful-fs@npm:4.1.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/hammerjs@npm:2.0.46 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/istanbul-lib-coverage@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/babel__traverse@npm:7.20.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/graceful-fs@npm:4.1.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/hammerjs@npm:2.0.46 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/istanbul-lib-coverage@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/istanbul-lib-report@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/graceful-fs@npm:4.1.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/hammerjs@npm:2.0.46 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/istanbul-lib-coverage@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/istanbul-lib-report@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/istanbul-reports@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/hammerjs@npm:2.0.46 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/istanbul-lib-coverage@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/istanbul-lib-report@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/istanbul-reports@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/json-schema@npm:7.0.15 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/istanbul-lib-coverage@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/istanbul-lib-report@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/istanbul-reports@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/json-schema@npm:7.0.15 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/node-forge@npm:1.3.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/istanbul-lib-report@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/istanbul-reports@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/json-schema@npm:7.0.15 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/node-forge@npm:1.3.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/node@npm:22.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/istanbul-reports@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/json-schema@npm:7.0.15 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/node-forge@npm:1.3.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/node@npm:22.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/prop-types@npm:15.7.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/json-schema@npm:7.0.15 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/node-forge@npm:1.3.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/node@npm:22.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/prop-types@npm:15.7.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/react-test-renderer@npm:18.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/node-forge@npm:1.3.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/node@npm:22.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/prop-types@npm:15.7.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/react-test-renderer@npm:18.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/react@npm:18.3.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/node@npm:22.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/prop-types@npm:15.7.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/react-test-renderer@npm:18.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/react@npm:18.3.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/semver@npm:7.5.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/prop-types@npm:15.7.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/react-test-renderer@npm:18.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/react@npm:18.3.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/semver@npm:7.5.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/stack-utils@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/react-test-renderer@npm:18.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/react@npm:18.3.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/semver@npm:7.5.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/stack-utils@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/yargs-parser@npm:21.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/react@npm:18.3.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/semver@npm:7.5.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/stack-utils@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/yargs-parser@npm:21.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/yargs@npm:15.0.19 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/semver@npm:7.5.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/stack-utils@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/yargs-parser@npm:21.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/yargs@npm:15.0.19 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/yargs@npm:17.0.33 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/stack-utils@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/yargs-parser@npm:21.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/yargs@npm:15.0.19 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/yargs@npm:17.0.33 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/yargs-parser@npm:21.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/yargs@npm:15.0.19 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/yargs@npm:17.0.33 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/parser@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/yargs@npm:15.0.19 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/yargs@npm:17.0.33 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/parser@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/scope-manager@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @types/yargs@npm:17.0.33 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/parser@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/scope-manager@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/scope-manager@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/parser@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/scope-manager@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/scope-manager@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/type-utils@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/parser@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/scope-manager@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/scope-manager@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/type-utils@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/types@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/scope-manager@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/scope-manager@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/type-utils@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/types@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/types@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/scope-manager@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/type-utils@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/types@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/types@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/type-utils@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/types@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/types@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/types@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/types@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/utils@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/types@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/utils@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/utils@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/utils@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/utils@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/utils@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/utils@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/utils@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/utils@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @ungap/structured-clone@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/utils@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @ungap/structured-clone@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ abbrev@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@npm:5.62.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @ungap/structured-clone@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ abbrev@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ abbrev@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@npm:7.18.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @ungap/structured-clone@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ abbrev@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ abbrev@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ abort-controller@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ @ungap/structured-clone@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ abbrev@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ abbrev@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ abort-controller@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ accepts@npm:1.3.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ abbrev@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ abbrev@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ abort-controller@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ accepts@npm:1.3.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ acorn-jsx@npm:5.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ abbrev@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ abort-controller@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ accepts@npm:1.3.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ acorn-jsx@npm:5.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ acorn@npm:8.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ abort-controller@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ accepts@npm:1.3.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ acorn-jsx@npm:5.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ acorn@npm:8.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ agent-base@npm:7.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ accepts@npm:1.3.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ acorn-jsx@npm:5.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ acorn@npm:8.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ agent-base@npm:7.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ aggregate-error@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ acorn-jsx@npm:5.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ acorn@npm:8.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ agent-base@npm:7.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ aggregate-error@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ajv@npm:6.12.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ acorn@npm:8.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ agent-base@npm:7.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ aggregate-error@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ajv@npm:6.12.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ anser@npm:1.4.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ agent-base@npm:7.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ aggregate-error@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ajv@npm:6.12.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ anser@npm:1.4.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-escapes@npm:4.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ aggregate-error@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ajv@npm:6.12.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ anser@npm:1.4.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-escapes@npm:4.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-fragments@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ajv@npm:6.12.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ anser@npm:1.4.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-escapes@npm:4.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-fragments@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ anser@npm:1.4.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-escapes@npm:4.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-fragments@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-escapes@npm:4.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-fragments@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:5.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-fragments@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:5.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:6.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:5.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:6.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:5.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:6.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:3.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:5.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:6.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:3.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:4.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-regex@npm:6.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:3.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:4.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:5.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:3.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:4.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:5.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:6.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:3.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:4.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:5.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:6.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ anymatch@npm:3.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:4.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:5.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:6.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ anymatch@npm:3.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ appdirsjs@npm:1.2.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:5.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:6.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ anymatch@npm:3.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ appdirsjs@npm:1.2.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ argparse@npm:1.0.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ansi-styles@npm:6.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ anymatch@npm:3.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ appdirsjs@npm:1.2.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ argparse@npm:1.0.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ argparse@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ anymatch@npm:3.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ appdirsjs@npm:1.2.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ argparse@npm:1.0.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ argparse@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array-buffer-byte-length@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ appdirsjs@npm:1.2.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ argparse@npm:1.0.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ argparse@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array-buffer-byte-length@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array-includes@npm:3.1.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ argparse@npm:1.0.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ argparse@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array-buffer-byte-length@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array-includes@npm:3.1.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array-union@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ argparse@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array-buffer-byte-length@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array-includes@npm:3.1.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array-union@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.findlast@npm:1.2.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array-buffer-byte-length@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array-includes@npm:3.1.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array-union@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.findlast@npm:1.2.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.flat@npm:1.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array-includes@npm:3.1.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array-union@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.findlast@npm:1.2.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.flat@npm:1.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.flatmap@npm:1.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array-union@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.findlast@npm:1.2.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.flat@npm:1.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.flatmap@npm:1.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.tosorted@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.findlast@npm:1.2.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.flat@npm:1.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.flatmap@npm:1.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.tosorted@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ arraybuffer.prototype.slice@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.flat@npm:1.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.flatmap@npm:1.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.tosorted@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ arraybuffer.prototype.slice@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ asap@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.flatmap@npm:1.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.tosorted@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ arraybuffer.prototype.slice@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ asap@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ast-types@npm:0.15.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ array.prototype.tosorted@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ arraybuffer.prototype.slice@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ asap@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ast-types@npm:0.15.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ astral-regex@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ arraybuffer.prototype.slice@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ asap@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ast-types@npm:0.15.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ astral-regex@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ async-limiter@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ asap@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ast-types@npm:0.15.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ astral-regex@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ async-limiter@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ async@npm:2.6.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ast-types@npm:0.15.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ astral-regex@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ async-limiter@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ async@npm:2.6.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ available-typed-arrays@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ astral-regex@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ async-limiter@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ async@npm:2.6.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ available-typed-arrays@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-core@npm:7.0.0-bridge.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ async-limiter@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ async@npm:2.6.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ available-typed-arrays@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-core@npm:7.0.0-bridge.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-jest@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ async@npm:2.6.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ available-typed-arrays@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-core@npm:7.0.0-bridge.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-jest@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-istanbul@npm:6.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ available-typed-arrays@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-core@npm:7.0.0-bridge.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-jest@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-istanbul@npm:6.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-jest-hoist@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-core@npm:7.0.0-bridge.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-jest@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-istanbul@npm:6.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-jest-hoist@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-module-resolver@npm:5.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-jest@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-istanbul@npm:6.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-jest-hoist@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-module-resolver@npm:5.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2@npm:0.4.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-istanbul@npm:6.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-jest-hoist@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-module-resolver@npm:5.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2@npm:0.4.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3@npm:0.10.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-jest-hoist@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-module-resolver@npm:5.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2@npm:0.4.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3@npm:0.10.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-module-resolver@npm:5.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2@npm:0.4.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3@npm:0.10.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2@npm:0.4.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3@npm:0.10.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser@npm:0.25.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3@npm:0.10.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser@npm:0.25.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-transform-flow-enums@npm:0.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser@npm:0.25.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-transform-flow-enums@npm:0.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-preset-current-node-syntax@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser@npm:0.25.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-transform-flow-enums@npm:0.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-preset-current-node-syntax@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-preset-jest@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser@npm:0.25.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-transform-flow-enums@npm:0.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-preset-current-node-syntax@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-preset-jest@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ balanced-match@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-plugin-transform-flow-enums@npm:0.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-preset-current-node-syntax@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-preset-jest@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ balanced-match@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ base64-js@npm:1.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-preset-current-node-syntax@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-preset-jest@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ balanced-match@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ base64-js@npm:1.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ bl@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ babel-preset-jest@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ balanced-match@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ base64-js@npm:1.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ bl@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ brace-expansion@npm:1.1.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ balanced-match@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ base64-js@npm:1.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ bl@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ brace-expansion@npm:1.1.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ brace-expansion@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ base64-js@npm:1.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ bl@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ brace-expansion@npm:1.1.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ brace-expansion@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ braces@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ bl@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ brace-expansion@npm:1.1.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ brace-expansion@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ braces@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ browserslist@npm:4.24.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ brace-expansion@npm:1.1.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ brace-expansion@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ braces@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ browserslist@npm:4.24.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ bser@npm:2.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ brace-expansion@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ braces@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ browserslist@npm:4.24.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ bser@npm:2.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ buffer-from@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ braces@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ browserslist@npm:4.24.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ bser@npm:2.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ buffer-from@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ buffer@npm:5.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ browserslist@npm:4.24.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ bser@npm:2.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ buffer-from@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ buffer@npm:5.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ bytes@npm:3.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ bser@npm:2.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ buffer-from@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ buffer@npm:5.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ bytes@npm:3.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cacache@npm:18.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ buffer-from@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ buffer@npm:5.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ bytes@npm:3.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cacache@npm:18.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ call-bind@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ buffer@npm:5.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ bytes@npm:3.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cacache@npm:18.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ call-bind@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ caller-callsite@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ bytes@npm:3.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cacache@npm:18.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ call-bind@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ caller-callsite@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ caller-path@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cacache@npm:18.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ call-bind@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ caller-callsite@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ caller-path@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ callsites@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ call-bind@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ caller-callsite@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ caller-path@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ callsites@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ callsites@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ caller-callsite@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ caller-path@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ callsites@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ callsites@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ camelcase@npm:5.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ caller-path@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ callsites@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ callsites@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ camelcase@npm:5.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ camelcase@npm:6.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ callsites@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ callsites@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ camelcase@npm:5.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ camelcase@npm:6.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ caniuse-lite@npm:1.0.30001680 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ callsites@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ camelcase@npm:5.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ camelcase@npm:6.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ caniuse-lite@npm:1.0.30001680 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chalk@npm:0.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ camelcase@npm:5.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ camelcase@npm:6.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ caniuse-lite@npm:1.0.30001680 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chalk@npm:0.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chalk@npm:2.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ camelcase@npm:6.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ caniuse-lite@npm:1.0.30001680 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chalk@npm:0.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chalk@npm:2.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chalk@npm:4.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ caniuse-lite@npm:1.0.30001680 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chalk@npm:0.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chalk@npm:2.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chalk@npm:4.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ char-regex@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chalk@npm:0.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chalk@npm:2.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chalk@npm:4.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ char-regex@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chownr@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chalk@npm:2.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chalk@npm:4.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ char-regex@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chownr@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chrome-launcher@npm:0.15.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chalk@npm:4.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ char-regex@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chownr@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chrome-launcher@npm:0.15.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chromium-edge-launcher@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ char-regex@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chownr@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chrome-launcher@npm:0.15.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chromium-edge-launcher@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ci-info@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chownr@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chrome-launcher@npm:0.15.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chromium-edge-launcher@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ci-info@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ci-info@npm:3.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chrome-launcher@npm:0.15.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chromium-edge-launcher@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ci-info@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ci-info@npm:3.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cjs-module-lexer@npm:1.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ chromium-edge-launcher@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ci-info@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ci-info@npm:3.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cjs-module-lexer@npm:1.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ clean-stack@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ci-info@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ci-info@npm:3.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cjs-module-lexer@npm:1.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ clean-stack@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cli-cursor@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ci-info@npm:3.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cjs-module-lexer@npm:1.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ clean-stack@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cli-cursor@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cli-spinners@npm:2.9.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cjs-module-lexer@npm:1.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ clean-stack@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cli-cursor@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cli-spinners@npm:2.9.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cliui@npm:6.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ clean-stack@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cli-cursor@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cli-spinners@npm:2.9.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cliui@npm:6.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cliui@npm:7.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cli-cursor@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cli-spinners@npm:2.9.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cliui@npm:6.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cliui@npm:7.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cliui@npm:8.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cli-spinners@npm:2.9.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cliui@npm:6.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cliui@npm:7.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cliui@npm:8.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ clone-deep@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cliui@npm:6.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cliui@npm:7.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cliui@npm:8.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ clone-deep@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ clone@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cliui@npm:7.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cliui@npm:8.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ clone-deep@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ clone@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ co@npm:4.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cliui@npm:8.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ clone-deep@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ clone@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ co@npm:4.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ collect-v8-coverage@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ clone-deep@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ clone@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ co@npm:4.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ collect-v8-coverage@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-convert@npm:1.9.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ clone@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ co@npm:4.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ collect-v8-coverage@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-convert@npm:1.9.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-convert@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ co@npm:4.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ collect-v8-coverage@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-convert@npm:1.9.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-convert@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-name@npm:1.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ collect-v8-coverage@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-convert@npm:1.9.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-convert@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-name@npm:1.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-name@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-convert@npm:1.9.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-convert@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-name@npm:1.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-name@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-string@npm:1.9.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-convert@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-name@npm:1.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-name@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-string@npm:1.9.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color@npm:4.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-name@npm:1.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-name@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-string@npm:1.9.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color@npm:4.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ colorette@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-name@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-string@npm:1.9.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color@npm:4.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ colorette@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ colors@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color-string@npm:1.9.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color@npm:4.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ colorette@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ colors@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ command-exists@npm:1.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ color@npm:4.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ colorette@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ colors@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ command-exists@npm:1.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commander@npm:12.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ colorette@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ colors@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ command-exists@npm:1.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commander@npm:12.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commander@npm:2.20.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ colors@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ command-exists@npm:1.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commander@npm:12.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commander@npm:2.20.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commander@npm:9.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ command-exists@npm:1.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commander@npm:12.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commander@npm:2.20.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commander@npm:9.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commondir@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commander@npm:12.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commander@npm:2.20.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commander@npm:9.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commondir@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ compressible@npm:2.0.18 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commander@npm:2.20.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commander@npm:9.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commondir@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ compressible@npm:2.0.18 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ compression@npm:1.7.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commander@npm:9.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commondir@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ compressible@npm:2.0.18 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ compression@npm:1.7.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ concat-map@npm:0.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ commondir@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ compressible@npm:2.0.18 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ compression@npm:1.7.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ concat-map@npm:0.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ connect@npm:3.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ compressible@npm:2.0.18 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ compression@npm:1.7.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ concat-map@npm:0.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ connect@npm:3.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ convert-source-map@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ compression@npm:1.7.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ concat-map@npm:0.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ connect@npm:3.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ convert-source-map@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ core-js-compat@npm:3.39.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ concat-map@npm:0.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ connect@npm:3.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ convert-source-map@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ core-js-compat@npm:3.39.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ core-util-is@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ connect@npm:3.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ convert-source-map@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ core-js-compat@npm:3.39.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ core-util-is@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cosmiconfig@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ convert-source-map@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ core-js-compat@npm:3.39.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ core-util-is@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cosmiconfig@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cosmiconfig@npm:9.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ core-js-compat@npm:3.39.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ core-util-is@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cosmiconfig@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cosmiconfig@npm:9.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ create-jest@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ core-util-is@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cosmiconfig@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cosmiconfig@npm:9.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ create-jest@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cross-spawn@npm:7.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cosmiconfig@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cosmiconfig@npm:9.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ create-jest@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cross-spawn@npm:7.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ csstype@npm:3.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cosmiconfig@npm:9.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ create-jest@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cross-spawn@npm:7.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ csstype@npm:3.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ data-view-buffer@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ create-jest@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cross-spawn@npm:7.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ csstype@npm:3.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ data-view-buffer@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ data-view-byte-length@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ cross-spawn@npm:7.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ csstype@npm:3.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ data-view-buffer@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ data-view-byte-length@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ data-view-byte-offset@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ csstype@npm:3.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ data-view-buffer@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ data-view-byte-length@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ data-view-byte-offset@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dayjs@npm:1.11.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ data-view-buffer@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ data-view-byte-length@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ data-view-byte-offset@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dayjs@npm:1.11.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ debug@npm:2.6.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ data-view-byte-length@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ data-view-byte-offset@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dayjs@npm:1.11.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ debug@npm:2.6.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ debug@npm:4.3.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ data-view-byte-offset@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dayjs@npm:1.11.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ debug@npm:2.6.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ debug@npm:4.3.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ debuglog@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dayjs@npm:1.11.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ debug@npm:2.6.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ debug@npm:4.3.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ debuglog@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ decamelize@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ debug@npm:2.6.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ debug@npm:4.3.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ debuglog@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ decamelize@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ decode-uri-component@npm:0.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ debug@npm:4.3.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ debuglog@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ decamelize@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ decode-uri-component@npm:0.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dedent@npm:1.5.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ debuglog@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ decamelize@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ decode-uri-component@npm:0.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dedent@npm:1.5.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ deep-is@npm:0.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ decamelize@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ decode-uri-component@npm:0.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dedent@npm:1.5.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ deep-is@npm:0.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ deepmerge@npm:4.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ decode-uri-component@npm:0.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dedent@npm:1.5.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ deep-is@npm:0.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ deepmerge@npm:4.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ defaults@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dedent@npm:1.5.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ deep-is@npm:0.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ deepmerge@npm:4.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ defaults@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ define-data-property@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ deep-is@npm:0.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ deepmerge@npm:4.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ defaults@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ define-data-property@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ define-properties@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ deepmerge@npm:4.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ defaults@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ define-data-property@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ define-properties@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ denodeify@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ defaults@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ define-data-property@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ define-properties@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ denodeify@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ depd@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ define-data-property@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ define-properties@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ denodeify@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ depd@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ deprecated-react-native-prop-types@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ define-properties@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ denodeify@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ depd@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ deprecated-react-native-prop-types@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ destroy@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ denodeify@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ depd@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ deprecated-react-native-prop-types@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ destroy@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ detect-newline@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ depd@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ deprecated-react-native-prop-types@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ destroy@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ detect-newline@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dezalgo@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ deprecated-react-native-prop-types@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ destroy@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ detect-newline@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dezalgo@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ diff-sequences@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ destroy@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ detect-newline@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dezalgo@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ diff-sequences@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dir-glob@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ detect-newline@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dezalgo@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ diff-sequences@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dir-glob@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ doctrine@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dezalgo@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ diff-sequences@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dir-glob@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ doctrine@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ doctrine@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ diff-sequences@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dir-glob@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ doctrine@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ doctrine@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eastasianwidth@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ dir-glob@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ doctrine@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ doctrine@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eastasianwidth@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ee-first@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ doctrine@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ doctrine@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eastasianwidth@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ee-first@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ electron-to-chromium@npm:1.5.62 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ doctrine@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eastasianwidth@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ee-first@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ electron-to-chromium@npm:1.5.62 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ emittery@npm:0.13.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eastasianwidth@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ee-first@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ electron-to-chromium@npm:1.5.62 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ emittery@npm:0.13.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ emoji-regex@npm:8.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ee-first@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ electron-to-chromium@npm:1.5.62 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ emittery@npm:0.13.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ emoji-regex@npm:8.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ emoji-regex@npm:9.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ electron-to-chromium@npm:1.5.62 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ emittery@npm:0.13.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ emoji-regex@npm:8.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ emoji-regex@npm:9.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ encodeurl@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ emittery@npm:0.13.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ emoji-regex@npm:8.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ emoji-regex@npm:9.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ encodeurl@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ encodeurl@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ emoji-regex@npm:8.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ emoji-regex@npm:9.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ encodeurl@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ encodeurl@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ encoding@npm:0.1.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ emoji-regex@npm:9.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ encodeurl@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ encodeurl@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ encoding@npm:0.1.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ env-paths@npm:2.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ encodeurl@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ encodeurl@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ encoding@npm:0.1.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ env-paths@npm:2.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ envinfo@npm:7.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ encodeurl@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ encoding@npm:0.1.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ env-paths@npm:2.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ envinfo@npm:7.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ err-code@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ encoding@npm:0.1.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ env-paths@npm:2.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ envinfo@npm:7.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ err-code@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ error-ex@npm:1.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ env-paths@npm:2.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ envinfo@npm:7.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ err-code@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ error-ex@npm:1.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ error-stack-parser@npm:2.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ envinfo@npm:7.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ err-code@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ error-ex@npm:1.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ error-stack-parser@npm:2.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ errorhandler@npm:1.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ err-code@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ error-ex@npm:1.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ error-stack-parser@npm:2.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ errorhandler@npm:1.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-abstract@npm:1.23.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ error-ex@npm:1.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ error-stack-parser@npm:2.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ errorhandler@npm:1.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-abstract@npm:1.23.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-define-property@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ error-stack-parser@npm:2.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ errorhandler@npm:1.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-abstract@npm:1.23.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-define-property@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-errors@npm:1.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ errorhandler@npm:1.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-abstract@npm:1.23.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-define-property@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-errors@npm:1.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-iterator-helpers@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-abstract@npm:1.23.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-define-property@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-errors@npm:1.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-iterator-helpers@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-object-atoms@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-define-property@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-errors@npm:1.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-iterator-helpers@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-object-atoms@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-set-tostringtag@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-errors@npm:1.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-iterator-helpers@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-object-atoms@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-set-tostringtag@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-shim-unscopables@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-iterator-helpers@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-object-atoms@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-set-tostringtag@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-shim-unscopables@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-to-primitive@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-object-atoms@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-set-tostringtag@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-shim-unscopables@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-to-primitive@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escalade@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-set-tostringtag@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-shim-unscopables@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-to-primitive@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escalade@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-html@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-shim-unscopables@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-to-primitive@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escalade@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-html@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-string-regexp@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ es-to-primitive@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escalade@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-html@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-string-regexp@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-string-regexp@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escalade@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-html@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-string-regexp@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-string-regexp@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-string-regexp@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-html@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-string-regexp@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-string-regexp@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-string-regexp@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-config-prettier@npm:8.10.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-string-regexp@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-string-regexp@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-string-regexp@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-config-prettier@npm:8.10.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-eslint-comments@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-string-regexp@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-string-regexp@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-config-prettier@npm:8.10.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-eslint-comments@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-ft-flow@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ escape-string-regexp@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-config-prettier@npm:8.10.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-eslint-comments@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-ft-flow@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-jest@npm:27.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-config-prettier@npm:8.10.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-eslint-comments@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-ft-flow@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-jest@npm:27.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react-hooks@npm:4.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-eslint-comments@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-ft-flow@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-jest@npm:27.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react-hooks@npm:4.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react-native-globals@npm:0.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-ft-flow@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-jest@npm:27.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react-hooks@npm:4.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react-native-globals@npm:0.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react-native@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-jest@npm:27.9.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react-hooks@npm:4.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react-native-globals@npm:0.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react-native@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react@npm:7.37.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react-hooks@npm:4.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react-native-globals@npm:0.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react-native@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react@npm:7.37.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-scope@npm:5.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react-native-globals@npm:0.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react-native@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react@npm:7.37.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-scope@npm:5.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-scope@npm:7.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react-native@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react@npm:7.37.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-scope@npm:5.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-scope@npm:7.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-visitor-keys@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-plugin-react@npm:7.37.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-scope@npm:5.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-scope@npm:7.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-visitor-keys@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-visitor-keys@npm:3.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-scope@npm:5.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-scope@npm:7.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-visitor-keys@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-visitor-keys@npm:3.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint@npm:8.57.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-scope@npm:7.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-visitor-keys@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-visitor-keys@npm:3.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint@npm:8.57.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ espree@npm:9.6.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-visitor-keys@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-visitor-keys@npm:3.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint@npm:8.57.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ espree@npm:9.6.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esprima@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint-visitor-keys@npm:3.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint@npm:8.57.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ espree@npm:9.6.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esprima@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esquery@npm:1.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ eslint@npm:8.57.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ espree@npm:9.6.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esprima@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esquery@npm:1.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esrecurse@npm:4.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ espree@npm:9.6.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esprima@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esquery@npm:1.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esrecurse@npm:4.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ estraverse@npm:4.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esprima@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esquery@npm:1.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esrecurse@npm:4.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ estraverse@npm:4.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ estraverse@npm:5.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esquery@npm:1.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esrecurse@npm:4.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ estraverse@npm:4.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ estraverse@npm:5.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esutils@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esrecurse@npm:4.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ estraverse@npm:4.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ estraverse@npm:5.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esutils@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ etag@npm:1.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ estraverse@npm:4.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ estraverse@npm:5.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esutils@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ etag@npm:1.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ event-target-shim@npm:5.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ estraverse@npm:5.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esutils@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ etag@npm:1.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ event-target-shim@npm:5.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ execa@npm:5.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ esutils@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ etag@npm:1.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ event-target-shim@npm:5.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ execa@npm:5.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ exit@npm:0.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ etag@npm:1.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ event-target-shim@npm:5.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ execa@npm:5.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ exit@npm:0.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ expect@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ event-target-shim@npm:5.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ execa@npm:5.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ exit@npm:0.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ expect@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ exponential-backoff@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ execa@npm:5.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ exit@npm:0.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ expect@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ exponential-backoff@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-deep-equal@npm:3.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ exit@npm:0.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ expect@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ exponential-backoff@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-deep-equal@npm:3.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-glob@npm:3.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ expect@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ exponential-backoff@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-deep-equal@npm:3.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-glob@npm:3.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-json-stable-stringify@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ exponential-backoff@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-deep-equal@npm:3.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-glob@npm:3.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-json-stable-stringify@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-levenshtein@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-deep-equal@npm:3.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-glob@npm:3.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-json-stable-stringify@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-levenshtein@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-xml-parser@npm:4.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-glob@npm:3.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-json-stable-stringify@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-levenshtein@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-xml-parser@npm:4.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fastq@npm:1.17.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-json-stable-stringify@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-levenshtein@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-xml-parser@npm:4.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fastq@npm:1.17.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fb-watchman@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-levenshtein@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-xml-parser@npm:4.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fastq@npm:1.17.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fb-watchman@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ file-entry-cache@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fast-xml-parser@npm:4.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fastq@npm:1.17.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fb-watchman@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ file-entry-cache@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fill-range@npm:7.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fastq@npm:1.17.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fb-watchman@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ file-entry-cache@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fill-range@npm:7.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ filter-obj@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fb-watchman@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ file-entry-cache@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fill-range@npm:7.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ filter-obj@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ finalhandler@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ file-entry-cache@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fill-range@npm:7.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ filter-obj@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ finalhandler@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-babel-config@npm:2.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fill-range@npm:7.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ filter-obj@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ finalhandler@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-babel-config@npm:2.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-cache-dir@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ filter-obj@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ finalhandler@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-babel-config@npm:2.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-cache-dir@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-up@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ finalhandler@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-babel-config@npm:2.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-cache-dir@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-up@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-up@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-babel-config@npm:2.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-cache-dir@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-up@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-up@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-up@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-cache-dir@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-up@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-up@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-up@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flat-cache@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-up@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-up@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-up@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flat-cache@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flatted@npm:3.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-up@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-up@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flat-cache@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flatted@npm:3.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flow-enums-runtime@npm:0.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ find-up@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flat-cache@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flatted@npm:3.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flow-enums-runtime@npm:0.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flow-parser@npm:0.253.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flat-cache@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flatted@npm:3.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flow-enums-runtime@npm:0.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flow-parser@npm:0.253.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ for-each@npm:0.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flatted@npm:3.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flow-enums-runtime@npm:0.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flow-parser@npm:0.253.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ for-each@npm:0.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ foreground-child@npm:3.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flow-enums-runtime@npm:0.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flow-parser@npm:0.253.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ for-each@npm:0.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ foreground-child@npm:3.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fresh@npm:0.5.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ flow-parser@npm:0.253.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ for-each@npm:0.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ foreground-child@npm:3.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fresh@npm:0.5.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs-extra@npm:8.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ for-each@npm:0.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ foreground-child@npm:3.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fresh@npm:0.5.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs-extra@npm:8.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs-minipass@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ foreground-child@npm:3.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fresh@npm:0.5.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs-extra@npm:8.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs-minipass@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs-minipass@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fresh@npm:0.5.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs-extra@npm:8.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs-minipass@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs-minipass@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs.realpath@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs-extra@npm:8.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs-minipass@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs-minipass@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs.realpath@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fsevents@npm:2.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs-minipass@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs-minipass@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs.realpath@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fsevents@npm:2.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ function-bind@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs-minipass@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs.realpath@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fsevents@npm:2.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ function-bind@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ function.prototype.name@npm:1.1.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fs.realpath@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fsevents@npm:2.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ function-bind@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ function.prototype.name@npm:1.1.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ functions-have-names@npm:1.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ fsevents@npm:2.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ function-bind@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ function.prototype.name@npm:1.1.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ functions-have-names@npm:1.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ gensync@npm:1.0.0-beta.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ function-bind@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ function.prototype.name@npm:1.1.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ functions-have-names@npm:1.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ gensync@npm:1.0.0-beta.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-caller-file@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ function.prototype.name@npm:1.1.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ functions-have-names@npm:1.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ gensync@npm:1.0.0-beta.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-caller-file@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-intrinsic@npm:1.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ functions-have-names@npm:1.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ gensync@npm:1.0.0-beta.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-caller-file@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-intrinsic@npm:1.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-package-type@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ gensync@npm:1.0.0-beta.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-caller-file@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-intrinsic@npm:1.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-package-type@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-stream@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-caller-file@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-intrinsic@npm:1.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-package-type@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-stream@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-symbol-description@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-intrinsic@npm:1.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-package-type@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-stream@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-symbol-description@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ github-url-from-git@npm:1.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-package-type@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-stream@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-symbol-description@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ github-url-from-git@npm:1.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ github-url-from-username-repo@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-stream@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-symbol-description@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ github-url-from-git@npm:1.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ github-url-from-username-repo@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob-parent@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ get-symbol-description@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ github-url-from-git@npm:1.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ github-url-from-username-repo@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob-parent@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob-parent@npm:6.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ github-url-from-git@npm:1.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ github-url-from-username-repo@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob-parent@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob-parent@npm:6.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:10.4.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ github-url-from-username-repo@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob-parent@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob-parent@npm:6.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:10.4.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:5.0.15 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob-parent@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob-parent@npm:6.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:10.4.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:5.0.15 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:7.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob-parent@npm:6.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:10.4.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:5.0.15 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:7.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:9.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:10.4.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:5.0.15 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:7.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:9.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globals@npm:11.12.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:5.0.15 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:7.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:9.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globals@npm:11.12.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globals@npm:13.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:7.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:9.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globals@npm:11.12.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globals@npm:13.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globalthis@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ glob@npm:9.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globals@npm:11.12.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globals@npm:13.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globalthis@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globby@npm:11.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globals@npm:11.12.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globals@npm:13.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globalthis@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globby@npm:11.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ gopd@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globals@npm:13.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globalthis@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globby@npm:11.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ gopd@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ graceful-fs@npm:3.0.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globalthis@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globby@npm:11.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ gopd@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ graceful-fs@npm:3.0.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ graceful-fs@npm:4.2.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ globby@npm:11.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ gopd@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ graceful-fs@npm:3.0.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ graceful-fs@npm:4.2.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ graphemer@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ gopd@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ graceful-fs@npm:3.0.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ graceful-fs@npm:4.2.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ graphemer@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ harmony-reflect@npm:1.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ graceful-fs@npm:3.0.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ graceful-fs@npm:4.2.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ graphemer@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ harmony-reflect@npm:1.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-ansi@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ graceful-fs@npm:4.2.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ graphemer@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ harmony-reflect@npm:1.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-ansi@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-bigints@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ graphemer@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ harmony-reflect@npm:1.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-ansi@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-bigints@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-flag@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ harmony-reflect@npm:1.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-ansi@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-bigints@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-flag@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-flag@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-ansi@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-bigints@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-flag@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-flag@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-property-descriptors@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-bigints@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-flag@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-flag@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-property-descriptors@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-proto@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-flag@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-flag@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-property-descriptors@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-proto@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-symbols@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-flag@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-property-descriptors@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-proto@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-symbols@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-tostringtag@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-property-descriptors@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-proto@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-symbols@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-tostringtag@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hasown@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-proto@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-symbols@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-tostringtag@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hasown@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-eslint@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-symbols@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-tostringtag@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hasown@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-eslint@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-estree@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ has-tostringtag@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hasown@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-eslint@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-estree@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-estree@npm:0.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hasown@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-eslint@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-estree@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-estree@npm:0.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-estree@npm:0.25.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-eslint@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-estree@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-estree@npm:0.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-estree@npm:0.25.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-parser@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-estree@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-estree@npm:0.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-estree@npm:0.25.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-parser@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-parser@npm:0.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-estree@npm:0.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-estree@npm:0.25.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-parser@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-parser@npm:0.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-parser@npm:0.25.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-estree@npm:0.25.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-parser@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-parser@npm:0.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-parser@npm:0.25.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hoist-non-react-statics@npm:3.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-parser@npm:0.23.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-parser@npm:0.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-parser@npm:0.25.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hoist-non-react-statics@npm:3.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ html-escaper@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-parser@npm:0.24.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-parser@npm:0.25.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hoist-non-react-statics@npm:3.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ html-escaper@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ http-cache-semantics@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hermes-parser@npm:0.25.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hoist-non-react-statics@npm:3.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ html-escaper@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ http-cache-semantics@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ http-errors@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ hoist-non-react-statics@npm:3.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ html-escaper@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ http-cache-semantics@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ http-errors@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ http-proxy-agent@npm:7.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ html-escaper@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ http-cache-semantics@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ http-errors@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ http-proxy-agent@npm:7.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ https-proxy-agent@npm:7.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ http-cache-semantics@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ http-errors@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ http-proxy-agent@npm:7.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ https-proxy-agent@npm:7.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ human-signals@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ http-errors@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ http-proxy-agent@npm:7.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ https-proxy-agent@npm:7.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ human-signals@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ i18n-js@npm:3.9.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ http-proxy-agent@npm:7.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ https-proxy-agent@npm:7.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ human-signals@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ i18n-js@npm:3.9.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ iconv-lite@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ https-proxy-agent@npm:7.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ human-signals@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ i18n-js@npm:3.9.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ iconv-lite@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ identity-obj-proxy@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ human-signals@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ i18n-js@npm:3.9.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ iconv-lite@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ identity-obj-proxy@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ieee754@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ i18n-js@npm:3.9.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ iconv-lite@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ identity-obj-proxy@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ieee754@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ignore@npm:5.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ iconv-lite@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ identity-obj-proxy@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ieee754@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ignore@npm:5.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ image-size@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ identity-obj-proxy@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ieee754@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ignore@npm:5.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ image-size@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ import-fresh@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ieee754@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ignore@npm:5.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ image-size@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ import-fresh@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ import-fresh@npm:3.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ignore@npm:5.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ image-size@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ import-fresh@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ import-fresh@npm:3.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ import-local@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ image-size@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ import-fresh@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ import-fresh@npm:3.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ import-local@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ imurmurhash@npm:0.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ import-fresh@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ import-fresh@npm:3.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ import-local@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ imurmurhash@npm:0.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ indent-string@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ import-fresh@npm:3.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ import-local@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ imurmurhash@npm:0.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ indent-string@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ inflight@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ import-local@npm:3.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ imurmurhash@npm:0.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ indent-string@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ inflight@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ inherits@npm:2.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ imurmurhash@npm:0.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ indent-string@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ inflight@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ inherits@npm:2.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ internal-slot@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ indent-string@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ inflight@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ inherits@npm:2.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ internal-slot@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ invariant@npm:2.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ inflight@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ inherits@npm:2.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ internal-slot@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ invariant@npm:2.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ip-address@npm:9.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ inherits@npm:2.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ internal-slot@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ invariant@npm:2.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ip-address@npm:9.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-array-buffer@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ internal-slot@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ invariant@npm:2.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ip-address@npm:9.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-array-buffer@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-arrayish@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ invariant@npm:2.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ip-address@npm:9.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-array-buffer@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-arrayish@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-arrayish@npm:0.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ip-address@npm:9.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-array-buffer@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-arrayish@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-arrayish@npm:0.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-async-function@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-array-buffer@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-arrayish@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-arrayish@npm:0.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-async-function@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-bigint@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-arrayish@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-arrayish@npm:0.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-async-function@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-bigint@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-boolean-object@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-arrayish@npm:0.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-async-function@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-bigint@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-boolean-object@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-callable@npm:1.2.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-async-function@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-bigint@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-boolean-object@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-callable@npm:1.2.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-core-module@npm:2.15.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-bigint@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-boolean-object@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-callable@npm:1.2.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-core-module@npm:2.15.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-data-view@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-boolean-object@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-callable@npm:1.2.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-core-module@npm:2.15.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-data-view@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-date-object@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-callable@npm:1.2.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-core-module@npm:2.15.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-data-view@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-date-object@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-directory@npm:0.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-core-module@npm:2.15.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-data-view@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-date-object@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-directory@npm:0.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-docker@npm:2.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-data-view@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-date-object@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-directory@npm:0.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-docker@npm:2.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-extglob@npm:2.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-date-object@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-directory@npm:0.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-docker@npm:2.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-extglob@npm:2.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-finalizationregistry@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-directory@npm:0.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-docker@npm:2.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-extglob@npm:2.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-finalizationregistry@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-fullwidth-code-point@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-docker@npm:2.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-extglob@npm:2.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-finalizationregistry@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-fullwidth-code-point@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-fullwidth-code-point@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-extglob@npm:2.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-finalizationregistry@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-fullwidth-code-point@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-fullwidth-code-point@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-generator-fn@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-finalizationregistry@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-fullwidth-code-point@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-fullwidth-code-point@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-generator-fn@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-generator-function@npm:1.0.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-fullwidth-code-point@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-fullwidth-code-point@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-generator-fn@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-generator-function@npm:1.0.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-glob@npm:4.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-fullwidth-code-point@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-generator-fn@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-generator-function@npm:1.0.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-glob@npm:4.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-interactive@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-generator-fn@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-generator-function@npm:1.0.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-glob@npm:4.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-interactive@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-lambda@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-generator-function@npm:1.0.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-glob@npm:4.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-interactive@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-lambda@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-map@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-glob@npm:4.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-interactive@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-lambda@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-map@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-negative-zero@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-interactive@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-lambda@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-map@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-negative-zero@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-number-object@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-lambda@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-map@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-negative-zero@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-number-object@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-number@npm:7.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-map@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-negative-zero@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-number-object@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-number@npm:7.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-path-inside@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-negative-zero@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-number-object@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-number@npm:7.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-path-inside@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-plain-obj@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-number-object@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-number@npm:7.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-path-inside@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-plain-obj@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-plain-object@npm:2.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-number@npm:7.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-path-inside@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-plain-obj@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-plain-object@npm:2.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-regex@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-path-inside@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-plain-obj@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-plain-object@npm:2.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-regex@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-set@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-plain-obj@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-plain-object@npm:2.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-regex@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-set@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-shared-array-buffer@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-plain-object@npm:2.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-regex@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-set@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-shared-array-buffer@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-stream@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-regex@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-set@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-shared-array-buffer@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-stream@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-string@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-set@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-shared-array-buffer@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-stream@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-string@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-symbol@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-shared-array-buffer@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-stream@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-string@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-symbol@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-typed-array@npm:1.1.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-stream@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-string@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-symbol@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-typed-array@npm:1.1.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-unicode-supported@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-string@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-symbol@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-typed-array@npm:1.1.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-unicode-supported@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-weakmap@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-symbol@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-typed-array@npm:1.1.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-unicode-supported@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-weakmap@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-weakref@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-typed-array@npm:1.1.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-unicode-supported@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-weakmap@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-weakref@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-weakset@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-unicode-supported@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-weakmap@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-weakref@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-weakset@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-wsl@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-weakmap@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-weakref@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-weakset@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-wsl@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-wsl@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-weakref@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-weakset@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-wsl@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-wsl@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isarray@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-weakset@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-wsl@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-wsl@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isarray@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isarray@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-wsl@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-wsl@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isarray@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isarray@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isexe@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ is-wsl@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isarray@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isarray@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isexe@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isexe@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isarray@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isarray@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isexe@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isexe@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isobject@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isarray@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isexe@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isexe@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isobject@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-coverage@npm:3.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isexe@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isexe@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isobject@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-coverage@npm:3.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-instrument@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isexe@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isobject@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-coverage@npm:3.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-instrument@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-instrument@npm:6.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ isobject@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-coverage@npm:3.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-instrument@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-instrument@npm:6.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-report@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-coverage@npm:3.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-instrument@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-instrument@npm:6.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-report@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-source-maps@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-instrument@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-instrument@npm:6.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-report@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-source-maps@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-reports@npm:3.1.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-instrument@npm:6.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-report@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-source-maps@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-reports@npm:3.1.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ iterator.prototype@npm:1.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-report@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-source-maps@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-reports@npm:3.1.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ iterator.prototype@npm:1.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jackspeak@npm:3.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-lib-source-maps@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-reports@npm:3.1.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ iterator.prototype@npm:1.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jackspeak@npm:3.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-changed-files@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ istanbul-reports@npm:3.1.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ iterator.prototype@npm:1.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jackspeak@npm:3.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-changed-files@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-circus@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ iterator.prototype@npm:1.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jackspeak@npm:3.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-changed-files@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-circus@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-cli@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jackspeak@npm:3.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-changed-files@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-circus@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-cli@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-config@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-changed-files@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-circus@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-cli@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-config@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-diff@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-circus@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-cli@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-config@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-diff@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-docblock@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-cli@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-config@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-diff@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-docblock@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-each@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-config@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-diff@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-docblock@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-each@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-environment-node@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-diff@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-docblock@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-each@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-environment-node@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-get-type@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-docblock@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-each@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-environment-node@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-get-type@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-haste-map@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-each@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-environment-node@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-get-type@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-haste-map@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-leak-detector@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-environment-node@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-get-type@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-haste-map@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-leak-detector@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-matcher-utils@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-get-type@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-haste-map@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-leak-detector@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-matcher-utils@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-message-util@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-haste-map@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-leak-detector@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-matcher-utils@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-message-util@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-mock@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-leak-detector@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-matcher-utils@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-message-util@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-mock@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-pnp-resolver@npm:1.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-matcher-utils@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-message-util@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-mock@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-pnp-resolver@npm:1.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-regex-util@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-message-util@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-mock@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-pnp-resolver@npm:1.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-regex-util@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-resolve-dependencies@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-mock@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-pnp-resolver@npm:1.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-regex-util@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-resolve-dependencies@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-resolve@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-pnp-resolver@npm:1.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-regex-util@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-resolve-dependencies@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-resolve@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-runner@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-regex-util@npm:29.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-resolve-dependencies@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-resolve@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-runner@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-runtime@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-resolve-dependencies@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-resolve@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-runner@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-runtime@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-snapshot@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-resolve@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-runner@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-runtime@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-snapshot@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-util@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-runner@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-runtime@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-snapshot@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-util@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-validate@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-runtime@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-snapshot@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-util@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-validate@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-watcher@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-snapshot@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-util@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-validate@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-watcher@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-worker@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-util@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-validate@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-watcher@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-worker@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-validate@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-watcher@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-worker@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jju@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-watcher@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-worker@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jju@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ joi@npm:17.13.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest-worker@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jju@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ joi@npm:17.13.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jquery-extend@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jest@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jju@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ joi@npm:17.13.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jquery-extend@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ js-tokens@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jju@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ joi@npm:17.13.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jquery-extend@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ js-tokens@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ js-yaml@npm:3.14.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ joi@npm:17.13.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jquery-extend@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ js-tokens@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ js-yaml@npm:3.14.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ js-yaml@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jquery-extend@npm:2.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ js-tokens@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ js-yaml@npm:3.14.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ js-yaml@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsbn@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ js-tokens@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ js-yaml@npm:3.14.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ js-yaml@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsbn@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsc-android@npm:250231.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ js-yaml@npm:3.14.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ js-yaml@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsbn@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsc-android@npm:250231.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsc-safe-url@npm:0.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ js-yaml@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsbn@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsc-android@npm:250231.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsc-safe-url@npm:0.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jscodeshift@npm:0.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsbn@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsc-android@npm:250231.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsc-safe-url@npm:0.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jscodeshift@npm:0.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsesc@npm:3.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsc-android@npm:250231.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsc-safe-url@npm:0.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jscodeshift@npm:0.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsesc@npm:3.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-buffer@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsc-safe-url@npm:0.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jscodeshift@npm:0.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsesc@npm:3.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-buffer@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-parse-better-errors@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jscodeshift@npm:0.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsesc@npm:3.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-buffer@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-parse-better-errors@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-parse-even-better-errors@npm:2.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsesc@npm:3.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-buffer@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-parse-better-errors@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-parse-even-better-errors@npm:2.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-parse-helpfulerror@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-buffer@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-parse-better-errors@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-parse-even-better-errors@npm:2.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-parse-helpfulerror@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-schema-traverse@npm:0.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-parse-better-errors@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-parse-even-better-errors@npm:2.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-parse-helpfulerror@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-schema-traverse@npm:0.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-parse-even-better-errors@npm:2.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-parse-helpfulerror@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-schema-traverse@npm:0.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json5@npm:2.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-parse-helpfulerror@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-schema-traverse@npm:0.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json5@npm:2.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsonfile@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-schema-traverse@npm:0.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json5@npm:2.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsonfile@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsx-ast-utils@npm:3.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json5@npm:2.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsonfile@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsx-ast-utils@npm:3.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ keyv@npm:4.5.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ json5@npm:2.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsonfile@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsx-ast-utils@npm:3.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ keyv@npm:4.5.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ kind-of@npm:6.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsonfile@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsx-ast-utils@npm:3.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ keyv@npm:4.5.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ kind-of@npm:6.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ kleur@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ jsx-ast-utils@npm:3.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ keyv@npm:4.5.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ kind-of@npm:6.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ kleur@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ leven@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ keyv@npm:4.5.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ kind-of@npm:6.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ kleur@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ leven@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ levn@npm:0.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ kind-of@npm:6.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ kleur@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ leven@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ levn@npm:0.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ license-checker@https://github.com/mwittig/license-checker.git#commit=d546e3f738e14c62e732346fa355162d46700893 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from GitHub
➤ YN0013: │ kleur@npm:3.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ leven@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ levn@npm:0.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ license-checker@https://github.com/mwittig/license-checker.git#commit=d546e3f738e14c62e732346fa355162d46700893 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from GitHub
➤ YN0013: │ lighthouse-logger@npm:1.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ leven@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ levn@npm:0.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ license-checker@https://github.com/mwittig/license-checker.git#commit=d546e3f738e14c62e732346fa355162d46700893 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from GitHub
➤ YN0013: │ lighthouse-logger@npm:1.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lines-and-columns@npm:1.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ levn@npm:0.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ license-checker@https://github.com/mwittig/license-checker.git#commit=d546e3f738e14c62e732346fa355162d46700893 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from GitHub
➤ YN0013: │ lighthouse-logger@npm:1.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lines-and-columns@npm:1.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ license-checker@https://github.com/mwittig/license-checker.git#commit=d546e3f738e14c62e732346fa355162d46700893 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from GitHub
➤ YN0013: │ lighthouse-logger@npm:1.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lines-and-columns@npm:1.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lighthouse-logger@npm:1.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lines-and-columns@npm:1.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:6.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lines-and-columns@npm:1.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:6.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.debounce@npm:4.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:6.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.debounce@npm:4.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.memoize@npm:4.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:6.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.debounce@npm:4.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.memoize@npm:4.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.merge@npm:4.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ locate-path@npm:6.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.debounce@npm:4.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.memoize@npm:4.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.merge@npm:4.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.throttle@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.debounce@npm:4.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.memoize@npm:4.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.merge@npm:4.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.throttle@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash@npm:4.17.21 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.memoize@npm:4.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.merge@npm:4.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.throttle@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash@npm:4.17.21 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ log-symbols@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.merge@npm:4.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.throttle@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash@npm:4.17.21 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ log-symbols@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ logkitty@npm:0.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash.throttle@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash@npm:4.17.21 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ log-symbols@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ logkitty@npm:0.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ loose-envify@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lodash@npm:4.17.21 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ log-symbols@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ logkitty@npm:0.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ loose-envify@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lru-cache@npm:10.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ log-symbols@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ logkitty@npm:0.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ loose-envify@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lru-cache@npm:10.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lru-cache@npm:5.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ logkitty@npm:0.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ loose-envify@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lru-cache@npm:10.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lru-cache@npm:5.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ make-dir@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ loose-envify@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lru-cache@npm:10.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lru-cache@npm:5.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ make-dir@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ make-dir@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lru-cache@npm:10.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lru-cache@npm:5.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ make-dir@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ make-dir@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ make-fetch-happen@npm:13.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ lru-cache@npm:5.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ make-dir@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ make-dir@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ make-fetch-happen@npm:13.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ makeerror@npm:1.0.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ make-dir@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ make-dir@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ make-fetch-happen@npm:13.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ makeerror@npm:1.0.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ marky@npm:1.2.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ make-dir@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ make-fetch-happen@npm:13.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ makeerror@npm:1.0.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ marky@npm:1.2.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ memoize-one@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ make-fetch-happen@npm:13.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ makeerror@npm:1.0.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ marky@npm:1.2.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ memoize-one@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ merge-options@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ makeerror@npm:1.0.12 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ marky@npm:1.2.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ memoize-one@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ merge-options@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ merge-stream@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ marky@npm:1.2.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ memoize-one@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ merge-options@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ merge-stream@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ merge2@npm:1.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ memoize-one@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ merge-options@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ merge-stream@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ merge2@npm:1.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-babel-transformer@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ merge-options@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ merge-stream@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ merge2@npm:1.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-babel-transformer@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-cache-key@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ merge-stream@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ merge2@npm:1.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-babel-transformer@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-cache-key@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-cache@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ merge2@npm:1.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-babel-transformer@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-cache-key@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-cache@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-config@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-babel-transformer@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-cache-key@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-cache@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-config@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-core@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-cache-key@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-cache@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-config@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-core@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-file-map@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-cache@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-config@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-core@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-file-map@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-minify-terser@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-config@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-core@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-file-map@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-minify-terser@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-resolver@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-core@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-file-map@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-minify-terser@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-resolver@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-runtime@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-file-map@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-minify-terser@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-resolver@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-runtime@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-source-map@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-minify-terser@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-resolver@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-runtime@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-source-map@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-symbolicate@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-resolver@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-runtime@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-source-map@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-symbolicate@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-transform-plugins@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-runtime@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-source-map@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-symbolicate@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-transform-plugins@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-transform-worker@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-source-map@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-symbolicate@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-transform-plugins@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-transform-worker@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-symbolicate@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-transform-plugins@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-transform-worker@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ micromatch@npm:4.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-transform-plugins@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-transform-worker@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ micromatch@npm:4.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime-db@npm:1.52.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro-transform-worker@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ micromatch@npm:4.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime-db@npm:1.52.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime-db@npm:1.53.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ metro@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ micromatch@npm:4.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime-db@npm:1.52.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime-db@npm:1.53.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime-types@npm:2.1.35 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ micromatch@npm:4.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime-db@npm:1.52.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime-db@npm:1.53.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime-types@npm:2.1.35 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime@npm:1.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime-db@npm:1.52.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime-db@npm:1.53.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime-types@npm:2.1.35 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime@npm:1.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime@npm:2.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime-db@npm:1.53.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime-types@npm:2.1.35 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime@npm:1.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime@npm:2.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mimic-fn@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime-types@npm:2.1.35 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime@npm:1.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime@npm:2.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mimic-fn@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimatch@npm:3.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime@npm:1.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime@npm:2.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mimic-fn@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimatch@npm:3.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimatch@npm:8.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mime@npm:2.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mimic-fn@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimatch@npm:3.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimatch@npm:8.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimatch@npm:9.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mimic-fn@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimatch@npm:3.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimatch@npm:8.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimatch@npm:9.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimist@npm:1.2.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimatch@npm:3.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimatch@npm:8.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimatch@npm:9.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimist@npm:1.2.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-collect@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimatch@npm:8.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimatch@npm:9.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimist@npm:1.2.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-collect@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-fetch@npm:3.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimatch@npm:9.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimist@npm:1.2.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-collect@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-fetch@npm:3.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-flush@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minimist@npm:1.2.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-collect@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-fetch@npm:3.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-flush@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-pipeline@npm:1.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-collect@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-fetch@npm:3.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-flush@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-pipeline@npm:1.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-sized@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-fetch@npm:3.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-flush@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-pipeline@npm:1.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-sized@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:3.3.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-flush@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-pipeline@npm:1.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-sized@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:3.3.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:4.2.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-pipeline@npm:1.2.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-sized@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:3.3.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:4.2.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass-sized@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:3.3.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:4.2.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:7.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:3.3.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:4.2.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:7.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minizlib@npm:2.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:4.2.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:7.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minizlib@npm:2.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mkdirp@npm:0.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:7.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minizlib@npm:2.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mkdirp@npm:0.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mkdirp@npm:0.5.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minipass@npm:7.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minizlib@npm:2.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mkdirp@npm:0.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mkdirp@npm:0.5.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mkdirp@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ minizlib@npm:2.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mkdirp@npm:0.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mkdirp@npm:0.5.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mkdirp@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ms@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mkdirp@npm:0.3.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mkdirp@npm:0.5.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mkdirp@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ms@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ms@npm:2.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mkdirp@npm:0.5.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mkdirp@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ms@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ms@npm:2.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nanoid@npm:3.3.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ mkdirp@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ms@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ms@npm:2.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nanoid@npm:3.3.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ natives@npm:1.1.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ms@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ms@npm:2.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nanoid@npm:3.3.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ natives@npm:1.1.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ natural-compare@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ms@npm:2.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nanoid@npm:3.3.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ natives@npm:1.1.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ natural-compare@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ negotiator@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nanoid@npm:3.3.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ natives@npm:1.1.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ natural-compare@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ negotiator@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ negotiator@npm:0.6.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ natives@npm:1.1.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ natural-compare@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ negotiator@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ negotiator@npm:0.6.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ neo-async@npm:2.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ natural-compare@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ negotiator@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ negotiator@npm:0.6.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ neo-async@npm:2.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nocache@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ negotiator@npm:0.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ negotiator@npm:0.6.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ neo-async@npm:2.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nocache@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-abort-controller@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ negotiator@npm:0.6.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ neo-async@npm:2.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nocache@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-abort-controller@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-dir@npm:0.1.17 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ neo-async@npm:2.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nocache@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-abort-controller@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-dir@npm:0.1.17 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-fetch@npm:2.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nocache@npm:3.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-abort-controller@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-dir@npm:0.1.17 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-fetch@npm:2.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-forge@npm:1.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-abort-controller@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-dir@npm:0.1.17 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-fetch@npm:2.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-forge@npm:1.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-gyp@npm:10.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-dir@npm:0.1.17 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-fetch@npm:2.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-forge@npm:1.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-gyp@npm:10.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-int64@npm:0.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-fetch@npm:2.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-forge@npm:1.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-gyp@npm:10.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-int64@npm:0.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-releases@npm:2.0.18 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-forge@npm:1.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-gyp@npm:10.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-int64@npm:0.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-releases@npm:2.0.18 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-stream-zip@npm:1.15.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-gyp@npm:10.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-int64@npm:0.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-releases@npm:2.0.18 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-stream-zip@npm:1.15.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt-defaults@npm:0.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-int64@npm:0.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-releases@npm:2.0.18 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-stream-zip@npm:1.15.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt-defaults@npm:0.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt-usage@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-releases@npm:2.0.18 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-stream-zip@npm:1.15.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt-defaults@npm:0.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt-usage@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt@npm:2.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ node-stream-zip@npm:1.15.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt-defaults@npm:0.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt-usage@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt@npm:2.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt@npm:3.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt-defaults@npm:0.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt-usage@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt@npm:2.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt@npm:3.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt@npm:7.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt-usage@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt@npm:2.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt@npm:3.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt@npm:7.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ normalize-package-data@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt@npm:2.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt@npm:3.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt@npm:7.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ normalize-package-data@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ normalize-path@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt@npm:3.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt@npm:7.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ normalize-package-data@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ normalize-path@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ npm-license-crawler@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nopt@npm:7.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ normalize-package-data@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ normalize-path@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ npm-license-crawler@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ npm-run-path@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ normalize-package-data@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ normalize-path@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ npm-license-crawler@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ npm-run-path@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nullthrows@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ normalize-path@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ npm-license-crawler@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ npm-run-path@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nullthrows@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ob1@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ npm-license-crawler@npm:0.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ npm-run-path@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nullthrows@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ob1@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object-assign@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ npm-run-path@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nullthrows@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ob1@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object-assign@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object-inspect@npm:1.13.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ nullthrows@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ob1@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object-assign@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object-inspect@npm:1.13.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object-keys@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ob1@npm:0.81.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object-assign@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object-inspect@npm:1.13.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object-keys@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.assign@npm:4.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object-assign@npm:4.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object-inspect@npm:1.13.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object-keys@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.assign@npm:4.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.entries@npm:1.1.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object-inspect@npm:1.13.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object-keys@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.assign@npm:4.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.entries@npm:1.1.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.fromentries@npm:2.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object-keys@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.assign@npm:4.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.entries@npm:1.1.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.fromentries@npm:2.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.values@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.assign@npm:4.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.entries@npm:1.1.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.fromentries@npm:2.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.values@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ on-finished@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.entries@npm:1.1.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.fromentries@npm:2.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.values@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ on-finished@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ on-finished@npm:2.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.fromentries@npm:2.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.values@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ on-finished@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ on-finished@npm:2.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ on-headers@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ object.values@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ on-finished@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ on-finished@npm:2.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ on-headers@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ once@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ on-finished@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ on-finished@npm:2.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ on-headers@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ once@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ onetime@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ on-finished@npm:2.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ on-headers@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ once@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ onetime@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ open@npm:6.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ on-headers@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ once@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ onetime@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ open@npm:6.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ open@npm:7.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ once@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ onetime@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ open@npm:6.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ open@npm:7.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ optionator@npm:0.9.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ onetime@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ open@npm:6.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ open@npm:7.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ optionator@npm:0.9.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ora@npm:5.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ open@npm:6.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ open@npm:7.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ optionator@npm:0.9.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ora@npm:5.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-limit@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ open@npm:7.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ optionator@npm:0.9.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ora@npm:5.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-limit@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-limit@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ optionator@npm:0.9.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ora@npm:5.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-limit@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-limit@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-locate@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ora@npm:5.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-limit@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-limit@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-locate@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-locate@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-limit@npm:2.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-limit@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-locate@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-locate@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-locate@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-limit@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-locate@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-locate@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-locate@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-map@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-locate@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-locate@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-locate@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-map@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-try@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-locate@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-locate@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-map@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-try@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ package-json-from-dist@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-locate@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-map@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-try@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ package-json-from-dist@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parent-module@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-map@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-try@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ package-json-from-dist@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parent-module@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parse-json@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ p-try@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ package-json-from-dist@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parent-module@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parse-json@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parse-json@npm:5.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ package-json-from-dist@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parent-module@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parse-json@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parse-json@npm:5.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parseurl@npm:1.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parent-module@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parse-json@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parse-json@npm:5.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parseurl@npm:1.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-exists@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parse-json@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parse-json@npm:5.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parseurl@npm:1.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-exists@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-exists@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parse-json@npm:5.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parseurl@npm:1.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-exists@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-exists@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-is-absolute@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ parseurl@npm:1.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-exists@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-exists@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-is-absolute@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-key@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-exists@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-exists@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-is-absolute@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-key@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-parse@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-exists@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-is-absolute@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-key@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-parse@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-scurry@npm:1.11.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-is-absolute@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-key@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-parse@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-scurry@npm:1.11.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-type@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-key@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-parse@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-scurry@npm:1.11.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-type@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ picocolors@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-parse@npm:1.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-scurry@npm:1.11.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-type@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ picocolors@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ picomatch@npm:2.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-scurry@npm:1.11.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-type@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ picocolors@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ picomatch@npm:2.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pify@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ path-type@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ picocolors@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ picomatch@npm:2.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pify@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pirates@npm:4.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ picocolors@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ picomatch@npm:2.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pify@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pirates@npm:4.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pkg-dir@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ picomatch@npm:2.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pify@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pirates@npm:4.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pkg-dir@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pkg-dir@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pify@npm:4.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pirates@npm:4.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pkg-dir@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pkg-dir@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pkg-up@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pirates@npm:4.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pkg-dir@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pkg-dir@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pkg-up@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ possible-typed-array-names@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pkg-dir@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pkg-dir@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pkg-up@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ possible-typed-array-names@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prelude-ls@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pkg-dir@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pkg-up@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ possible-typed-array-names@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prelude-ls@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prettier@npm:2.8.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pkg-up@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ possible-typed-array-names@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prelude-ls@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prettier@npm:2.8.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pretty-format@npm:26.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ possible-typed-array-names@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prelude-ls@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prettier@npm:2.8.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pretty-format@npm:26.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pretty-format@npm:27.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prelude-ls@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prettier@npm:2.8.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pretty-format@npm:26.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pretty-format@npm:27.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pretty-format@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prettier@npm:2.8.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pretty-format@npm:26.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pretty-format@npm:27.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pretty-format@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ proc-log@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pretty-format@npm:26.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pretty-format@npm:27.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pretty-format@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ proc-log@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ process-nextick-args@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pretty-format@npm:27.5.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pretty-format@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ proc-log@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ process-nextick-args@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ promise-retry@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pretty-format@npm:29.7.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ proc-log@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ process-nextick-args@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ promise-retry@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ promise@npm:8.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ proc-log@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ process-nextick-args@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ promise-retry@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ promise@npm:8.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prompts@npm:2.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ process-nextick-args@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ promise-retry@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ promise@npm:8.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prompts@npm:2.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prop-types@npm:15.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ promise-retry@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ promise@npm:8.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prompts@npm:2.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prop-types@npm:15.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ punycode@npm:2.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ promise@npm:8.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prompts@npm:2.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prop-types@npm:15.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ punycode@npm:2.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pure-rand@npm:6.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prompts@npm:2.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prop-types@npm:15.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ punycode@npm:2.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pure-rand@npm:6.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ query-string@npm:7.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ prop-types@npm:15.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ punycode@npm:2.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pure-rand@npm:6.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ query-string@npm:7.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ queue-microtask@npm:1.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ punycode@npm:2.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pure-rand@npm:6.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ query-string@npm:7.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ queue-microtask@npm:1.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ queue@npm:6.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ pure-rand@npm:6.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ query-string@npm:7.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ queue-microtask@npm:1.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ queue@npm:6.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ range-parser@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ query-string@npm:7.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ queue-microtask@npm:1.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ queue@npm:6.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ range-parser@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-devtools-core@npm:5.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ queue-microtask@npm:1.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ queue@npm:6.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ range-parser@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-devtools-core@npm:5.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-freeze@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ queue@npm:6.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ range-parser@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-devtools-core@npm:5.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-freeze@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-is@npm:16.13.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ range-parser@npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-devtools-core@npm:5.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-freeze@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-is@npm:16.13.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-is@npm:17.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-devtools-core@npm:5.3.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-freeze@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-is@npm:16.13.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-is@npm:17.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-is@npm:18.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-freeze@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-is@npm:16.13.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-is@npm:17.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-is@npm:18.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-device-info@npm:10.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-is@npm:16.13.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-is@npm:17.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-is@npm:18.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-device-info@npm:10.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-gesture-handler@npm:2.21.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-is@npm:17.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-is@npm:18.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-device-info@npm:10.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-gesture-handler@npm:2.21.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-idle-timer@npm:2.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-is@npm:18.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-device-info@npm:10.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-gesture-handler@npm:2.21.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-idle-timer@npm:2.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-linear-gradient@npm:2.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-device-info@npm:10.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-gesture-handler@npm:2.21.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-idle-timer@npm:2.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-linear-gradient@npm:2.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-localize@npm:2.2.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-gesture-handler@npm:2.21.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-idle-timer@npm:2.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-linear-gradient@npm:2.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-localize@npm:2.2.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-popover-view@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-idle-timer@npm:2.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-linear-gradient@npm:2.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-localize@npm:2.2.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-popover-view@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-reanimated@npm:3.16.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-linear-gradient@npm:2.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-localize@npm:2.2.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-popover-view@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-reanimated@npm:3.16.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-safe-area-context@npm:4.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-localize@npm:2.2.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-popover-view@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-reanimated@npm:3.16.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-safe-area-context@npm:4.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-screens@npm:3.35.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-popover-view@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-reanimated@npm:3.16.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-safe-area-context@npm:4.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-screens@npm:3.35.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-vector-icons@npm:10.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-reanimated@npm:3.16.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-safe-area-context@npm:4.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-screens@npm:3.35.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-vector-icons@npm:10.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-safe-area-context@npm:4.14.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-screens@npm:3.35.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-vector-icons@npm:10.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-refresh@npm:0.14.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-screens@npm:3.35.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-vector-icons@npm:10.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-refresh@npm:0.14.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-shallow-renderer@npm:16.15.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native-vector-icons@npm:10.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-refresh@npm:0.14.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-shallow-renderer@npm:16.15.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-test-renderer@npm:18.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-native@npm:0.76.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-refresh@npm:0.14.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-shallow-renderer@npm:16.15.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-test-renderer@npm:18.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react@npm:18.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-refresh@npm:0.14.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-shallow-renderer@npm:16.15.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-test-renderer@npm:18.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react@npm:18.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ read-installed@npm:3.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-shallow-renderer@npm:16.15.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-test-renderer@npm:18.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react@npm:18.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ read-installed@npm:3.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ read-package-json@npm:1.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react-test-renderer@npm:18.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react@npm:18.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ read-installed@npm:3.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ read-package-json@npm:1.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readable-stream@npm:2.3.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ react@npm:18.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ read-installed@npm:3.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ read-package-json@npm:1.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readable-stream@npm:2.3.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readable-stream@npm:3.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ read-installed@npm:3.1.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ read-package-json@npm:1.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readable-stream@npm:2.3.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readable-stream@npm:3.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readdir-scoped-modules@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ read-package-json@npm:1.3.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readable-stream@npm:2.3.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readable-stream@npm:3.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readdir-scoped-modules@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readline@npm:1.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readable-stream@npm:2.3.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readable-stream@npm:3.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readdir-scoped-modules@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readline@npm:1.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ recast@npm:0.21.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readable-stream@npm:3.6.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readdir-scoped-modules@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readline@npm:1.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ recast@npm:0.21.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ reflect.getprototypeof@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readdir-scoped-modules@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readline@npm:1.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ recast@npm:0.21.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ reflect.getprototypeof@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerate-unicode-properties@npm:10.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ readline@npm:1.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ recast@npm:0.21.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ reflect.getprototypeof@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerate-unicode-properties@npm:10.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerate@npm:1.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ recast@npm:0.21.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ reflect.getprototypeof@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerate-unicode-properties@npm:10.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerate@npm:1.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerator-runtime@npm:0.13.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ reflect.getprototypeof@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerate-unicode-properties@npm:10.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerate@npm:1.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerator-runtime@npm:0.13.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerator-runtime@npm:0.14.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerate-unicode-properties@npm:10.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerate@npm:1.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerator-runtime@npm:0.13.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerator-runtime@npm:0.14.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerator-transform@npm:0.15.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerate@npm:1.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerator-runtime@npm:0.13.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerator-runtime@npm:0.14.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerator-transform@npm:0.15.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regexp.prototype.flags@npm:1.5.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerator-runtime@npm:0.13.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerator-runtime@npm:0.14.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerator-transform@npm:0.15.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regexp.prototype.flags@npm:1.5.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regexpu-core@npm:6.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerator-runtime@npm:0.14.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerator-transform@npm:0.15.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regexp.prototype.flags@npm:1.5.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regexpu-core@npm:6.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regjsgen@npm:0.8.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regenerator-transform@npm:0.15.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regexp.prototype.flags@npm:1.5.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regexpu-core@npm:6.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regjsgen@npm:0.8.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regjsparser@npm:0.11.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regexp.prototype.flags@npm:1.5.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regexpu-core@npm:6.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regjsgen@npm:0.8.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regjsparser@npm:0.11.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ require-directory@npm:2.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regexpu-core@npm:6.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regjsgen@npm:0.8.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regjsparser@npm:0.11.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ require-directory@npm:2.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ require-main-filename@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regjsgen@npm:0.8.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regjsparser@npm:0.11.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ require-directory@npm:2.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ require-main-filename@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ reselect@npm:4.1.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ regjsparser@npm:0.11.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ require-directory@npm:2.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ require-main-filename@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ reselect@npm:4.1.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-cwd@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ require-directory@npm:2.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ require-main-filename@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ reselect@npm:4.1.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-cwd@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-from@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ require-main-filename@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ reselect@npm:4.1.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-cwd@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-from@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-from@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ reselect@npm:4.1.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-cwd@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-from@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-from@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-from@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-cwd@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-from@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-from@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-from@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve.exports@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-from@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-from@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-from@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve.exports@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@npm:1.22.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-from@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-from@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve.exports@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@npm:1.22.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@npm:2.0.0-next.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve-from@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve.exports@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@npm:1.22.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@npm:2.0.0-next.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A1.22.8#~builtin<compat/resolve>::version=1.22.8&hash=c3c19d can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the disk
➤ YN0013: │ resolve.exports@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@npm:1.22.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@npm:2.0.0-next.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A1.22.8#~builtin<compat/resolve>::version=1.22.8&hash=c3c19d can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the disk
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A2.0.0-next.5#~builtin<compat/resolve>::version=2.0.0-next.5&hash=c3c19d can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the disk
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@npm:1.22.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@npm:2.0.0-next.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A1.22.8#~builtin<compat/resolve>::version=1.22.8&hash=c3c19d can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the disk
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A2.0.0-next.5#~builtin<compat/resolve>::version=2.0.0-next.5&hash=c3c19d can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the disk
➤ YN0013: │ restore-cursor@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@npm:2.0.0-next.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A1.22.8#~builtin<compat/resolve>::version=1.22.8&hash=c3c19d can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the disk
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A2.0.0-next.5#~builtin<compat/resolve>::version=2.0.0-next.5&hash=c3c19d can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the disk
➤ YN0013: │ restore-cursor@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ retry@npm:0.12.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A1.22.8#~builtin<compat/resolve>::version=1.22.8&hash=c3c19d can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the disk
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A2.0.0-next.5#~builtin<compat/resolve>::version=2.0.0-next.5&hash=c3c19d can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the disk
➤ YN0013: │ restore-cursor@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ retry@npm:0.12.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ reusify@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ resolve@patch:resolve@npm%3A2.0.0-next.5#~builtin<compat/resolve>::version=2.0.0-next.5&hash=c3c19d can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the disk
➤ YN0013: │ restore-cursor@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ retry@npm:0.12.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ reusify@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ rimraf@npm:2.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ restore-cursor@npm:3.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ retry@npm:0.12.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ reusify@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ rimraf@npm:2.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ rimraf@npm:3.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ retry@npm:0.12.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ reusify@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ rimraf@npm:2.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ rimraf@npm:3.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ run-parallel@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ reusify@npm:1.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ rimraf@npm:2.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ rimraf@npm:3.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ run-parallel@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-array-concat@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ rimraf@npm:2.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ rimraf@npm:3.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ run-parallel@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-array-concat@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-buffer@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ rimraf@npm:3.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ run-parallel@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-array-concat@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-buffer@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-buffer@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ run-parallel@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-array-concat@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-buffer@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-buffer@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-regex-test@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-array-concat@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-buffer@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-buffer@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-regex-test@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safer-buffer@npm:2.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-buffer@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-buffer@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-regex-test@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safer-buffer@npm:2.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ scheduler@npm:0.23.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-buffer@npm:5.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-regex-test@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safer-buffer@npm:2.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ scheduler@npm:0.23.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ scheduler@npm:0.24.0-canary-efb381bbf-20230505 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safe-regex-test@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safer-buffer@npm:2.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ scheduler@npm:0.23.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ scheduler@npm:0.24.0-canary-efb381bbf-20230505 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ selfsigned@npm:2.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ safer-buffer@npm:2.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ scheduler@npm:0.23.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ scheduler@npm:0.24.0-canary-efb381bbf-20230505 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ selfsigned@npm:2.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:4.3.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ scheduler@npm:0.23.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ scheduler@npm:0.24.0-canary-efb381bbf-20230505 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ selfsigned@npm:2.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:4.3.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:5.7.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ scheduler@npm:0.24.0-canary-efb381bbf-20230505 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ selfsigned@npm:2.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:4.3.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:5.7.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:6.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ selfsigned@npm:2.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:4.3.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:5.7.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:6.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:7.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:4.3.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:5.7.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:6.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:7.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ send@npm:0.19.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:5.7.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:6.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:7.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ send@npm:0.19.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ serialize-error@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:6.3.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:7.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ send@npm:0.19.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ serialize-error@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ serve-static@npm:1.16.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ semver@npm:7.6.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ send@npm:0.19.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ serialize-error@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ serve-static@npm:1.16.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ set-blocking@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ send@npm:0.19.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ serialize-error@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ serve-static@npm:1.16.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ set-blocking@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ set-function-length@npm:1.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ serialize-error@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ serve-static@npm:1.16.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ set-blocking@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ set-function-length@npm:1.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ set-function-name@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ serve-static@npm:1.16.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ set-blocking@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ set-function-length@npm:1.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ set-function-name@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ setprototypeof@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ set-blocking@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ set-function-length@npm:1.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ set-function-name@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ setprototypeof@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shallow-clone@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ set-function-length@npm:1.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ set-function-name@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ setprototypeof@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shallow-clone@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shebang-command@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ set-function-name@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ setprototypeof@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shallow-clone@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shebang-command@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shebang-regex@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ setprototypeof@npm:1.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shallow-clone@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shebang-command@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shebang-regex@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shell-quote@npm:1.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shallow-clone@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shebang-command@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shebang-regex@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shell-quote@npm:1.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ side-channel@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shebang-command@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shebang-regex@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shell-quote@npm:1.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ side-channel@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ signal-exit@npm:3.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shebang-regex@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shell-quote@npm:1.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ side-channel@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ signal-exit@npm:3.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ signal-exit@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ shell-quote@npm:1.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ side-channel@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ signal-exit@npm:3.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ signal-exit@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ simple-swizzle@npm:0.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ side-channel@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ signal-exit@npm:3.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ signal-exit@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ simple-swizzle@npm:0.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sisteransi@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ signal-exit@npm:3.0.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ signal-exit@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ simple-swizzle@npm:0.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sisteransi@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ slash@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ signal-exit@npm:4.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ simple-swizzle@npm:0.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sisteransi@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ slash@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ slice-ansi@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ simple-swizzle@npm:0.2.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sisteransi@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ slash@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ slice-ansi@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ slide@npm:1.1.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sisteransi@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ slash@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ slice-ansi@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ slide@npm:1.1.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ smart-buffer@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ slash@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ slice-ansi@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ slide@npm:1.1.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ smart-buffer@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ socks-proxy-agent@npm:8.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ slice-ansi@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ slide@npm:1.1.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ smart-buffer@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ socks-proxy-agent@npm:8.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ socks@npm:2.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ slide@npm:1.1.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ smart-buffer@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ socks-proxy-agent@npm:8.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ socks@npm:2.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map-support@npm:0.5.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ smart-buffer@npm:4.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ socks-proxy-agent@npm:8.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ socks@npm:2.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map-support@npm:0.5.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map-support@npm:0.5.21 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ socks-proxy-agent@npm:8.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ socks@npm:2.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map-support@npm:0.5.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map-support@npm:0.5.21 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map@npm:0.5.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ socks@npm:2.8.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map-support@npm:0.5.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map-support@npm:0.5.21 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map@npm:0.5.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map@npm:0.6.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map-support@npm:0.5.13 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map-support@npm:0.5.21 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map@npm:0.5.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map@npm:0.6.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ split-on-first@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map-support@npm:0.5.21 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map@npm:0.5.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map@npm:0.6.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ split-on-first@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sprintf-js@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map@npm:0.5.7 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map@npm:0.6.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ split-on-first@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sprintf-js@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sprintf-js@npm:1.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ source-map@npm:0.6.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ split-on-first@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sprintf-js@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sprintf-js@npm:1.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ssri@npm:10.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ split-on-first@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sprintf-js@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sprintf-js@npm:1.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ssri@npm:10.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ stack-utils@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sprintf-js@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sprintf-js@npm:1.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ssri@npm:10.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ stack-utils@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ stackframe@npm:1.3.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sprintf-js@npm:1.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ssri@npm:10.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ stack-utils@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ stackframe@npm:1.3.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ stacktrace-parser@npm:0.1.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ssri@npm:10.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ stack-utils@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ stackframe@npm:1.3.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ stacktrace-parser@npm:0.1.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ statuses@npm:1.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ stack-utils@npm:2.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ stackframe@npm:1.3.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ stacktrace-parser@npm:0.1.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ statuses@npm:1.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ statuses@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ stackframe@npm:1.3.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ stacktrace-parser@npm:0.1.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ statuses@npm:1.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ statuses@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strict-uri-encode@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ stacktrace-parser@npm:0.1.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ statuses@npm:1.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ statuses@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strict-uri-encode@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-length@npm:4.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ statuses@npm:1.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ statuses@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strict-uri-encode@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-length@npm:4.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-natural-compare@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ statuses@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strict-uri-encode@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-length@npm:4.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-natural-compare@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-width@npm:4.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strict-uri-encode@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-length@npm:4.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-natural-compare@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-width@npm:4.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-width@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-length@npm:4.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-natural-compare@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-width@npm:4.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-width@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.matchall@npm:4.0.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-natural-compare@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-width@npm:4.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-width@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.matchall@npm:4.0.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.repeat@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-width@npm:4.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-width@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.matchall@npm:4.0.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.repeat@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.trim@npm:1.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string-width@npm:5.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.matchall@npm:4.0.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.repeat@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.trim@npm:1.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.trimend@npm:1.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.matchall@npm:4.0.11 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.repeat@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.trim@npm:1.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.trimend@npm:1.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.trimstart@npm:1.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.repeat@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.trim@npm:1.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.trimend@npm:1.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.trimstart@npm:1.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string_decoder@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.trim@npm:1.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.trimend@npm:1.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.trimstart@npm:1.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string_decoder@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string_decoder@npm:1.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.trimend@npm:1.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.trimstart@npm:1.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string_decoder@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string_decoder@npm:1.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:0.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string.prototype.trimstart@npm:1.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string_decoder@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string_decoder@npm:1.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:0.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:5.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string_decoder@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string_decoder@npm:1.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:0.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:5.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ string_decoder@npm:1.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:0.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:5.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:7.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:0.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:5.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:7.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-bom@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:5.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:7.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-bom@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-final-newline@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:6.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:7.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-bom@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-final-newline@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-json-comments@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-ansi@npm:7.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-bom@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-final-newline@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-json-comments@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strnum@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-bom@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-final-newline@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-json-comments@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strnum@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sudo-prompt@npm:9.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-final-newline@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-json-comments@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strnum@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sudo-prompt@npm:9.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strip-json-comments@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strnum@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sudo-prompt@npm:9.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:5.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ strnum@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sudo-prompt@npm:9.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:5.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:7.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ sudo-prompt@npm:9.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:5.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:7.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:8.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:5.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:7.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:8.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-preserve-symlinks-flag@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:5.5.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:7.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:8.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-preserve-symlinks-flag@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tar@npm:6.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:7.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:8.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-preserve-symlinks-flag@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tar@npm:6.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ temp@npm:0.8.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-color@npm:8.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-preserve-symlinks-flag@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tar@npm:6.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ temp@npm:0.8.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ terser@npm:5.36.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ supports-preserve-symlinks-flag@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tar@npm:6.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ temp@npm:0.8.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ terser@npm:5.36.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ test-exclude@npm:6.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tar@npm:6.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ temp@npm:0.8.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ terser@npm:5.36.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ test-exclude@npm:6.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ text-table@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ temp@npm:0.8.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ terser@npm:5.36.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ test-exclude@npm:6.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ text-table@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ throat@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ terser@npm:5.36.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ test-exclude@npm:6.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ text-table@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ throat@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ through2@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ test-exclude@npm:6.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ text-table@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ throat@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ through2@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tmpl@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ text-table@npm:0.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ throat@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ through2@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tmpl@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ to-regex-range@npm:5.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ throat@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ through2@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tmpl@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ to-regex-range@npm:5.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ toidentifier@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ through2@npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tmpl@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ to-regex-range@npm:5.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ toidentifier@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tr46@npm:0.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tmpl@npm:1.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ to-regex-range@npm:5.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ toidentifier@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tr46@npm:0.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ treeify@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ to-regex-range@npm:5.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ toidentifier@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tr46@npm:0.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ treeify@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ts-api-utils@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ toidentifier@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tr46@npm:0.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ treeify@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ts-api-utils@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tslib@npm:1.14.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tr46@npm:0.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ treeify@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ts-api-utils@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tslib@npm:1.14.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tslib@npm:2.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ treeify@npm:1.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ts-api-utils@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tslib@npm:1.14.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tslib@npm:2.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tsutils@npm:3.21.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ts-api-utils@npm:1.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tslib@npm:1.14.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tslib@npm:2.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tsutils@npm:3.21.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-check@npm:0.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tslib@npm:1.14.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tslib@npm:2.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tsutils@npm:3.21.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-check@npm:0.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-detect@npm:4.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tslib@npm:2.8.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tsutils@npm:3.21.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-check@npm:0.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-detect@npm:4.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-fest@npm:0.20.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ tsutils@npm:3.21.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-check@npm:0.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-detect@npm:4.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-fest@npm:0.20.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-fest@npm:0.21.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-check@npm:0.4.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-detect@npm:4.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-fest@npm:0.20.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-fest@npm:0.21.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-fest@npm:0.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-detect@npm:4.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-fest@npm:0.20.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-fest@npm:0.21.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-fest@npm:0.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-buffer@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-fest@npm:0.20.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-fest@npm:0.21.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-fest@npm:0.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-buffer@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-byte-length@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-fest@npm:0.21.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-fest@npm:0.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-buffer@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-byte-length@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-byte-offset@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ type-fest@npm:0.7.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-buffer@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-byte-length@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-byte-offset@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-length@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-buffer@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-byte-length@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-byte-offset@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-length@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typescript@npm:5.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-byte-length@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-byte-offset@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-length@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typescript@npm:5.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typescript@patch:typescript@npm%3A5.0.4#~builtin<compat/typescript>::version=5.0.4&hash=b5f058 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the disk
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-byte-offset@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-length@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typescript@npm:5.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typescript@patch:typescript@npm%3A5.0.4#~builtin<compat/typescript>::version=5.0.4&hash=b5f058 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the disk
➤ YN0013: │ ua-parser-js@npm:0.7.33 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typed-array-length@npm:1.0.6 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typescript@npm:5.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typescript@patch:typescript@npm%3A5.0.4#~builtin<compat/typescript>::version=5.0.4&hash=b5f058 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the disk
➤ YN0013: │ ua-parser-js@npm:0.7.33 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unbox-primitive@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typescript@npm:5.0.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typescript@patch:typescript@npm%3A5.0.4#~builtin<compat/typescript>::version=5.0.4&hash=b5f058 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the disk
➤ YN0013: │ ua-parser-js@npm:0.7.33 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unbox-primitive@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ undici-types@npm:6.19.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ typescript@patch:typescript@npm%3A5.0.4#~builtin<compat/typescript>::version=5.0.4&hash=b5f058 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the disk
➤ YN0013: │ ua-parser-js@npm:0.7.33 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unbox-primitive@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ undici-types@npm:6.19.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ua-parser-js@npm:0.7.33 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unbox-primitive@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ undici-types@npm:6.19.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-match-property-ecmascript@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unbox-primitive@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ undici-types@npm:6.19.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-match-property-ecmascript@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ undici-types@npm:6.19.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-match-property-ecmascript@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-match-property-ecmascript@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unique-filename@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-match-property-ecmascript@npm:2.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unique-filename@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unique-slug@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript@npm:2.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unique-filename@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unique-slug@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ universalify@npm:0.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript@npm:2.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unique-filename@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unique-slug@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ universalify@npm:0.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unpipe@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unique-filename@npm:3.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unique-slug@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ universalify@npm:0.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unpipe@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ update-browserslist-db@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unique-slug@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ universalify@npm:0.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unpipe@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ update-browserslist-db@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ uri-js@npm:4.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ universalify@npm:0.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unpipe@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ update-browserslist-db@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ uri-js@npm:4.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ use-latest-callback@npm:0.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ unpipe@npm:1.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ update-browserslist-db@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ uri-js@npm:4.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ use-latest-callback@npm:0.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ util-deprecate@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ update-browserslist-db@npm:1.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ uri-js@npm:4.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ use-latest-callback@npm:0.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ util-deprecate@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ util-extend@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ uri-js@npm:4.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ use-latest-callback@npm:0.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ util-deprecate@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ util-extend@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ utils-merge@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ use-latest-callback@npm:0.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ util-deprecate@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ util-extend@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ utils-merge@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ v8-to-istanbul@npm:9.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ util-deprecate@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ util-extend@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ utils-merge@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ v8-to-istanbul@npm:9.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ vary@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ util-extend@npm:1.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ utils-merge@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ v8-to-istanbul@npm:9.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ vary@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ vlq@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ utils-merge@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ v8-to-istanbul@npm:9.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ vary@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ vlq@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ walker@npm:1.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ v8-to-istanbul@npm:9.3.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ vary@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ vlq@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ walker@npm:1.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ warn-once@npm:0.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ vary@npm:1.1.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ vlq@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ walker@npm:1.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ warn-once@npm:0.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wcwidth@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ vlq@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ walker@npm:1.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ warn-once@npm:0.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wcwidth@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ webidl-conversions@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ walker@npm:1.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ warn-once@npm:0.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wcwidth@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ webidl-conversions@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ whatwg-fetch@npm:3.6.20 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ warn-once@npm:0.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wcwidth@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ webidl-conversions@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ whatwg-fetch@npm:3.6.20 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ whatwg-url@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wcwidth@npm:1.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ webidl-conversions@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ whatwg-fetch@npm:3.6.20 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ whatwg-url@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-boxed-primitive@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ webidl-conversions@npm:3.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ whatwg-fetch@npm:3.6.20 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ whatwg-url@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-boxed-primitive@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-builtin-type@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ whatwg-fetch@npm:3.6.20 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ whatwg-url@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-boxed-primitive@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-builtin-type@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-collection@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ whatwg-url@npm:5.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-boxed-primitive@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-builtin-type@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-collection@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-module@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-boxed-primitive@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-builtin-type@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-collection@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-module@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-typed-array@npm:1.1.15 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-builtin-type@npm:1.1.4 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-collection@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-module@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-typed-array@npm:1.1.15 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-collection@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-module@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-typed-array@npm:1.1.15 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-module@npm:2.0.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-typed-array@npm:1.1.15 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ word-wrap@npm:1.2.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which-typed-array@npm:1.1.15 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ word-wrap@npm:1.2.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrap-ansi@npm:6.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which@npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ word-wrap@npm:1.2.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrap-ansi@npm:6.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrap-ansi@npm:7.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ which@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ word-wrap@npm:1.2.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrap-ansi@npm:6.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrap-ansi@npm:7.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrap-ansi@npm:8.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ word-wrap@npm:1.2.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrap-ansi@npm:6.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrap-ansi@npm:7.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrap-ansi@npm:8.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrappy@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrap-ansi@npm:6.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrap-ansi@npm:7.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrap-ansi@npm:8.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrappy@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ write-file-atomic@npm:2.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrap-ansi@npm:7.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrap-ansi@npm:8.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrappy@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ write-file-atomic@npm:2.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ write-file-atomic@npm:4.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrap-ansi@npm:8.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrappy@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ write-file-atomic@npm:2.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ write-file-atomic@npm:4.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ws@npm:6.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ wrappy@npm:1.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ write-file-atomic@npm:2.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ write-file-atomic@npm:4.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ws@npm:6.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ws@npm:7.5.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ write-file-atomic@npm:2.4.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ write-file-atomic@npm:4.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ws@npm:6.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ws@npm:7.5.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ xtend@npm:4.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ write-file-atomic@npm:4.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ws@npm:6.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ws@npm:7.5.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ xtend@npm:4.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ y18n@npm:4.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ws@npm:6.2.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ws@npm:7.5.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ xtend@npm:4.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ y18n@npm:4.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ y18n@npm:5.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ ws@npm:7.5.10 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ xtend@npm:4.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ y18n@npm:4.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ y18n@npm:5.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yallist@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ xtend@npm:4.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ y18n@npm:4.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ y18n@npm:5.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yallist@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yallist@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ y18n@npm:4.0.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ y18n@npm:5.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yallist@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yallist@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yaml@npm:2.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ y18n@npm:5.0.8 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yallist@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yallist@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yaml@npm:2.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs-parser@npm:18.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yallist@npm:3.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yallist@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yaml@npm:2.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs-parser@npm:18.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs-parser@npm:20.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yallist@npm:4.0.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yaml@npm:2.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs-parser@npm:18.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs-parser@npm:20.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs-parser@npm:21.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yaml@npm:2.6.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs-parser@npm:18.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs-parser@npm:20.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs-parser@npm:21.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs@npm:15.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs-parser@npm:18.1.3 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs-parser@npm:20.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs-parser@npm:21.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs@npm:15.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs@npm:16.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs-parser@npm:20.2.9 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs-parser@npm:21.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs@npm:15.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs@npm:16.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs@npm:17.7.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs-parser@npm:21.1.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs@npm:15.4.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs@npm:16.2.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yargs@npm:17.7.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yocto-queue@npm:0.1.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 55s 855ms
➤ YN0000: ┌ Link step
➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 28s 717ms
➤ YN0000: Done with warnings in 1m 27s
2025-02-11 02:57:27,180 INFO: Creating local.properties file at build/com.scalepractice/local.properties
2025-02-11 02:57:27,183 INFO: Creating local.properties file at build/com.scalepractice/android/local.properties
2025-02-11 02:57:27,184 INFO: Creating local.properties file at build/com.scalepractice/android/app/local.properties
2025-02-11 02:57:27,184 DEBUG: Removing debuggable flags from build/com.scalepractice/android/app
2025-02-11 02:57:27,494 INFO: Cleaned build.gradle of keysigning configs at build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build.gradle
2025-02-11 02:57:27,497 INFO: Running 'prebuild' commands in build/com.scalepractice/android/app
2025-02-11 02:57:27,497 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice/android/app
2025-02-11 02:57:27,497 DEBUG: > bash -e -u -o pipefail -x -c -- sed -i -e '/INTERNET/d' src/main/AndroidManifest.xml; sed -i -e '/installreferrer/,+11d' ../../node_modules/react-native-device-info/android/build.gradle
/etc/bash.bashrc: line 7: PS1: unbound variable
+ sed -i -e /INTERNET/d src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
+ sed -i -e /installreferrer/,+11d ../../node_modules/react-native-device-info/android/build.gradle
2025-02-11 02:57:27,700 INFO: Cleaning Gradle project...
2025-02-11 02:57:27,700 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice/android/app
2025-02-11 02:57:27,700 DEBUG: > /home/vagrant/fdroidserver/gradlew-fdroid clean
Found 8.10.2 via distributionUrl
Downloading missing gradle version 8.10.2
cachedir /home/vagrant/.cache/fdroidserver
/home/vagrant/.cache/fdroidserver/gradle-8.10.2-bin.zip: OK
Running /opt/gradle/versions/8.10.2/bin/gradle clean
Welcome to Gradle 8.10.2!
Here are the highlights of this release:
- Support for Java 23
- Faster configuration cache
- Better configuration cache reports
For more details see https://docs.gradle.org/8.10.2/release-notes.html
To honour the JVM settings for this build a single-use Daemon process will be forked. For more on this, please refer to https://docs.gradle.org/8.10.2/userguide/gradle_daemon.html#sec:disabling_the_daemon in the Gradle documentation.
Daemon will be stopped at the end of the build
> Task :gradle-plugin:settings-plugin:checkKotlinGradlePluginConfigurationErrors
> Task :gradle-plugin:shared:checkKotlinGradlePluginConfigurationErrors
> Task :gradle-plugin:shared:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :gradle-plugin:settings-plugin:pluginDescriptors
> Task :gradle-plugin:settings-plugin:processResources
> Task :gradle-plugin:shared:compileKotlin
> Task :gradle-plugin:shared:compileJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :gradle-plugin:shared:classes UP-TO-DATE
> Task :gradle-plugin:shared:jar
> Task :gradle-plugin:settings-plugin:compileKotlin
> Task :gradle-plugin:settings-plugin:compileJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :gradle-plugin:settings-plugin:classes
> Task :gradle-plugin:settings-plugin:jar
> Task :gradle-plugin:react-native-gradle-plugin:checkKotlinGradlePluginConfigurationErrors
> Task :gradle-plugin:react-native-gradle-plugin:pluginDescriptors
> Task :gradle-plugin:react-native-gradle-plugin:processResources
> Task :gradle-plugin:react-native-gradle-plugin:compileKotlin
> Task :gradle-plugin:react-native-gradle-plugin:compileJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :gradle-plugin:react-native-gradle-plugin:classes
> Task :gradle-plugin:react-native-gradle-plugin:jar
> Configure project :app
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-10/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-11/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-12/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-13/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-14/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-15/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-16/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-17/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-18/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-19/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-20/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-21/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-22/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-23/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-24/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-25/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-26/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-27/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-28/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-29/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-30/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-31/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-32/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-33/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Warning: Errors during XML parse:
Warning: Additionally, the fallback loader failed to parse the XML.
Warning: Errors during XML parse:
Warning: Additionally, the fallback loader failed to parse the XML.
Checking the license for package NDK (Side by side) 26.1.10909125 in /opt/android-sdk/licenses
License for package NDK (Side by side) 26.1.10909125 accepted.
Preparing "Install NDK (Side by side) 26.1.10909125 v.26.1.10909125".
"Install NDK (Side by side) 26.1.10909125 v.26.1.10909125" ready.
Installing NDK (Side by side) 26.1.10909125 in /opt/android-sdk/ndk/26.1.10909125
"Install NDK (Side by side) 26.1.10909125 v.26.1.10909125" complete.
"Install NDK (Side by side) 26.1.10909125 v.26.1.10909125" finished.
> Configure project :react-native-reanimated
Android gradle plugin: 8.6.0
Gradle: 8.10.2
> Task :app:externalNativeBuildCleanDebug
> Task :app:externalNativeBuildCleanRelease
> Task :app:clean UP-TO-DATE
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
For more on this, please refer to https://docs.gradle.org/8.10.2/userguide/command_line_interface.html#sec:command_line_warnings in the Gradle documentation.
16 actionable tasks: 15 executed, 1 up-to-date
2025-02-11 03:04:25,875 INFO: Scanning source for common problems...
2025-02-11 03:04:26,200 INFO: Removing gzip file archive at node_modules/normalize-package-data/node_modules/semver/semver.min.js.gz
2025-02-11 03:04:26,201 INFO: Removing gzip file archive at node_modules/normalize-package-data/node_modules/semver/semver.browser.js.gz
2025-02-11 03:04:26,230 DEBUG: scanner is configured to use signature data from: 'suss'
2025-02-11 03:04:26,230 DEBUG: downloading 'https://fdroid.gitlab.io/fdroid-suss/suss.json'
2025-02-11 03:04:26,814 DEBUG: write 'suss.json' to cache
2025-02-11 03:04:26,818 DEBUG: next suss.json cache update due in 23:59:59.986730
2025-02-11 03:04:27,132 INFO: Removing unknown maven repo 'mavenTempLocalUrl' at node_modules/react-native/ReactAndroid/publish.gradle
2025-02-11 03:04:27,406 INFO: Ignoring binary at node_modules/react-native/sdks/hermesc/linux64-bin/hermesc
2025-02-11 03:04:27,407 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/sdks/hermesc/osx-bin/hermesc
2025-02-11 03:04:27,409 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/sdks/hermesc/osx-bin/hermes
2025-02-11 03:04:27,430 WARNING: Found executable binary, possibly code at node_modules/react-native/sdks/hermesc/win64-bin/vcruntime140_1.dll
2025-02-11 03:04:27,432 WARNING: Found executable binary, possibly code at node_modules/react-native/sdks/hermesc/win64-bin/icutest64.dll
2025-02-11 03:04:27,438 WARNING: Found executable binary, possibly code at node_modules/react-native/sdks/hermesc/win64-bin/icuuc64.dll
2025-02-11 03:04:27,440 WARNING: Found executable binary, possibly code at node_modules/react-native/sdks/hermesc/win64-bin/vcruntime140.dll
2025-02-11 03:04:27,441 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/sdks/hermesc/win64-bin/hermesc.exe
2025-02-11 03:04:27,444 WARNING: Found executable binary, possibly code at node_modules/react-native/sdks/hermesc/win64-bin/msvcp140.dll
2025-02-11 03:04:27,446 WARNING: Found executable binary, possibly code at node_modules/react-native/sdks/hermesc/win64-bin/icutu64.dll
2025-02-11 03:04:27,447 WARNING: Found executable binary, possibly code at node_modules/react-native/sdks/hermesc/win64-bin/icuio64.dll
2025-02-11 03:04:27,466 WARNING: Found executable binary, possibly code at node_modules/react-native/sdks/hermesc/win64-bin/icudt64.dll
2025-02-11 03:04:27,475 WARNING: Found executable binary, possibly code at node_modules/react-native/sdks/hermesc/win64-bin/icuin64.dll
2025-02-11 03:04:27,477 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/fi.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,478 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/vi.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,478 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/ko.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,479 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/hr.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,480 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/ms.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,480 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/ar.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,481 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/cs.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,482 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/sv.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,482 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/el.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,483 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/pt.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,483 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/es.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,484 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/zh-Hant-HK.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,485 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/zu.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,485 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/ru.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,486 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/id.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,487 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/ja.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,487 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/pt-PT.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,488 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/da.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,488 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/sk.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,489 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/es-ES.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,490 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/hi.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,490 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/hu.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,491 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/zh-Hant.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,492 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/tr.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,492 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/de.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,493 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/ro.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,494 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/pl.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,494 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/nl.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,495 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/he.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,495 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/zh-Hans.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,496 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/th.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,497 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/nb.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,497 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/en-GB.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,498 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/uk.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,499 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/fr.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,499 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/react-native/React/I18n/strings/it.lproj/fbt_language_pack.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:27,894 INFO: Ignoring unknown maven repo '$projectDir/../node_modules/react-native/android' at node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build.gradle
2025-02-11 03:04:27,957 INFO: Ignoring unknown maven repo '$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android' at node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build.gradle
2025-02-11 03:04:28,029 INFO: Ignoring unknown maven repo '$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android' at node_modules/react-native-idle-timer/android/build.gradle
2025-02-11 03:04:28,029 INFO: Removing gradle-wrapper.jar at node_modules/react-native-idle-timer/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
2025-02-11 03:04:28,083 INFO: Ignoring unknown maven repo '${project.ext.resolveModulePath(' at node_modules/@react-native-async-storage/async-storage/android/build.gradle
2025-02-11 03:04:28,178 INFO: Ignoring Android AAR library at node_modules/jsc-android/dist/org/webkit/android-jsc-intl/r250231/android-jsc-intl-r250231.aar
2025-02-11 03:04:28,179 INFO: Ignoring Android AAR library at node_modules/jsc-android/dist/org/webkit/android-jsc-cppruntime/r250231/android-jsc-cppruntime-r250231.aar
2025-02-11 03:04:28,180 INFO: Ignoring Android AAR library at node_modules/jsc-android/dist/org/webkit/android-jsc/r250231/android-jsc-r250231.aar
2025-02-11 03:04:28,201 INFO: Ignoring unknown maven repo '$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android' at node_modules/react-native-device-info/android/build.gradle
2025-02-11 03:04:28,286 WARNING: Found executable binary, possibly code at node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/Fonts/Fontisto.ttf
2025-02-11 03:04:28,296 INFO: Ignoring unknown maven repo '$projectDir/../node_modules/react-native/android' at node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/android/build.gradle
2025-02-11 03:04:28,433 INFO: Removing gradle-wrapper.jar at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
2025-02-11 03:04:28,441 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/kotlin/compileKotlin/classpath-snapshot/shrunk-classpath-snapshot.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:28,442 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/kotlin/compileKotlin/cacheable/last-build.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:28,447 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/kotlin/compileKotlin/local-state/build-history.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:28,448 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/model/ModelAutolinkingAndroidProjectJson.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,449 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/model/ModelAutolinkingDependenciesPlatformJson.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,450 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/model/ModelAutolinkingConfigJson.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,450 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/model/ModelAutolinkingProjectJson.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,451 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/model/ModelCodegenConfigAndroid.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,451 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/model/ModelCodegenConfig.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,452 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/model/ModelAutolinkingDependenciesJson.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,453 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/model/ModelAutolinkingDependenciesPlatformAndroidJson.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,453 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/model/ModelPackageJson.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,454 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/Os.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,454 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/TaskUtilsKt.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,455 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/KotlinStdlibCompatUtils.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,455 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/JsonUtils.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,456 INFO: Removing Java JAR file at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/shared/build/libs/shared.jar
2025-02-11 03:04:28,473 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/kotlin/compileKotlin/classpath-snapshot/shrunk-classpath-snapshot.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:28,473 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/kotlin/compileKotlin/cacheable/last-build.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:28,480 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/kotlin/compileKotlin/local-state/build-history.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:28,481 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactRootProjectPlugin.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,482 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/TaskConfigurationKt$configureReactTasks$2.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,482 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/TaskConfigurationKt$configureReactTasks$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,483 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactPlugin$configureAutolinking$generatePackageListTask$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,484 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactPlugin$apply$2.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,484 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactPlugin$configureCodegen$generateCodegenArtifactsTask$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,485 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactPlugin$configureCodegen$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,485 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactPlugin$configureCodegen$generateCodegenSchemaTask$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,486 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactPlugin.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,487 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactPlugin$apply$1$2$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,487 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactExtension.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,488 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactExtension$Companion.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,488 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactPlugin$apply$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,489 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactPlugin$configureAutolinking$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,489 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/TaskConfigurationKt.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,490 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactRootProjectPlugin$apply$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,491 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactPlugin$apply$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,491 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/TaskConfigurationKt$configureReactTasks$bundleTask$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,492 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactPlugin$configureCodegen$generateCodegenSchemaTask$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,492 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactPlugin$configureAutolinking$generateAutolinkingNewArchitectureFilesTask$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,493 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactPlugin$configureCodegen$generateCodegenArtifactsTask$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,494 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/internal/PrivateReactExtension.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,494 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GeneratePackageListTask$composePackageInstance$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,495 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GenerateAutolinkingNewArchitecturesFileTask$Companion.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,495 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GenerateAutolinkingNewArchitecturesFileTask$generateCppFileContent$cppIncludes$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,496 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/BundleHermesCTask$runCommand$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,497 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GenerateAutolinkingNewArchitecturesFileTask$generateCmakeFileContent$libraryModules$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,497 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/BundleHermesCTask$sources$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,498 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GenerateCodegenSchemaTask$jsInputFiles$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,498 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GenerateAutolinkingNewArchitecturesFileTask$generateCmakeFileContent$libraryIncludes$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,499 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GenerateAutolinkingNewArchitecturesFileTask$generateCppFileContent$cppComponentDescriptors$2$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,499 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GeneratePackageListTask$composePackageImports$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,500 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GenerateCodegenSchemaTask.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,501 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GeneratePackageListTask$Companion.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,501 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GenerateAutolinkingNewArchitecturesFileTask$generateCppFileContent$cppComponentDescriptors$2.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,502 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GenerateAutolinkingNewArchitecturesFileTask.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,502 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GenerateAutolinkingNewArchitecturesFileTask$generateCppFileContent$cppTurboModuleCxxProviders$2.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,503 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/BundleHermesCTask.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,503 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GeneratePackageListTask.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,504 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GeneratePackageListTask$Companion$interpolateDynamicValues$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,505 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GenerateCodegenArtifactsTask.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,505 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/GenerateAutolinkingNewArchitecturesFileTask$generateCppFileContent$cppTurboModuleJavaProviders$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,506 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/PrepareBoostTask.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,506 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/PrepareGlogTask$taskAction$2.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,507 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/PrepareJSCTask$taskAction$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,508 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/PrepareBoostTask$taskAction$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,508 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/PrepareGlogTask$taskAction$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,509 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/PrepareJSCTask.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,509 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/PrepareJSCTask$taskAction$jscAAR$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,510 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/PrepareJSCTask$taskAction$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,511 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/PreparePrefabHeadersTask$taskAction$1$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,511 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/BuildCodegenCLITask$Companion.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,512 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/PrepareGlogTask.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,512 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/BuildCodegenCLITask.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,513 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/PrepareJSCTask$taskAction$soFiles$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,513 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/PrepareGlogTask$taskAction$2$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,514 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/PrepareJSCTask$taskAction$headerFiles$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,515 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/PreparePrefabHeadersTask.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,515 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/BuildCodegenCLITask$outputFiles$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,516 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/BuildCodegenCLITask$inputFiles$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,516 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/PrepareGlogTask$taskAction$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,517 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/tasks/internal/utils/PrefabPreprocessingEntry.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,518 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureRepositories$1$1$4.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,518 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$mavenRepoFromURI$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,519 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/AgpConfiguratorUtilsKt.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,519 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureDependencies$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,520 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/AgpConfiguratorUtils$configureBuildConfigFieldsForApp$action$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,521 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureDependencies$1$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,521 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/BackwardCompatUtils.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,522 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureRepositories$1$1$4$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,522 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/JdkConfiguratorUtils$configureJavaToolChains$1$action$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,523 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/AgpConfiguratorUtils$configureBuildConfigFieldsForLibraries$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,524 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureRepositories$1$1$2.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,524 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureRepositories$1$1$3$2.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,525 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureRepositories$1$1$6$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,525 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/JdkConfiguratorUtils.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,526 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/AgpConfiguratorUtils$configureNamespaceForLibraries$1$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,526 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/AgpConfiguratorUtils$configureNamespaceForLibraries$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,527 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/AgpConfiguratorUtils$configureBuildConfigFieldsForLibraries$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,528 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/NdkConfiguratorUtils.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,528 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/NdkConfiguratorUtils$configureReactNativeNdk$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,529 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/ProjectUtils.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,529 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$mavenRepoFromUrl$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,530 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/NdkConfiguratorUtils$configureReactNativeNdk$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,530 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureDependencies$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,531 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/AgpConfiguratorUtils$configureNamespaceForLibraries$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,532 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureRepositories$1$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,532 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureRepositories$1$1$5.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,533 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureRepositories$1$1$2$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,533 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureRepositories$1$1$3$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,534 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureRepositories$1$1$3.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,534 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureRepositories$1$1$5$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,535 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/FileUtilsKt.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,536 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/PathUtils.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,536 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureRepositories$1$1$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,537 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/JdkConfiguratorUtils$configureJavaToolChains$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,537 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/JdkConfiguratorUtils$configureJavaToolChains$1$2.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,538 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/JdkConfiguratorUtils$configureJavaToolChains$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,538 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureRepositories$1$1$6.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,539 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$configureRepositories$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,540 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/AgpConfiguratorUtils$configureBuildConfigFieldsForLibraries$1$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,540 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/PathUtils$projectPathToLibraryName$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,541 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$mavenRepoFromUrl$2.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,541 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/AgpConfiguratorUtils$configureDevPorts$action$1$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,542 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,543 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/AgpConfiguratorUtils.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,543 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/DependencyUtils$mavenRepoFromURI$2.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,544 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/utils/PropertyUtils.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,545 INFO: Removing Java JAR file at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/react-native-gradle-plugin/build/libs/react-native-gradle-plugin.jar
2025-02-11 03:04:28,561 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/settings-plugin/build/kotlin/compileKotlin/classpath-snapshot/shrunk-classpath-snapshot.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:28,562 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/settings-plugin/build/kotlin/compileKotlin/cacheable/last-build.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:28,568 INFO: Removing binary at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/settings-plugin/build/kotlin/compileKotlin/local-state/build-history.bin
2025-02-11 03:04:28,569 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/settings-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactSettingsExtension$GenerateConfig.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,570 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/settings-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactSettingsExtension$Companion.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,570 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/settings-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactSettingsPlugin.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,571 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/settings-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactSettingsExtension$autolinkLibrariesFromCommand$updateConfig$1.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,571 INFO: Removing Java compiled class at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/settings-plugin/build/classes/kotlin/main/com/facebook/react/ReactSettingsExtension.class
2025-02-11 03:04:28,572 INFO: Removing Java JAR file at node_modules/@react-native/gradle-plugin/settings-plugin/build/libs/settings-plugin.jar
2025-02-11 03:04:28,634 INFO: Removing gzip file archive at node_modules/read-installed/node_modules/semver/semver.min.js.gz
2025-02-11 03:04:28,635 INFO: Removing gzip file archive at node_modules/read-installed/node_modules/semver/semver.browser.js.gz
2025-02-11 03:04:28,829 INFO: Ignoring unknown maven repo '$reactNativeRootDir/android' at node_modules/react-native-reanimated/android/build.gradle
2025-02-11 03:04:28,829 INFO: Ignoring unknown maven repo '$reactNativeRootDir/../jsc-android/dist' at node_modules/react-native-reanimated/android/build.gradle
2025-02-11 03:04:28,831 INFO: Removing gradle-wrapper.jar at node_modules/react-native-reanimated/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
2025-02-11 03:04:28,944 INFO: Ignoring unknown maven repo '$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android' at node_modules/@react-native-masked-view/masked-view/android/build.gradle
2025-02-11 03:04:29,117 INFO: Ignoring unknown maven repo '$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android' at node_modules/react-native-linear-gradient/android/build.gradle
2025-02-11 03:04:29,117 INFO: Ignoring unknown maven repo '$rootDir/../node_modules/jsc-android/dist' at node_modules/react-native-linear-gradient/android/build.gradle
2025-02-11 03:04:29,159 INFO: Ignoring unknown maven repo '$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android' at node_modules/react-native-localize/android/build.gradle
2025-02-11 03:04:29,160 INFO: Ignoring unknown maven repo '$rootDir/../node_modules/jsc-android/dist' at node_modules/react-native-localize/android/build.gradle
2025-02-11 03:04:29,274 INFO: Ignoring unknown maven repo 'standardRnAndroidDirLocation' at node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build.gradle
2025-02-11 03:04:29,631 INFO: Removing gradle-wrapper.jar at android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
2025-02-11 03:04:29,642 INFO: Ignoring gzip file archive at .yarn/install-state.gz
2025-02-11 03:04:29,644 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/string.prototype.matchall-npm-4.0.11-a18d0665a1-6ac6566ed0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,645 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-masked-view-masked-view-npm-0.2.9-dba586c587-7eb6c370f0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,645 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-unicode-supported-npm-0.1.0-0833e1bbfb-a2aab86ee7.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,645 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/promise-retry-npm-2.0.1-871f0b01b7-f96a3f6d90.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,645 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/semver-npm-6.3.1-bcba31fdbe-ae47d06de2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,646 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/strip-json-comments-npm-3.1.1-dcb2324823-492f73e272.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,646 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/supports-color-npm-7.2.0-606bfcf7da-3dda818de0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,646 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/reusify-npm-1.0.4-95ac4aec11-c3076ebcc2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,646 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-class-properties-npm-7.12.13-002ee9d930-24f34b196d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,646 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/typed-array-byte-offset-npm-1.0.2-14b64ee0e1-c8645c8794.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,647 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/import-fresh-npm-2.0.0-8b4e6073aa-610255f975.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,647 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/arraybuffer.prototype.slice-npm-1.0.3-97a993a091-352259cba5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,647 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/exponential-backoff-npm-3.1.1-04df458b30-3d21519a4f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,647 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding-npm-7.25.9-333a1823d0-b46a8d1e91.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,648 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-destructuring-npm-7.25.9-4d0defa886-965f63077a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,648 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/tslib-npm-2.8.1-66590b21b8-e4aba30e63.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,648 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/sudo-prompt-npm-9.2.1-673cc9fe7b-50a29eec2f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,648 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-optional-catch-binding-npm-7.8.3-ce337427d8-910d90e72b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,649 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/lodash.debounce-npm-4.0.8-f1d6e09799-a3f527d22c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,649 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/merge-stream-npm-2.0.0-2ac83efea5-6fa4dcc8d8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,649 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/read-package-json-npm-1.3.3-7d7350089d-78abd88909.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,649 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/locate-path-npm-5.0.0-46580c43e4-83e51725e6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,650 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-validate-npm-29.7.0-795ac5ede8-191fcdc980.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,650 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@eslint-js-npm-8.57.1-dec269f278-2afb77454c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,650 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/wrap-ansi-npm-8.1.0-26a4e6ae28-371733296d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,650 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/errorhandler-npm-1.5.1-bbeb9f9d1b-73b7abb08f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,651 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/picomatch-npm-2.3.1-c782cfd986-050c865ce8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,651 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/license-checker-https-897b3f6c20-01bd99b272.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,651 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@typescript-eslint-scope-manager-npm-5.62.0-c0013838b0-6062d6b797.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,651 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/retry-npm-0.12.0-72ac7fb4cc-623bd7d2e5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,652 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/colorette-npm-1.4.0-7e94b44dc3-01c3c16058.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,652 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/nopt-npm-7.2.1-635b7da949-6fa729cc77.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,652 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/lru-cache-npm-5.1.1-f475882a51-c154ae1cbb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,652 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object-npm-7.21.0-placeholder-for-preset-env.2-eb70026c88-d97745d098.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,652 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/fast-glob-npm-3.3.2-0a8cb4f2ca-900e4979f4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,653 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/string-width-npm-4.2.3-2c27177bae-e52c10dc3f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,653 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-stream-npm-2.0.1-c802db55e7-b8e05ccdf9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,653 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-for-of-npm-7.25.9-7580278020-41b56e7025.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,653 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/pkg-dir-npm-4.2.0-2b5d0a8d32-9863e3f351.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,654 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/cacache-npm-18.0.4-3dc4edc849-b7422c113b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,654 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/clone-npm-1.0.4-a610fcbcf9-d06418b733.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,654 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-shorthand-properties-npm-7.25.9-7ddce2fc87-f774995d58.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,654 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/yallist-npm-3.1.1-a568a556b4-48f7bb00dc.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,655 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-resolve-npm-29.7.0-5c36f0eefb-0ca218e107.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,655 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-bugfix-v8-static-class-fields-redefine-readonly-npm-7.25.9-dce7f49c0f-c684593952.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,655 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/socks-proxy-agent-npm-8.0.4-991722041a-b2ec5051d8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,655 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/debug-npm-2.6.9-7d4cb597dc-d2f51589ca.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,656 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/data-view-buffer-npm-1.0.1-d911beebce-ce24348f3c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,656 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/minipass-fetch-npm-3.0.5-ed78529694-8047d27323.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,656 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/y18n-npm-4.0.3-ced95acdbc-014dfcd9b5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,656 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@typescript-eslint-types-npm-5.62.0-5c2e0aab15-48c8711738.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,657 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/cosmiconfig-npm-5.2.1-4a84462a41-8b6f1d3c8a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,657 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/glob-parent-npm-6.0.2-2cbef12738-c13ee97978.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,657 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/escape-string-regexp-npm-4.0.0-4b531d8d59-98b48897d9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,657 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-typescript-config-npm-0.76.2-b76f612774-68e1b50a4f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,658 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-community-cli-debugger-ui-npm-15.0.1-46cef3d13b-a97bb195f3.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,658 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/abbrev-npm-1.1.1-3659247eab-a4a97ec07d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,658 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@npmcli-fs-npm-3.1.1-c19bd09f3c-d960cab4b9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,658 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/json5-npm-2.2.3-9962c55073-2a7436a933.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,659 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/compressible-npm-2.0.18-ee5ab04d88-58321a85b3.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,659 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-optional-chaining-npm-7.8.3-f3f3c79579-eef94d53a1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,659 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/find-up-npm-3.0.0-a2d4b1b317-38eba3fe7a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,659 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/es-abstract-npm-1.23.5-24fac3af09-17c81f8a42.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,660 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/statuses-npm-2.0.1-81d2b97fee-18c7623fdb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,660 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/github-url-from-git-npm-1.5.0-2c116d9495-928d401865.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,660 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@sinonjs-commons-npm-3.0.1-bffb9f5a53-a7c3e7cc61.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,660 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/queue-npm-6.0.2-ebbcf599cf-ebc2363924.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,661 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/fs.realpath-npm-1.0.0-c8f05d8126-99ddea01a7.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,661 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types-npm-7.25.9-81ac349629-7f51cd5cc0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,661 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/regenerate-npm-1.4.2-b296c5b63a-3317a09b2f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,661 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@egjs-hammerjs-npm-2.0.17-2e03ba4087-8945137cec.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,662 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ansi-styles-npm-5.2.0-72fc7003e3-d7f4e97ce0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,662 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/hermes-parser-npm-0.25.1-832deac23b-4edcfaa303.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,662 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/eslint-visitor-keys-npm-3.4.3-a356ac7e46-36e9ef87fc.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,662 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/side-channel-npm-1.0.6-511657386f-bfc1afc182.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,663 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/string-natural-compare-npm-3.0.1-f6d0be6457-65910d9995.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,663 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/eslint-plugin-react-native-npm-4.1.0-6e3a231226-b6acc5aa91.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,663 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/string.prototype.repeat-npm-1.0.0-3f87f5fd9e-95dfc514ed.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,664 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-wrap-function-npm-7.25.9-bbd361fe46-8ec1701e60.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,664 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ast-types-npm-0.15.2-a09d26e72b-24f0d86bf9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,664 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ajv-npm-6.12.6-4b5105e2b2-874972efe5.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,665 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/vary-npm-1.1.2-b49f70ae63-ae0123222c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,665 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/babel-plugin-jest-hoist-npm-29.6.3-46120a3297-51250f2281.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,665 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/node-int64-npm-0.4.0-0dc04ec3b2-d0b30b1ee6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,666 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ip-address-npm-9.0.5-9fa024d42a-aa15f12cfd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,666 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/array-buffer-byte-length-npm-1.0.1-e7afc30010-53524e08f4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,666 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/string-width-npm-5.1.2-bf60531341-7369deaa29.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,666 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/mimic-fn-npm-2.1.0-4fbeb3abb4-d2421a3444.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,667 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/which-boxed-primitive-npm-1.0.2-e214f9ae5a-53ce774c73.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,667 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@bcoe-v8-coverage-npm-0.2.3-9e27b3c57e-850f930553.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,667 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/metro-runtime-npm-0.81.0-fddf7cb76f-812869ed71.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,667 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/metro-minify-terser-npm-0.81.0-43639cbfe3-53472e5d47.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,668 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/run-parallel-npm-1.2.0-3f47ff2034-cb4f97ad25.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,668 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-object-super-npm-7.25.9-6d5aaaf3d3-1817b5d8b8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,668 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-wsl-npm-1.1.0-136e2b7c74-ea157d2323.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,668 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-test-result-npm-29.7.0-4bb532101b-67b6317d52.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,669 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/unique-filename-npm-3.0.0-77d68e0a45-8e2f59b356.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,669 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/caniuse-lite-npm-1.0.30001680-df226595b2-2641d2b18c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,669 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/escape-string-regexp-npm-1.0.5-3284de402f-6092fda75c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,669 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-plain-obj-npm-2.1.0-8dffd7ae9c-cec9100678.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,670 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ssri-npm-10.0.6-6b8eaec5ce-4603d53a05.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,670 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/acorn-npm-8.14.0-dc46f61424-8755074ba5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,670 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/finalhandler-npm-1.1.2-55a75d6b53-617880460c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,670 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-docblock-npm-29.7.0-ec59f449dd-66390c3e94.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,671 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-extglob-npm-2.1.1-0870ea68b5-df033653d0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,671 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/eslint-config-prettier-npm-8.10.0-c1aac67611-153266badd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,671 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@nodelib-fs.walk-npm-1.2.8-b4a89da548-190c643f15.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,672 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/imurmurhash-npm-0.1.4-610c5068a0-7cae75c8cd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,672 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/json-buffer-npm-3.0.1-f8f6d20603-9026b03edc.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,672 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-directory-npm-0.3.1-e835db28ed-dce9a9d398.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,672 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-code-frame-npm-7.26.2-4902b56813-db13f5c42d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,673 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-leak-detector-npm-29.7.0-915d82553f-e3950e3ddd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,673 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-template-npm-7.25.9-d903b7b6d5-103641fea1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,673 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-community-cli-plugin-npm-0.76.2-3ad53e31a0-00ed2da8ed.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,674 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/metro-source-map-npm-0.81.0-667d36eecf-e83742c187.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,674 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/github-url-from-username-repo-npm-1.0.2-5522837725-ed044ba8a8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,674 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/execa-npm-5.1.1-191347acf5-fba9022c8c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,674 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@hapi-hoek-npm-9.3.0-447eb8d274-4771c7a776.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,675 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ms-npm-2.1.3-81ff3cfac1-aa92de6080.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,675 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/graphemer-npm-1.4.0-0627732d35-bab8f0be9b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,675 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-simple-access-npm-7.25.9-477a4a7937-6d96c94b88.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,675 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/data-view-byte-offset-npm-1.0.0-7112a24a4b-7f0bf8720b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,676 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/http-errors-npm-2.0.0-3f1c503428-9b0a378266.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,676 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/babel-core-npm-7.0.0-bridge.0-7fe146b78f-2a1cb87901.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,676 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-source-map-npm-29.6.3-8bb8289263-bcc5a8697d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,676 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/minizlib-npm-2.1.2-ea89cd0cfb-f1fdeac0b0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,677 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/minipass-pipeline-npm-1.2.4-5924cb077f-b14240dac0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,677 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/wrap-ansi-npm-6.2.0-439a7246d8-6cd96a4101.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,677 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/eslint-scope-npm-7.2.2-53cb0df8e8-ec97dbf5fb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,678 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-worker-npm-29.7.0-4d3567fed6-30fff60af4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,678 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/range-parser-npm-1.2.1-1a470fa390-0a268d4fea.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,678 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ws-npm-7.5.10-878ccb886b-f9bb062abf.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,678 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/path-type-npm-4.0.0-10d47fc86a-5b1e2daa24.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,679 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@istanbuljs-load-nyc-config-npm-1.1.0-42d17c9cb1-d578da5e2e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,679 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-types-npm-26.6.2-fca9877d98-a0bd3d2f22.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,679 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-regenerator-npm-7.25.9-c341e2ff83-1c09e8087b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,679 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/prettier-npm-2.8.8-430828a36c-b49e409431.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,680 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/source-map-npm-0.6.1-1a3621db16-59ce8640cf.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,680 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-reporters-npm-29.7.0-2561cd7a09-7eadabd62c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,680 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-assets-registry-npm-0.76.2-7f3b1c49cf-7a6b6201fe.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,681 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-babel__generator-npm-7.6.8-61be1197d9-5b332ea336.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,681 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-test-renderer-npm-18.3.1-986aa9a9e3-e8e58e7388.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,681 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/find-babel-config-npm-2.1.2-489c2d0cc1-268f29cb38.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,682 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-graceful-fs-npm-4.1.9-ebd697fe83-79d746a8f0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,682 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-changed-files-npm-29.7.0-c2dcd10525-963e203893.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,682 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@sinonjs-fake-timers-npm-10.3.0-7417f876b4-614d30cb4d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,682 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/glob-npm-7.2.3-2d866d17a5-29452e97b3.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,683 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-modules-systemjs-npm-7.25.9-977795f4fd-bf446202f3.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,683 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/nopt-defaults-npm-0.0.1-1ad84212d4-3cb477626e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,683 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/escape-string-regexp-npm-2.0.0-aef69d2a25-9f8a2d5743.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,683 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jackspeak-npm-3.4.3-546bfad080-be31027fc7.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,684 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/hermes-estree-npm-0.24.0-c0bec64b01-23d09013c8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,684 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-community-cli-tools-npm-15.0.1-255c8d8e03-0c40d5aa23.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,684 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@ungap-structured-clone-npm-1.2.0-648f0b82e0-4f656b7b46.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,685 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-npm-18.3.1-af38f3c1ae-a27bcfa8ff.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,685 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/readline-npm-1.3.0-c1788eeabc-dfaf8e6ac2.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,686 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/pretty-format-npm-27.5.1-cd7d49696f-cf610cffcb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,686 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/estraverse-npm-5.3.0-03284f8f63-072780882d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,686 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/p-locate-npm-4.1.0-eec6872537-513bd14a45.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,687 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/to-regex-range-npm-5.0.1-f1e8263b00-f76fa01b3d.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,688 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-template-literals-npm-7.25.9-181964c580-92eb1d6e2d.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,689 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ee-first-npm-1.1.1-33f8535b39-1b4cac778d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,689 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-semver-npm-7.5.8-26073743d7-ea6f5276f5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,689 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-interactive-npm-1.0.0-7ff7c6e04a-824808776e.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,690 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/parseurl-npm-1.3.3-1542397e00-407cee8e0a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,690 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-bigint-npm-7.8.3-b05d971e6c-3a10849d83.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,690 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/utils-merge-npm-1.0.1-363bbdfbca-c810954932.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,691 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-source-npm-7.25.9-c008c7a159-a3e0e5672e.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,691 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/yaml-npm-2.6.0-1c0bd2fcf8-e5e74fd75e.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,692 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator-npm-7.25.9-662ef84981-26e03b1c2c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,692 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-json-strings-npm-7.8.3-6dc7848179-bf5aea1f31.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,693 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-preset-typescript-npm-7.26.0-0771d290dd-6d8641fa6e.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,694 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/debuglog-npm-1.0.1-c553c84ea5-970679f2eb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,694 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/stackframe-npm-1.3.4-bf4b7cc8fd-bae1596873.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,694 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-number-npm-7.0.0-060086935c-456ac6f8e0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,695 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-istanbul-lib-coverage-npm-2.0.6-2ea31fda9c-3feac423fd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,695 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/buffer-from-npm-1.1.2-03d2f20d7e-0448524a56.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,695 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-picker-picker-npm-2.9.0-fdf0591fce-3f88ecbad8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,696 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/json-schema-traverse-npm-0.4.1-4759091693-7486074d3b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,696 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/exit-npm-0.1.2-ef3761a67d-abc407f07a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,696 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/hermes-estree-npm-0.23.1-b96541fb28-0f63edc365.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,696 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-create-cache-key-function-npm-29.7.0-786396764f-681bc761fa.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,697 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/fast-json-stable-stringify-npm-2.1.0-02e8905fda-b191531e36.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,697 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/has-ansi-npm-0.1.0-fe216ea97a-8eb68a066b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,697 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/for-each-npm-0.3.3-0010ca8cdd-6c48ff2bc6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,697 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/get-symbol-description-npm-1.0.2-f8c332e0b5-e1cb53bc21.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,698 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/hasown-npm-2.0.2-80fe6c9901-e8516f776a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,698 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/globals-npm-13.24.0-cc7713139c-56066ef058.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,698 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-docker-npm-2.2.1-3f18a53aff-3fef7ddbf0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,699 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/resolve-from-npm-4.0.0-f758ec21bf-f4ba0b8494.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,699 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/word-wrap-npm-1.2.5-42d00c4b09-f93ba3586f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,699 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/expect-npm-29.7.0-62e9f7979e-9257f10288.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,699 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-regex-npm-1.1.4-cca193ef11-362399b335.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,700 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/convert-source-map-npm-2.0.0-7ab664dc4e-63ae9933be.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,700 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/nanoid-npm-3.3.7-98824ba130-d36c427e53.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,700 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-shallow-renderer-npm-16.15.0-cf95219885-6052c7e3e9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,701 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/mime-types-npm-2.1.35-dd9ea9f3e2-89a5b7f1de.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,701 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jridgewell-resolve-uri-npm-3.1.2-5bc4245992-83b85f72c5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,701 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/tmpl-npm-1.0.5-d399ba37e2-cd922d9b85.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,701 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/makeerror-npm-1.0.12-69abf085d7-b38a025a12.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,702 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/minipass-collect-npm-2.0.1-73d3907e40-b251bceea6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,702 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/typed-array-byte-length-npm-1.0.1-9ab0891fb8-f65e5ecd1c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,702 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-resolve-dependencies-npm-29.7.0-06ec582f1e-aeb75d8150.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,703 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/negotiator-npm-0.6.3-9d50e36171-b8ffeb1e26.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,703 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-navigation-routers-npm-6.1.9-b734e539f1-3a3392ce09.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,703 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/yocto-queue-npm-0.1.0-c6c9a7db29-f77b3d8d00.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,703 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-runtime-npm-7.25.9-4f4b0f8e6b-db7f20a7a7.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,704 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ob1-npm-0.81.0-f91910d10b-f3215ccf72.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,704 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/fresh-npm-0.5.2-ad2bb4c0a2-13ea8b08f9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,704 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/i18n-js-npm-3.9.2-186d95fe46-b405ad0861.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,705 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/regenerator-runtime-npm-0.14.1-a6c97c609a-9f57c93277.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,705 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/fsevents-npm-2.3.3-ce9fb0ffae-11e6ea6fea.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,705 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@sideway-pinpoint-npm-2.0.0-66d94e687e-0f4491e589.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,705 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/walker-npm-1.0.8-b0a05b9478-ad7a257ea1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,706 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/locate-path-npm-6.0.0-06a1e4c528-72eb661788.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,706 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@eslint-eslintrc-npm-2.1.4-1ff4b5f908-10957c7592.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,707 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-js-polyfills-npm-0.76.2-55f9377d26-98a00bb6b5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,707 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-generator-function-npm-1.0.10-1d0f3809ef-d54644e7db.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,707 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/hermes-estree-npm-0.25.1-d7752f3952-97f42e9178.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,708 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-runtime-npm-29.7.0-120fa64128-d19f113d01.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,708 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/p-locate-npm-5.0.0-92cc7c7a3e-1623088f36.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,708 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-async-storage-async-storage-npm-1.24.0-ea873ee554-7e56a2e97f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,708 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/cosmiconfig-npm-9.0.0-47d78cf275-a30c424b53.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,709 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/graceful-fs-npm-3.0.12-c0011c2ecc-c7c6c333a1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,709 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/minipass-flush-npm-1.0.5-efe79d9826-56269a0b22.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,709 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-runner-npm-29.7.0-3bc9f82b58-f0405778ea.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,710 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-types-npm-7.26.0-ae81de0a93-a3dd37daba.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,710 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-numeric-separator-npm-7.10.4-81444be605-01ec5547bd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,710 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/cli-spinners-npm-2.9.2-be9c08efee-1bd588289b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,710 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/es-errors-npm-1.3.0-fda0c9b8a8-ec1414527a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,711 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/resolve-cwd-npm-3.0.0-e6f4e296bf-546e081601.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,711 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jridgewell-source-map-npm-0.3.6-fe0849eb05-c9dc7d8993.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,711 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/unicode-match-property-ecmascript-npm-2.0.0-97a00fd52c-1f34a7434a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,712 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/which-typed-array-npm-1.1.15-91410874a2-65227dcbfa.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,712 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/serialize-error-npm-2.1.0-51bc0e0932-28464a6f65.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,712 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-finalizationregistry-npm-1.0.2-15bf1bd7ce-4f243a8e06.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,713 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-react-display-name-npm-7.25.9-b5a9d1be46-cd7020494e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,713 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/js-tokens-npm-4.0.0-0ac852e9e2-8a95213a5a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,713 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/strip-ansi-npm-5.2.0-275214c316-bdb5f76ade.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,713 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/indent-string-npm-4.0.0-7b717435b2-824cfb9929.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,714 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/babel-preset-jest-npm-29.6.3-44bf6eeda9-aa4ff2a8a7.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,714 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/pretty-format-npm-29.7.0-7d330b2ea2-032c160238.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,714 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/strip-ansi-npm-6.0.1-caddc7cb40-f3cd25890a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,715 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/err-code-npm-2.0.3-082e0ff9a7-8b7b1be20d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,715 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/which-collection-npm-1.0.2-0d6277e921-c51821a331.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,715 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/semver-npm-4.3.6-18e5d51190-660566e4f8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,716 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ansi-styles-npm-1.1.0-17dfaaf500-4f01de400e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,716 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/create-jest-npm-29.7.0-3a6a7b993b-1427d49458.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,716 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/electron-to-chromium-npm-1.5.62-f1f12e4838-5b378e7967.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,716 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/selfsigned-npm-2.4.1-1ca1b883c5-38b91c56f1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,717 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/event-target-shim-npm-5.0.1-cb48709025-1ffe3bb22a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,717 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/minimatch-npm-3.1.2-9405269906-c154e56640.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,717 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-weakset-npm-2.0.3-f7d282c9c1-8b6a20ee9f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,718 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators-npm-7.25.9-c5b454492f-8c6febb4ac.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,718 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/get-stream-npm-6.0.1-83e51a4642-e04ecece32.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,718 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-runtime-npm-7.26.0-9afa3c4ef6-c8e2c0504a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,718 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/levn-npm-0.4.1-d183b2d7bb-12c5021c85.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,719 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/brace-expansion-npm-1.1.11-fb95eb05ad-faf34a7bb0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,719 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/buffer-npm-5.7.1-513ef8259e-e2cf8429e1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,719 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ignore-npm-5.3.2-346d3ba017-2acfd32a57.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,720 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-bugfix-safari-id-destructuring-collision-in-function-expression-npm-7.25.9-06267b0121-a9d1ee3fd1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,720 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/shebang-regex-npm-3.0.0-899a0cd65e-1a2bcae50d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,720 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-parser-npm-7.26.2-5b22b96c42-c88b5ea0ad.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,721 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/set-blocking-npm-2.0.0-49e2cffa24-6e65a05f7c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,721 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/balanced-match-npm-1.0.2-a53c126459-9706c088a2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,721 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/on-finished-npm-2.4.1-907af70f88-d20929a25e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,721 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/fast-deep-equal-npm-3.1.3-790edcfcf5-e21a9d8d84.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,722 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jridgewell-trace-mapping-npm-0.3.25-c076fd2279-9d3c40d225.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,722 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jridgewell-gen-mapping-npm-0.3.5-d8b85ebeaf-ff7a1764eb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,722 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/find-up-npm-5.0.0-e03e9b796d-07955e3573.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,723 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/babel-jest-npm-29.7.0-273152fbe9-ee6f8e0495.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,723 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-private-property-in-object-npm-7.14.5-ee837fdbb2-b317174783.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,724 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-preset-env-npm-7.26.0-efb6b6fca8-0c3e2b3758.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,724 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/wrappy-npm-1.0.2-916de4d4b3-159da4805f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,724 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/esprima-npm-4.0.1-1084e98778-b45bc805a6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,725 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@typescript-eslint-typescript-estree-npm-7.18.0-ce673565ca-c82d22ec96.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,725 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/get-package-type-npm-0.1.0-6c70cdc8ab-bba0811116.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,725 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/natives-npm-1.1.6-62eed9e0ab-f9823dddba.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,725 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/xtend-npm-4.0.2-7f2375736e-ac5dfa738b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,726 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/string.prototype.trim-npm-1.2.9-7b24b35971-ea2df6ec1e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,726 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/once-npm-1.4.0-ccf03ef07a-cd0a885013.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,726 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/error-stack-parser-npm-2.1.4-5b9f7fc0c2-3b916d2d14.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,727 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@testing-library-react-native-npm-9.1.0-11dad8c152-0777cc5699.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,727 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/metro-transform-plugins-npm-0.81.0-d02db76fd2-fea77e227c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,727 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-community-cli-platform-apple-npm-15.0.1-33c9399e54-27278ff879.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,728 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/object-inspect-npm-1.13.3-b4e129b6d9-8c96210211.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,728 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/csstype-npm-3.1.3-e9a1c85013-8db785cc92.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,728 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/eastasianwidth-npm-0.2.0-c37eb16bd1-7d00d7cd8e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,728 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/base64-js-npm-1.5.1-b2f7275641-669632eb37.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,729 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-json-strings-npm-7.25.9-98c5638edb-e2498d8476.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,729 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/npm-license-crawler-npm-0.2.1-1944730006-45527509fd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,729 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining-npm-7.25.9-9d837ee40b-f1642a7094.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,730 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/globalthis-npm-1.0.4-de22ac6193-39ad667ad9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,730 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-globals-npm-29.7.0-06f2bd411e-97dbb94591.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,730 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/pkg-dir-npm-3.0.0-16d8d93783-70c9476ffe.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,731 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/astral-regex-npm-1.0.0-2df7c41332-93417fc087.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,731 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/regenerator-transform-npm-0.15.2-109e57a69f-20b6f9377d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,731 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-register-npm-7.25.9-0fdfb6c1cb-1df38d9ed6.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,732 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-community-cli-npm-15.0.1-158d6edd69-26c98ef67b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,732 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-mock-npm-29.7.0-22c4769d06-81ba9b6868.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,733 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/babel-plugin-transform-flow-enums-npm-0.0.2-dbfa5d78ce-fd52aef544.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,733 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/string-length-npm-4.0.2-675173c7a2-ce85533ef5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,734 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-gradle-plugin-npm-0.76.2-430aa7e2ca-a9248ff743.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,734 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@isaacs-ttlcache-npm-1.4.1-1de33cdaab-b99f0918fa.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,734 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/supports-preserve-symlinks-flag-npm-1.0.0-f17c4d0028-53b1e247e6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,735 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/joi-npm-17.13.3-866dad5bc8-66ed454fee.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,735 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/fastq-npm-1.17.1-56d4554993-a8c5b26788.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,735 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/resolve-npm-1.22.8-098f379dfe-f8a26958aa.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,736 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/whatwg-url-npm-5.0.0-374fb45e60-b8daed4ad3.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,736 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-native-vector-icons-npm-10.2.0-e1aad1f85c-fda930df4e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,736 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/open-npm-6.4.0-d2020c939f-e5037facf3.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,737 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-computed-properties-npm-7.25.9-4f0be3122f-f77fa4bc0c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,737 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jsc-safe-url-npm-0.2.4-4c5f8d6d7b-53b5741ba2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,737 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/browserslist-npm-4.24.2-0bc5f13e3b-cf64085f12.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,737 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@hapi-topo-npm-5.1.0-5e0b776809-604dfd5dde.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,738 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/commander-npm-12.1.0-65c868e907-68e9818b00.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,738 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/minipass-sized-npm-1.0.3-306d86f432-79076749fc.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,738 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin-npm-7.25.9-1efda825e9-91dd5f203e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,739 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/es-to-primitive-npm-1.2.1-b7a7eac6c5-4ead6671a2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,739 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-generator-npm-7.26.2-5061e18ae4-6ff850b7d6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,739 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@typescript-eslint-typescript-estree-npm-5.62.0-5d1ea132a9-3624520abb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,740 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-define-polyfill-provider-npm-0.6.3-211720cbc0-710e6d8a53.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,740 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/reflect.getprototypeof-npm-1.0.6-b33819c756-88e9e65a7e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,740 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/restore-cursor-npm-3.1.0-52c5a4c98f-f877dd8741.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,741 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-shared-array-buffer-npm-1.0.3-3b3b3142a6-a4fff602c3.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,741 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/deprecated-react-native-prop-types-npm-2.3.0-ef3c3651bb-d14f4be1df.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,742 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/json-parse-helpfulerror-npm-1.0.3-003666633e-376d85c372.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,742 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-community-cli-platform-android-npm-15.0.1-e3d00d1f80-6c5e5912b7.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,742 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/call-bind-npm-1.0.7-762763ef96-295c0c62b9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,742 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-each-npm-29.7.0-93476f5ba0-e88f99f018.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,743 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-jsx-npm-7.25.9-3df022f433-bb609d1ffb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,743 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/update-browserslist-db-npm-1.1.1-16e34017b1-2ea11bd256.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,743 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/function.prototype.name-npm-1.1.6-fd3a6a5cdd-7a3f9bd98a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,744 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/merge2-npm-1.4.1-a2507bd06c-7268db63ed.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,744 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/wcwidth-npm-1.0.1-05fa596453-814e9d1ddc.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,744 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/doctrine-npm-3.0.0-c6f1615f04-fd7673ca77.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,745 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-native-reanimated-npm-3.16.1-aa731ff03b-7d969a2455.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,745 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/nullthrows-npm-1.1.1-3d1f817134-10806b9212.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,745 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/js-yaml-npm-3.14.1-b968c6095e-bef146085f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,746 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/strip-bom-npm-4.0.0-97d367a64d-9dbcfbaf50.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,746 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/metro-babel-transformer-npm-0.81.0-107eeb558b-e67ef5175f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,746 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/object-assign-npm-4.1.1-1004ad6dec-fcc6e4ea8c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,747 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-logical-assignment-operators-npm-7.10.4-72ae00fdf6-aff3357703.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,747 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/strnum-npm-1.0.5-9ba11d2a0a-651b2031db.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,747 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-diff-npm-29.7.0-0149e01930-08e24a9dd4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,748 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/has-bigints-npm-1.0.2-52732e614d-390e31e7be.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,748 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/cross-spawn-npm-7.0.5-cf92562a27-55c50004cb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,748 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/cjs-module-lexer-npm-1.4.1-4a824480ac-2556807a99.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,749 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ci-info-npm-2.0.0-78012236a1-3b374666a8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,749 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-fullwidth-code-point-npm-3.0.0-1ecf4ebee5-44a30c2945.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,749 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-navigation-native-npm-6.1.18-80e7257e71-82aeea6772.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,749 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/metro-cache-key-npm-0.81.0-74b72c5c47-a96e4062ac.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,750 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ansi-styles-npm-3.2.1-8cb8107983-d85ade01c1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,750 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/glob-npm-10.4.5-8c63175f05-0bc725de5e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,750 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ms-npm-2.0.0-9e1101a471-0e6a22b8b7.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,751 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/encodeurl-npm-1.0.2-f8c8454c41-e50e3d508c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,751 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-message-util-npm-29.7.0-7f88b6e8d1-a9d025b1c6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,751 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/command-exists-npm-1.2.9-cc51a1f78a-729ae3d88a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,752 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-plugin-utils-npm-7.25.9-462b7ade58-e19ec8acf0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,752 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-string-npm-1.0.7-9f7066daed-323b3d0462.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,752 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/encodeurl-npm-2.0.0-3660bcc92a-abf5cd51b7.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,753 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/pify-npm-4.0.1-062756097b-9c4e34278c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,753 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/normalize-package-data-npm-1.0.3-380691f02b-4fc49ee756.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,753 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/globby-npm-11.1.0-bdcdf20c71-b4be8885e0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,754 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/has-property-descriptors-npm-1.0.2-d7077d09f1-fcbb246ea2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,754 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/object.assign-npm-4.1.5-aa3b2260ba-f9aeac0541.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,754 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/minimatch-npm-8.0.4-bf57f0e98a-2e46cffb86.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,755 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/human-signals-npm-2.1.0-f75815481d-b87fd89fce.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,755 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/string.prototype.trimend-npm-1.0.8-9c0ed19266-cc3bd2de08.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,755 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-node-npm-22.9.0-643fcf7450-c014eb3b8a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,756 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-dynamic-import-npm-7.25.9-a71ccfa36a-aaca1ccda8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,756 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/anymatch-npm-3.1.3-bc81d103b1-3e044fd6d1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,756 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/node-forge-npm-1.3.1-f31fd566cc-08fb072d3d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,757 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/p-locate-npm-3.0.0-74de74f952-83991734a9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,757 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/gopd-npm-1.0.1-10c1d0b534-a5ccfb8806.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,757 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-unicode-escapes-npm-7.25.9-242953211b-be067e0748.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,758 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/emoji-regex-npm-9.2.2-e6fac8d058-8487182da7.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,758 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/minipass-npm-7.1.2-3a5327d36d-2bfd325b95.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,758 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/babel-plugin-module-resolver-npm-5.0.2-1c0ea0d3cb-f1d198acbb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,759 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-self-npm-7.25.9-763ed3d4ff-41c833cd7f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,759 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/minipass-npm-5.0.0-c64fb63c92-425dab2887.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,759 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/object.values-npm-1.2.0-5112376fc7-51fef456c2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,760 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-typed-array-npm-1.1.13-0dce6ee7c2-150f9ada18.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,760 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/argparse-npm-1.0.10-528934e59d-7ca6e45583.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,760 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jsx-ast-utils-npm-3.3.5-114c80f97a-f4b05fa4d7.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,761 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/async-npm-2.6.4-3155e80151-a52083fb32.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,761 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/estraverse-npm-4.3.0-920a32f3c6-a6299491f9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,761 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/prop-types-npm-15.8.1-17c71ee7ee-c056d3f1c0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,761 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/readable-stream-npm-2.3.8-67a94c2cb1-6564546703.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,762 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3-npm-0.10.6-066bf0a146-f762f29f7a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,762 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-flow-npm-7.26.0-98ef2f73ff-fdc0d0a7b5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,762 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-numeric-separator-npm-7.25.9-bb79ada147-0528ef041e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,763 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/detect-newline-npm-3.1.0-6d33fa8d37-ae6cd429c4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,763 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-metro-babel-transformer-npm-0.76.2-4e19f21c05-f35402388b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,763 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-get-type-npm-29.6.3-500477292e-88ac9102d4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,764 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/node-stream-zip-npm-1.15.0-47adb9fcfb-0b73ffbb09.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,764 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/util-deprecate-npm-1.0.2-e3fe1a219c-474acf1146.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,764 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/object-keys-npm-1.1.1-1bf2f1be93-b363c5e764.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,765 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-typeof-symbol-npm-7.25.9-9a231173b0-3f9458840d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,765 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/which-npm-4.0.0-dd31cd4928-f17e84c042.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,765 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/eslint-plugin-eslint-comments-npm-3.2.0-b1dc85dfb2-c9fe273dd5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,766 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/prelude-ls-npm-1.2.1-3e4d272a55-cd192ec0d0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,766 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions-npm-7.25.9-1da1742e6a-bf31896556.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,767 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/serve-static-npm-1.16.2-5d8e560aec-dffc52feb4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,767 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/strip-ansi-npm-0.3.0-c8917db171-c154768b85.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,767 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/supports-color-npm-5.5.0-183ac537bc-95f6f4ba5a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,768 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/set-function-name-npm-2.0.2-3d9a2d8899-d6229a7152.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,768 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-navigation-stack-npm-6.4.1-52dad4e278-09bcfb001d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,768 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/make-fetch-happen-npm-13.0.1-4180f2aaa8-5c9fad6955.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,769 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/sisteransi-npm-1.0.5-af60cc0cfa-aba6438f46.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,769 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-fake-timers-npm-29.7.0-e4174d1b56-caf2bbd11f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,769 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/regexpu-core-npm-6.1.1-49d93c7373-ed8e3784e8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,770 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@humanwhocodes-module-importer-npm-1.0.1-9d07ed2e4a-0fd22007db.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,770 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/isexe-npm-2.0.0-b58870bd2e-26bf6c5480.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,770 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-stack-utils-npm-2.0.3-48a0a03262-72576cc152.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,771 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/minipass-npm-3.3.6-b8d93a945b-a30d083c80.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,771 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/lru-cache-npm-10.4.3-30c10b861a-6476138d21.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,772 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/find-up-npm-4.1.0-c3ccf8d855-4c172680e8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,772 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/flow-parser-npm-0.253.0-e0246fb247-aec28d36de.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,772 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/char-regex-npm-1.0.2-ecade5f97f-b563e4b603.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,773 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/split-on-first-npm-1.1.0-e2f3ab5e4e-16ff85b54d.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,774 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-arrayish-npm-0.2.1-23927dfb15-eef4417e3c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,774 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-import-attributes-npm-7.26.0-7a281ed168-c122aa5771.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,775 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@sideway-address-npm-4.1.5-a3852745c8-3e3ea0f00b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,775 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-haste-map-npm-29.7.0-e3be419eff-c2c8f2d3e7.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,775 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/emittery-npm-0.13.1-cb6cd1bb03-2b089ab630.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,776 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/socks-npm-2.8.3-3532b59899-7a6b7f6eed.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,776 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/brace-expansion-npm-2.0.1-17aa2616f9-a61e7cd2e8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,776 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/yallist-npm-4.0.0-b493d9e907-343617202a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,777 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/yargs-npm-17.7.2-80b62638e1-73b572e863.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,777 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@typescript-eslint-parser-npm-7.18.0-df2ed0084c-132b56ac3b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,777 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ansi-styles-npm-4.3.0-245c7d42c7-513b44c3b2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,778 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/babel-plugin-istanbul-npm-6.1.1-df824055e4-cb4fd95738.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,778 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/connect-npm-3.7.0-25ccb085cc-96e1c4effc.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,778 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/p-try-npm-2.2.0-e0390dbaf8-f8a8e9a769.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,779 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/color-name-npm-1.1.4-025792b0ea-b044585952.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,779 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-generator-fn-npm-2.1.0-37895c2d2b-a6ad5492cf.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,780 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/available-typed-arrays-npm-1.0.7-e5e5d79687-1aa3ffbfe6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,780 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-date-object-npm-1.0.5-88f3d08b5e-baa9077cdf.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,780 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-arrayish-npm-0.3.2-f856180f79-977e64f54d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,781 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-modules-amd-npm-7.25.9-6adc3ea0c6-baad1f6fd0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,781 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/es-set-tostringtag-npm-2.0.3-8a191fed13-7227fa48a4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,781 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/define-properties-npm-1.2.1-8a4d42413b-b4ccd00597.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,782 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/test-exclude-npm-6.0.0-3fb03d69df-3b34a3d771.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,782 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping-npm-7.25.9-f2efaa9ad7-e869500cfb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,782 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-is-npm-17.0.2-091bbb8db6-9d6d111d89.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,783 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator-npm-7.25.9-de8a50e42c-57e1bb4135.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,783 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-native-safe-area-context-npm-4.14.0-fe298a87cc-394523434f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,783 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/internal-slot-npm-1.0.7-6e3758af00-cadc5eea5d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,784 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-parameters-npm-7.25.9-29a857a3d8-d7ba2a7d05.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,784 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@humanwhocodes-object-schema-npm-2.0.3-4f0e508cd9-d3b78f6c58.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,784 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/treeify-npm-1.1.0-abf9292333-aa00dded22.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,785 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-proposal-export-default-from-npm-7.25.9-87886272cf-0fb96b1229.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,785 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/eslint-npm-8.57.1-dd20287a5a-e2489bb7f8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,785 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/doctrine-npm-2.1.0-ac15d049b7-a45e277f7f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,786 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/error-ex-npm-1.3.2-5654f80c0f-c1c2b8b65f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,786 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/type-check-npm-0.4.0-60565800ce-ec688ebfc9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,786 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/metro-cache-npm-0.81.0-d2ef2d5b96-0498a93b07.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,787 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/logkitty-npm-0.7.1-222a2102c2-f1af990ff0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,787 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/eslint-plugin-react-npm-7.37.2-9fdf577e3b-7f5203afee.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,788 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-environment-npm-29.7.0-97705658d0-6fb398143b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,788 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/unique-slug-npm-4.0.0-e6b08f28aa-0884b58365.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,788 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/onetime-npm-5.1.2-3ed148fa42-2478859ef8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,789 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/istanbul-lib-source-maps-npm-4.0.1-af0f859df7-21ad3df45d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,789 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@ampproject-remapping-npm-2.3.0-559c14eee4-d3ad7b89d9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,789 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-community-cli-server-api-npm-15.0.1-63e235b171-354eba5894.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,790 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-native-localize-npm-2.2.6-a757433246-aa03c37a25.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,790 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/isarray-npm-2.0.5-4ba522212d-bd5bbe4104.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,790 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/make-dir-npm-4.0.0-ec3cd921cc-bf0731a2dd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,791 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/path-exists-npm-4.0.0-e9e4f63eb0-505807199d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,791 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/simple-swizzle-npm-0.2.2-8dee37fad1-a7f3f2ab5c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,791 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/aggregate-error-npm-3.1.0-415a406f4e-1101a33f21.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,792 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ansi-regex-npm-4.1.1-af0a582bb9-b1a6ee44cb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,792 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-class-properties-npm-7.25.9-ec8d0fa5bb-a8d69e2c28.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,793 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/functions-have-names-npm-1.2.3-e5cf1e2208-c3f1f5ba20.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,793 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/terser-npm-5.36.0-e5678e2258-489afd3190.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,793 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@sinclair-typebox-npm-0.27.8-23e206d653-00bd7362a3.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,794 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/parse-json-npm-5.2.0-00a63b1199-62085b17d6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,794 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/vlq-npm-1.0.1-2ab4a14841-67ab6dd35c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,794 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/proc-log-npm-4.2.0-4d65296a9d-98f6cd012d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,795 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-community-cli-config-apple-npm-15.0.1-7a94f2b82b-67b9be8b6c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,795 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/color-npm-4.2.3-4a23227581-0579629c02.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,795 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-node-forge-npm-1.3.11-132541fb70-1e86bd55b9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,796 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/metro-transform-worker-npm-0.81.0-70ad56971a-0fa08b09f4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,796 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/unbox-primitive-npm-1.0.2-cb56a05066-b7a1cf5862.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,796 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/array-union-npm-2.1.0-4e4852b221-5bee12395c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,797 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ansi-regex-npm-5.0.1-c963a48615-2aa4bb54ca.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,797 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/reselect-npm-4.1.8-cad5f0a3f3-a4ac87ceda.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,797 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/caller-callsite-npm-2.0.0-9cf308d7bb-b685e9d126.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,798 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/mime-npm-2.6.0-88b89d8de0-1497ba7b9f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,798 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-boolean-object-npm-1.1.2-ecbd575e6a-c03b23dbaa.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,798 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-import-assertions-npm-7.26.0-6c9b84570c-b58f2306df.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,799 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-number-object-npm-1.0.7-539d0e274d-d1e8d01bb0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,799 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/regenerate-unicode-properties-npm-10.2.0-3d662e6e17-d5c5fc13f8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,800 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-navigation-bottom-tabs-npm-6.6.1-f11de0eea8-07d6da4b91.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,800 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/open-npm-7.4.2-a378c23959-3333900ec0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,800 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/dir-glob-npm-3.0.1-1aea628b1b-fa05e18324.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,801 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@typescript-eslint-eslint-plugin-npm-7.18.0-f1d556a934-dfcf150628.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,801 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-pnp-resolver-npm-1.2.3-70e06bf27c-db1a8ab2cb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,801 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/marky-npm-1.2.5-007e6cc885-823b946677.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,802 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/function-bind-npm-1.1.2-7a55be9b03-2b0ff4ce70.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,802 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/whatwg-fetch-npm-3.6.20-a6f79b98c4-c58851ea2c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,802 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-symbol-npm-1.0.4-eb9baac703-92805812ef.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,803 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex-npm-7.25.9-4eede36dba-434346ba05.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,803 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/commander-npm-9.5.0-993b3f2434-c7a3e27aa5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,803 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/sprintf-js-npm-1.0.3-73f0a322fa-19d79aec21.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,804 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/cliui-npm-8.0.1-3b029092cf-79648b3b00.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,804 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/isobject-npm-3.0.1-8145901fd2-db85c4c970.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,805 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-fullwidth-code-point-npm-2.0.0-507f56ec71-eef9c6e15f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,805 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/yargs-npm-15.4.1-ca1c444de1-40b974f508.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,805 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/neo-async-npm-2.6.2-75d6902586-deac9f8d00.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,806 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/npm-run-path-npm-4.0.1-7aebd8bab3-5374c0cea4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,806 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/metro-symbolicate-npm-0.81.0-a235ab9243-33990dc372.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,806 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/has-symbols-npm-1.0.3-1986bff2c4-a054c40c63.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,807 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/glob-parent-npm-5.1.2-021ab32634-f4f2bfe242.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,807 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/resolve.exports-npm-2.0.2-f59b42bbe5-1c7778ca1b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,807 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-compat-data-npm-7.26.2-0f1eb3d38a-d52fae9b0d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,808 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-plain-object-npm-2.0.4-da3265d804-2a401140cf.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,808 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/harmony-reflect-npm-1.6.2-47a9f53361-2e5bae414c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,809 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-babel-preset-npm-0.76.2-c4b879b207-79e498b928.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,809 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread-npm-7.25.9-3f0cb70408-a8ff73e1c4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,809 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions-npm-7.25.9-1ff81d4ef7-41e02c18c2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,810 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-typescript-npm-7.25.9-5201e4ba77-0e9821e8ba.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,810 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/webidl-conversions-npm-3.0.1-60310f6a2b-c92a0a6ab9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,810 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/leven-npm-3.1.0-b7697736a3-638401d534.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,811 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/eslint-plugin-jest-npm-27.9.0-050f40ee4c-e2a4b41510.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,811 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/source-map-npm-0.5.7-7c3f035429-5dc2043b93.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,811 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-dotall-regex-npm-7.25.9-1035da7e11-8bdf1bb9e6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,812 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/yargs-parser-npm-18.1.3-0ba9c4f088-60e8c7d1b8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,812 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/esquery-npm-1.6.0-16fee31531-08ec4fe446.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,813 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/nopt-usage-npm-0.1.0-4180cff2b0-6ab670c70c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,813 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ansi-styles-npm-6.2.1-d43647018c-ef940f2f0c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,813 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining-npm-7.25.9-ae4964ca70-5b298b28e1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,814 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-console-npm-29.7.0-77689f186f-0e3624e32c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,814 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-4110ec5d01.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,814 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/typescript-npm-5.0.4-122f6a883a-82b94da3f4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,815 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-private-methods-npm-7.25.9-7cc0e44aa5-6e3671b352.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,815 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/p-map-npm-4.0.0-4677ae07c7-cb0ab21ec0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,816 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator-npm-7.25.9-ebececf71e-b3ad50fb93.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,817 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/scheduler-npm-0.24.0-canary-efb381bbf-20230505-6f74d88bd1-232149125c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,817 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/compression-npm-1.7.5-346039c027-d624b55624.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,817 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jju-npm-1.4.0-670678eaa3-3790481bd2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,818 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/resolve-npm-2.0.0-next.5-0e83bf26ee-a73ac69a1c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,818 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-path-inside-npm-3.0.3-2ea0ef44fd-abd50f0618.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,818 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/import-fresh-npm-3.3.0-3e34265ca9-2cacfad06e.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,819 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@nicolo-ribaudo-eslint-scope-5-internals-npm-5.1.1-v1-87df86be4b-f2e3b2d6a6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,820 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/resolve-patch-6603eace77-5479b7d431.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,820 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-util-npm-29.7.0-ff1d59714b-042ab4980f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,821 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/on-headers-npm-1.0.2-e7cd3ea25e-2bf1346721.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,821 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/callsites-npm-3.1.0-268f989910-072d17b6ab.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,821 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/pure-rand-npm-6.1.0-497ea3fc37-8d53bc02be.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,822 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-native-device-info-npm-10.14.0-283c52dea9-bf0630beef.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,822 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/chownr-npm-2.0.0-638f1c9c61-c57cf9dd07.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,822 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/co-npm-4.6.0-03f2d1feb6-5210d92230.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,823 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-community-cli-doctor-npm-15.0.1-f85504338d-6df1825df9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,823 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-remap-async-to-generator-npm-7.25.9-80702863ff-ea37ad9f8f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,824 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-data-view-npm-1.0.1-d6136250e8-4ba4562ac2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,824 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-native-idle-timer-npm-2.2.3-48b2a5a0fb-fd7afd8cf1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,824 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-bigint-npm-1.0.4-31c2eecbc9-c56edfe09b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,825 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/lodash.memoize-npm-4.1.2-0e6250041f-9ff3942fee.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,825 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/babel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser-npm-0.25.1-2970254944-dc80fafde1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,825 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-arrow-functions-npm-7.25.9-ececb64a8c-c29f081224.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,826 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/type-fest-npm-0.20.2-b36432617f-4fb3272df2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,826 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-virtualized-lists-npm-0.76.2-273a41548e-ea4dc9fe1e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,826 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@sideway-formula-npm-3.0.1-ee371b2ddf-e4beeebc9d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,827 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/fill-range-npm-7.1.1-bf491486db-b4abfbca38.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,827 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-yargs-parser-npm-21.0.3-1d265246a1-ef236c27f9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,828 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/safe-buffer-npm-5.1.2-c27fedf6c4-f2f1f7943c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,828 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ci-info-npm-3.9.0-646784ca0e-6b19dc9b29.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,828 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/hermes-eslint-npm-0.23.1-4b554a4eab-5aed98bc6e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,829 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@nodelib-fs.stat-npm-2.0.5-01f4dd3030-012480b5ca.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,829 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/foreground-child-npm-3.3.0-b8be745271-1989698488.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,829 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-is-npm-16.13.1-a9b9382b4f-f7a19ac349.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,830 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-regexp-modifiers-npm-7.26.0-6c405fb13f-726deca486.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,830 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/text-table-npm-0.2.0-d92a778b59-b6937a38c8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,831 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2-npm-0.4.12-d572de89f3-6e6e6a8b85.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,831 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/collect-v8-coverage-npm-1.0.2-bd20d0c572-c10f41c39a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,831 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/appdirsjs-npm-1.2.7-fcd05e6058-3411b4e31e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,832 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/slide-npm-1.1.6-14e4650dea-5768635d22.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,832 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/define-data-property-npm-1.1.4-4cbd8efc51-8068ee6cab.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,832 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/recast-npm-0.21.5-8dcd3e46d3-03cc7f5756.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,833 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/env-paths-npm-2.2.1-7c7577428c-65b5df55a8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,833 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/y18n-npm-5.0.8-5f3a0a7e62-54f0fb9562.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,834 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/nopt-npm-2.2.1-00ee0d9eba-d4856b6035.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,834 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-transform-npm-29.7.0-af20d68b57-0f8ac9f413.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,834 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/which-builtin-type-npm-1.1.4-23f1df9013-1f41302525.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,835 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/fb-watchman-npm-2.0.2-bcb6f8f831-b15a124cef.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,835 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/cli-cursor-npm-3.1.0-fee1e46b5e-2692784c6c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,835 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-eslint-config-npm-0.76.2-8b040c4229-72fa29eaa4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,836 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-string-parser-npm-7.25.9-eade578078-6435ee0849.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,836 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/isarray-npm-1.0.0-db4f547720-f032df8e02.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,837 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/isexe-npm-3.1.1-9c0061eead-7fe1931ee4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,837 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/package-json-from-dist-npm-1.0.1-4631a88465-58ee9538f2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,837 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/source-map-support-npm-0.5.21-09ca99e250-43e98d700d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,838 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-typescript-npm-7.25.9-706910d8c9-6dd1303f1b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,838 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/kind-of-npm-6.0.3-ab15f36220-3ab01e7b1d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,838 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-test-sequencer-npm-29.7.0-291f23a495-73f4359901.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,839 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/cliui-npm-7.0.4-d6b8a9edb6-ce2e8f578a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,839 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/istanbul-reports-npm-3.1.7-356486c0f4-2072db6e07.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,840 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/safe-regex-test-npm-1.0.3-97fe5cc608-6c7d392ff1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,840 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-community-cli-clean-npm-15.0.1-4b1655bc9c-ea6c663ec5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,840 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator-npm-7.8.3-8a723173b5-87aca49189.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,841 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin-npm-7.25.9-d51da141a8-563ed361ce.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,841 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/negotiator-npm-0.6.4-4a96086720-7ded10aa02.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,842 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/strip-ansi-npm-7.1.0-7453b80b79-859c73fcf2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,842 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/eslint-scope-npm-5.1.1-71fe59b18a-47e4b6a3f0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,842 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify-npm-1.0.1-b65772b28b-cff44156dd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,843 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/kleur-npm-3.0.3-f6f53649a4-df82cd1e17.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,843 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/eslint-visitor-keys-npm-2.1.0-c31806b6b9-e3081d7dd2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,843 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@typescript-eslint-utils-npm-5.62.0-907f2d579e-ee9398c8c5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,844 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-native-npm-0.76.2-66144a2c92-c70b90694f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,844 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/lines-and-columns-npm-1.2.4-d6c7cc5799-0c37f9f7fa.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,845 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/fs-minipass-npm-2.1.0-501ef87306-1b8d128dae.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,845 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/lighthouse-logger-npm-1.4.2-04e1728218-ba6b73d934.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,845 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-babel__traverse-npm-7.20.6-fac4243243-2bdc65eb62.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,846 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/punycode-npm-2.3.1-97543c420d-bb0a0ceedc.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,846 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/optionator-npm-0.9.4-1f114b00e8-ecbd010e3d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,846 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-negative-zero-npm-2.0.3-d06b09e322-c1e6b23d20.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,847 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/accepts-npm-1.3.8-9a812371c9-50c43d32e7.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,847 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-debugger-frontend-npm-0.76.2-7c9ceac07a-64ff00f343.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,848 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/node-fetch-npm-2.7.0-587d57004e-d76d2f5edb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,848 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/statuses-npm-1.5.0-f88f91b2e9-c469b9519d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,848 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/minimatch-npm-9.0.5-9aa93d97fa-2c035575ed.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,849 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/decamelize-npm-1.2.0-c5a2fdc622-ad8c51a7e7.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,849 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/lodash.throttle-npm-4.1.1-856641af92-129c0a28ce.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,850 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-callable-npm-1.2.7-808a303e61-61fd57d03b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,850 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helpers-npm-7.26.0-d7ff09b837-d77fe8d450.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,850 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/eslint-plugin-react-hooks-npm-4.6.2-05bc129286-395c433610.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,851 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/iterator.prototype-npm-1.1.3-2bcc06f3f8-7d2a1f8bcb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,851 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-unicode-property-regex-npm-7.25.9-f8b1b41e32-201f6f46c1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,852 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-expect-npm-29.7.0-9dfe9cebaa-a01cb85fd9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,852 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/micromatch-npm-4.0.8-c9570e4aca-79920eb634.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,852 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/find-cache-dir-npm-2.1.0-772aa82638-60ad475a6d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,853 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/es-iterator-helpers-npm-1.2.0-79f76f36b9-c5f5ff10d5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,853 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/argparse-npm-2.0.1-faff7999e6-83644b5649.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,853 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/envinfo-npm-7.14.0-624fecc5a5-137c1dd9a4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,854 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/chalk-npm-2.4.2-3ea16dd91e-ec3661d38f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,854 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/array.prototype.findlast-npm-1.2.5-316cb71d39-83ce4ad95b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,855 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-class-static-block-npm-7.26.0-b277b54abb-d779d4d3a6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,855 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/set-function-length-npm-1.2.2-243073748b-a8248bdacd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,855 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-lambda-npm-1.0.1-7ab55bc8a8-93a32f0194.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,856 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/html-escaper-npm-2.0.2-38e51ef294-d2df2da3ad.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,856 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/tar-npm-6.2.1-237800bb20-f1322768c9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,857 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-bugfix-firefox-class-in-computed-class-key-npm-7.25.9-8b41c5edab-b33d37dacf.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,857 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/pretty-format-npm-26.6.2-6edfcf7149-e3b808404d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,857 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/stack-utils-npm-2.0.6-2be1099696-052bf4d25b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,858 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-property-literals-npm-7.25.9-144c769b17-436046ab07.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,858 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/universalify-npm-0.1.2-9b22d31d2d-40cdc60f6e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,859 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript-npm-2.2.0-011b10a684-9e3151e1d0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,859 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-expect-utils-npm-29.7.0-14740cc487-75eb177f3d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,859 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/log-symbols-npm-4.1.0-0a13492d8b-fce1497b31.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,860 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/util-extend-npm-1.0.3-410555399f-da57f399b3.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,860 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/picocolors-npm-1.1.1-4fede47cf1-e1cf46bf84.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,861 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ua-parser-js-npm-0.7.33-4d3f482ab6-1510e9ec26.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,861 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/es-define-property-npm-1.0.0-e23aa9b242-f66ece0a88.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,861 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-set-npm-2.0.3-1b72c9a855-36e3f8c44b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,862 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/semver-npm-5.7.2-938ee91eaa-fb4ab5e0dd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,862 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/esutils-npm-2.0.3-f865beafd5-22b5b08f74.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,863 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/safe-array-concat-npm-1.1.2-f9c09c1a31-a3b2596947.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,863 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/source-map-support-npm-0.5.13-377dfd7321-933550047b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,863 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/bytes-npm-3.1.2-28b8643004-e4bcd3948d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,864 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@typescript-eslint-scope-manager-npm-7.18.0-c84582852c-b982c6ac13.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,864 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/yargs-parser-npm-20.2.9-a1d19e598d-8bb69015f2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,865 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-module-imports-npm-7.25.9-b86e31bde9-1b411ce4ca.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,865 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import-npm-7.8.3-fb9ff5634a-ce307af83c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,865 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor-npm-7.25.9-af6c8e72b6-e1bb465b3b.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,866 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/nocache-npm-3.0.4-9393fdc373-6be9ee67eb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,866 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/get-intrinsic-npm-1.2.4-1dad3427b2-414e3cdf2c.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,867 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/promise-npm-8.3.0-fbfb957417-a69f0ddbdd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,868 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/rimraf-npm-2.6.3-f34c6c72ec-3ea587b981.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,868 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-compilation-targets-npm-7.25.9-1e2a209538-3af536e2db.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,868 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/process-nextick-args-npm-2.0.1-b8d7971609-1d38588e52.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,869 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/node-dir-npm-0.1.17-e25963e120-29de9560e5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,869 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/type-fest-npm-0.7.1-7b37912923-5b1b113529.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,870 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-npm-7.25.9-ace1d732cc-5c6523c396.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,870 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-is-npm-18.3.1-370a81e1e9-e20fe84c86.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,870 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/mime-db-npm-1.52.0-b5371d6fd2-0d99a03585.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,871 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/readdir-scoped-modules-npm-1.1.0-651d6882ac-6d9f334e40.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,872 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/loose-envify-npm-1.4.0-6307b72ccf-6517e24e0c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,872 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/sprintf-js-npm-1.1.3-b99efd75b2-a3fdac7b49.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,873 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/http-cache-semantics-npm-4.1.1-1120131375-83ac0bc60b.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,874 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/encoding-npm-0.1.13-82a1837d30-bb98632f8f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,875 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/write-file-atomic-npm-2.4.3-f3fc725df3-2db81f92ae.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,875 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/temp-npm-0.8.4-d7c7d71d12-f35bed7856.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,876 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/string_decoder-npm-1.1.1-e46a6c1353-9ab7e56f9d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,876 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-native-gesture-handler-npm-2.21.0-c1e99ffb4c-c72c907145.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,877 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/abbrev-npm-2.0.0-0eb38a17e5-0e994ad2aa.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,877 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/path-parse-npm-1.0.7-09564527b7-49abf3d811.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,877 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-traverse-npm-7.25.9-6230e12b1d-901d325662.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,878 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-import-meta-npm-7.10.4-4a0a0158bc-166ac1125d.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,879 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/glob-npm-5.0.15-59b17ec4cb-f974244830.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,879 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/minimist-npm-1.2.8-d7af7b1dce-75a6d645fb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,880 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/metro-npm-0.81.0-659f8bee22-326f13e281.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,880 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jquery-extend-npm-2.0.3-fd272b8e7a-5a728e80d8.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,881 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/query-string-npm-7.1.3-4e8804142a-91af02dcd9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,881 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ansi-fragments-npm-0.2.1-7617f2a498-22c3eb8a0a.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,882 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/babel-preset-current-node-syntax-npm-1.1.0-a3b84fe89f-9f93fac975.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,882 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/image-size-npm-1.1.1-4e6d664667-23b3a515dd.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,884 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-unicode-regex-npm-7.25.9-de9ae4f8a6-e8baae8675.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,884 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-modules-umd-npm-7.25.9-268c5b6ad5-946db66be5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,884 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-native-popover-view-npm-6.0.1-94f505cbeb-c75b3908bd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,885 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/node-gyp-npm-10.2.0-cad1109948-0233759d8c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,885 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/mime-npm-1.6.0-60ae95038a-fef25e3926.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,886 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/undici-types-npm-6.19.8-9f12285b7a-de51f1b447.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,887 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-yargs-npm-15.0.19-6387136847-6a509db363.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,888 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-eslint-parser-npm-7.25.9-0502808380-dd2afa122b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,888 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/resolve-patch-99efc4a639-064d09c180.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,889 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-0.5.6-dcd5a6b97b-0c91b721bb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,889 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@npmcli-agent-npm-2.2.2-e2f559d6c0-67de7b88cc.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,890 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/make-dir-npm-2.1.0-1ddaf205e7-043548886b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,891 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-navigation-elements-npm-1.3.31-08338ef1e8-1e4a65ccd9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,891 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-export-default-from-npm-7.25.9-bcc7469ae3-8eb254c805.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,891 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/minipass-npm-4.2.8-f05abfe254-7f4914d529.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,892 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/natural-compare-npm-1.4.0-97b75b362d-23ad088b08.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,892 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions-npm-7.25.9-761e6fec27-8e2f1979b6.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,893 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/has-tostringtag-npm-1.0.2-74a4800369-999d60bb75.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,893 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/depd-npm-2.0.0-b6c51a4b43-abbe19c768.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,894 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/deep-is-npm-0.1.4-88938b5a67-edb65dd0d7.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,895 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/rimraf-npm-3.0.2-2cb7dac69a-87f4164e39.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,896 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-babel-plugin-codegen-npm-0.76.2-c743a3508e-f0948bf026.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,897 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/yargs-npm-16.2.0-547873d425-b14afbb51e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,897 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ansi-regex-npm-0.2.1-47771068a7-ce95ac031f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,898 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ts-api-utils-npm-1.4.0-b091964d6e-477601317d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,898 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/parse-json-npm-4.0.0-a6f7771010-0fe227d410.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,898 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-dev-middleware-npm-0.76.2-28f2d4bfda-5d38b9050b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,899 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/js-yaml-npm-4.1.0-3606f32312-c7830dfd45.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,899 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/has-flag-npm-4.0.0-32af9f0536-261a135703.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,900 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-normalize-colors-npm-0.76.2-1adb5b0426-54fbb90601.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,900 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-1.0.4-37f6ef56b9-a96865108c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,901 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-async-function-npm-2.0.0-ebf8596ab1-e3471d95e6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,901 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-community-cli-types-npm-15.0.1-3ca3539b56-7745248615.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,901 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/send-npm-0.19.0-4297594770-5ae11bd900.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,902 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-weakref-npm-1.0.2-ff80e8c314-95bd9a57cd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,902 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/fs-minipass-npm-3.0.3-d148d6ac19-8722a41109.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,903 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@istanbuljs-schema-npm-0.1.3-466bd3eaaa-5282759d96.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,903 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-replace-supers-npm-7.25.9-664068b76b-84f40e1252.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,903 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-validator-option-npm-7.25.9-6450027d5d-9491b27559.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,904 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript-npm-2.1.0-46779595f4-2435244318.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,904 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator-npm-7.18.6-cf22ea8526-949c9ddcde.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,905 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-spread-npm-7.25.9-e34887ef9d-2403a5d491.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,905 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-prop-types-npm-15.7.13-ac81cbe352-8935cad87c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,906 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-annotate-as-pure-npm-7.25.9-a0f89e14a0-41edda10df.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,906 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/tsutils-npm-3.21.0-347e6636c5-1843f4c1b2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,907 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-codegen-npm-0.76.2-574511091e-24eb190bcf.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,907 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-unicode-sets-regex-npm-7.25.9-34b28bcb6c-4445ef20de.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,908 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/nopt-npm-3.0.6-370ee63cf6-7f8579029a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,908 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@typescript-eslint-utils-npm-7.18.0-d11315a14c-751dbc816d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,908 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-0.3.5-73c410be57-5b7db0f7db.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,909 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-unicode-sets-regex-npm-7.18.6-b618a36bfd-a651d700fe.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,909 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-normalize-color-npm-2.1.0-f85aac1754-8ccbd40b3c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,910 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-duplicate-keys-npm-7.25.9-1c76576f8f-b553eebc32.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,910 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/has-flag-npm-3.0.0-16ac11fe05-4a15638b45.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,911 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/strip-final-newline-npm-2.0.0-340c4f7c66-69412b5e25.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,911 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/import-local-npm-3.2.0-bf54ec7842-0b0b0b412b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,911 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-hammerjs-npm-2.0.46-de99d4d9d1-caba6ec788.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,912 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/on-finished-npm-2.3.0-4ce92f72c6-1db595bd96.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,912 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/possible-typed-array-names-npm-1.0.0-3a8176348a-b32d403ece.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,913 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties-npm-7.18.6-5f5c2d730f-49a78a2773.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,914 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-react-test-renderer-npm-18.3.0-8460fcbcd3-c53683990b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,914 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-refresh-npm-0.14.2-95df341b4d-d80db4bd40.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,915 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/node-releases-npm-2.0.18-51abc46668-ef55a3d853.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,915 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-schemas-npm-29.6.3-292730e442-910040425f.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,916 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-cli-npm-29.7.0-9adb356180-664901277a.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,920 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-types-npm-29.6.3-a584ca999d-a0bcf15dbb.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,925 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/toidentifier-npm-1.0.1-f759712599-952c29e2a8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,925 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/shell-quote-npm-1.8.1-fcccf06093-5f01201f4e.zip
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2025-02-11 03:04:29,937 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/flat-cache-npm-3.2.0-9a887f084e-e7e0f59801.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,937 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/strict-uri-encode-npm-2.0.0-1ec3189376-eaac4cf978.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,937 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/file-entry-cache-npm-6.0.1-31965cf0af-f49701feaa.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,938 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/metro-file-map-npm-0.81.0-e187ae7c0f-fc99466066.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,938 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@typescript-eslint-visitor-keys-npm-7.18.0-8b4d3089ad-6e806a7cdb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,939 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/mime-db-npm-1.53.0-14fcdba2be-3fd9380bdc.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,939 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/commander-npm-2.20.3-d8dcbaa39b-ab8c07884e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,940 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-optimise-call-expression-npm-7.25.9-d8006fbada-f09d0ad60c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,940 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/color-name-npm-1.1.3-728b7b5d39-09c5d3e33d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,940 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/react-freeze-npm-1.0.4-001e2f0cf7-6b4d93209d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,941 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/resolve-from-npm-5.0.0-15c9db4d33-4ceeb9113e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,941 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/supports-color-npm-8.1.1-289e937149-c052193a7e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,942 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-config-npm-29.7.0-97d8544d74-4cabf8f894.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,942 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/lodash.merge-npm-4.6.2-77cb4416bf-ad580b4bdb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,943 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-matcher-utils-npm-29.7.0-dfc74b630e-d7259e5f99.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,943 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-literals-npm-7.25.9-3214d73572-3cca75823a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,944 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@pkgjs-parseargs-npm-0.11.0-cd2a3fe948-6ad6a00fc4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,944 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/dedent-npm-1.5.3-123726df15-045b595557.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,944 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/dezalgo-npm-1.0.4-ae3b673c98-895389c6ae.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,945 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/babel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser-npm-0.23.1-0b34cdbb2e-5412008e8e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,945 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@humanwhocodes-config-array-npm-0.13.0-843095a032-eae69ff913.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,946 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/bser-npm-2.1.1-cc902055ce-9ba4dc58ce.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,946 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/colors-npm-1.1.2-7fe5e2d983-1f73a78b9a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,947 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@isaacs-cliui-npm-8.0.2-f4364666d5-4a473b9b32.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,947 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/queue-microtask-npm-1.2.3-fcc98e4e2d-b676f8c040.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,948 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jsonfile-npm-4.0.0-10ce3aea15-6447d6224f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,948 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/deepmerge-npm-4.3.1-4f751a0844-2024c6a980.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,948 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-eslint-plugin-npm-0.76.2-c6e95b842d-1345bd30b7.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,949 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/cliui-npm-6.0.0-488b2414c6-4fcfd26d29.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,949 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/string_decoder-npm-1.3.0-2422117fd0-8417646695.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,950 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/color-convert-npm-2.0.1-79730e935b-79e6bdb9fd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,950 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/uri-js-npm-4.4.1-66d11cbcaf-7167432de6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,951 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/caller-path-npm-2.0.0-7ff6a26cb9-3e12ccd0c7.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,951 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript-npm-2.0.1-80cef17f3b-3c3dabdb1d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,951 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/dayjs-npm-1.11.13-d478bb9479-f388db88a6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,952 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/concat-map-npm-0.0.1-85a921b7ee-902a9f5d89.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,952 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-babel__template-npm-7.4.4-f34eba762c-d7a02d2a9b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,953 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/bl-npm-4.1.0-7f94cdcf3f-9e8521fa7e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,953 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/filter-obj-npm-1.1.0-84128fc26d-cf2104a7c4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,954 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/espree-npm-9.6.1-a50722a5a9-eb8c149c7a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,954 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/slice-ansi-npm-2.1.0-02505ccc06-4e82995aa5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,955 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/escalade-npm-3.2.0-19b50dd48f-47b029c83d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,955 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-validator-identifier-npm-7.25.9-2634b947a4-5b85918cb1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,955 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-preset-flow-npm-7.25.9-0e1dae7fd6-b1591ea63a.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,956 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/esrecurse-npm-4.3.0-10b86a887a-ebc17b1a33.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,956 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/anser-npm-1.4.10-3fa41e8526-3823c64f89.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,957 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-classes-npm-7.25.9-2d606dd6e7-d12584f721.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,957 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/escape-html-npm-1.0.3-376c22ee74-6213ca9ae0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,958 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/https-proxy-agent-npm-7.0.5-94c14d4619-2e1a28960f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,958 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/typescript-patch-ecf29fafbd-d26b6ba97b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,959 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/pirates-npm-4.0.6-a8ec571a43-46a65fefaf.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,959 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/normalize-path-npm-3.0.0-658ba7d77f-88eeb4da89.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,959 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/hermes-parser-npm-0.24.0-a45a3a041e-c23cb81d32.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,960 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-community-cli-platform-ios-npm-15.0.1-80a9039fb7-27b4775af4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,960 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-3494371489.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,961 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/flatted-npm-3.3.1-458870f59b-85ae718165.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,961 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ws-npm-6.2.3-0647b230b5-bbc96ff562.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,962 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/flow-enums-runtime-npm-0.0.6-e57295284d-c60412ed6d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,965 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator-npm-0.6.3-03c3464221-d12696e6b3.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,965 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/read-installed-npm-3.1.5-780a19d738-1bd28d0b70.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,966 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-weakmap-npm-2.0.2-ced3cab2dc-f36aef758b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,966 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/globals-npm-11.12.0-1fa7f41a6c-67051a45ec.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,966 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/unpipe-npm-1.0.0-2ed2a3c2bf-4fa18d8d8d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,967 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-module-transforms-npm-7.26.0-7557a3558f-942eee3adf.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,967 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-new-target-npm-7.25.9-6eccc3dc16-f811353991.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,968 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/path-scurry-npm-1.11.1-aaf8c339af-890d5abcd5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,968 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/require-main-filename-npm-2.0.0-03eef65c84-e9e294695f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,969 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-environment-node-npm-29.7.0-860b5e25ec-501a996629.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,969 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jsc-android-npm-250231.0.0-8322f50944-6c3f0f6f02.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,970 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-array-buffer-npm-3.0.4-c1d4ec5b64-e4e3e6ef0f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,970 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-class-static-block-npm-7.14.5-7bdd0ff1b3-3e80814b5b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,970 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/throat-npm-5.0.0-288ce6540a-031ff7f443.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,971 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-watcher-npm-29.7.0-e5372f1629-67e6e7fe69.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,971 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jscodeshift-npm-0.14.0-76e38c9080-54ea6d6394.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,972 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@react-native-community-cli-config-npm-15.0.1-15bdf67496-23314bcdf4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,972 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/http-proxy-agent-npm-7.0.2-643ed7cc33-670858c8f8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,973 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-sticky-regex-npm-7.25.9-9945ceff11-7454b00844.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,973 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/ansi-regex-npm-6.1.0-abe011aae4-495834a53b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,974 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/smart-buffer-npm-4.2.0-5ac3f668bb-b5167a7142.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,974 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/diff-sequences-npm-29.6.3-18ab2c9949-f4914158e1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,975 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/regexp.prototype.flags-npm-1.5.3-09ac29fab0-83ff0705b8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,975 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/tslib-npm-1.14.1-102499115e-dbe628ef87.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,975 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/istanbul-lib-instrument-npm-6.0.3-959dca7404-74104c60c6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,976 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-bugfix-safari-class-field-initializer-scope-npm-7.25.9-0004436a46-d3e14ab1cb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,976 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/shebang-command-npm-2.0.0-eb2b01921d-6b52fe8727.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,977 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/object.fromentries-npm-2.0.8-8f6e2db04a-29b2207a2d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,977 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/is-glob-npm-4.0.3-cb87bf1bdb-d381c1319f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,978 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/fast-xml-parser-npm-4.5.0-353a57f69a-696dc98da4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,978 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/p-limit-npm-3.1.0-05d2ede37f-7c3690c4db.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,979 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/etag-npm-1.8.1-54a3b989d9-571aeb3dbe.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,979 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jridgewell-set-array-npm-1.2.1-2312928209-832e513a85.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,980 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/agent-base-npm-7.1.1-c9e1a4b59e-51c158769c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,980 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/shallow-clone-npm-3.0.1-dab5873d0d-39b3dd9630.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,981 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/clone-deep-npm-4.0.1-70adab92c8-770f912fe4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,981 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@jest-core-npm-29.7.0-cef60d74c4-af759c9781.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,981 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@eslint-community-regexpp-npm-4.12.1-ef4ab5217e-0d628680e2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,982 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/metro-core-npm-0.81.0-5147cab10f-4e9e63d4c2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,982 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/type-detect-npm-4.0.8-8d8127b901-62b5628bff.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,983 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/commondir-npm-1.0.1-291b790340-59715f2fc4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,983 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-json-schema-npm-7.0.15-fd16381786-97ed0cb44d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,984 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/safe-buffer-npm-5.2.1-3481c8aa9b-b99c4b41fd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,984 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/fs-extra-npm-8.1.0-197473387f-bf44f0e6ce.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,985 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@eslint-community-eslint-utils-npm-4.4.1-c83a271e90-a7ffc838eb.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,985 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jsbn-npm-1.1.0-1da0181838-944f924f2b.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,986 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/node-abort-controller-npm-3.1.1-e246ed42cd-2c340916af.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,986 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/acorn-jsx-npm-5.3.2-d7594599ea-c3d3b2a89c.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,986 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/has-proto-npm-1.0.3-b598da2961-fe7c3d50b3.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,987 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/chalk-npm-0.5.1-d4bf63a6e8-33eb9cf922.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,987 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@nodelib-fs.scandir-npm-2.1.5-89c67370dd-a970d595bd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,988 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@types-yargs-npm-17.0.33-1d6cca6a2e-ee013f2574.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,988 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/async-limiter-npm-1.0.1-7e6819bcdb-2b849695b4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,989 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/locate-path-npm-3.0.0-991671ae9f-53db399667.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,989 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/path-key-npm-3.1.1-0e66ea8321-55cd7a9dd4.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,990 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/jest-snapshot-npm-29.7.0-15ef0a4ad6-86821c3ad0.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,990 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/array-includes-npm-3.1.8-62a178e549-eb39ba5530.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,991 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-duplicate-named-capturing-groups-regex-npm-7.25.9-dbeaa1108e-f7233cf596.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,991 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-helper-skip-transparent-expression-wrappers-npm-7.25.9-215072fae0-fdbb524893.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,992 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/metro-resolver-npm-0.81.0-7271b64904-38349c79b5.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,992 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-member-expression-literals-npm-7.25.9-124803ce6b-db92041ae8.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,992 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/type-fest-npm-0.21.3-5ff2a9c6fd-e6b32a3b38.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,993 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/gensync-npm-1.0.0-beta.2-224666d72f-a7437e58c6.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,993 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/typed-array-length-npm-1.0.6-867a36a1ac-f0315e5b8f.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,994 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/wrap-ansi-npm-7.0.0-ad6e1a0554-a790b846fd.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,994 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/fast-levenshtein-npm-2.0.6-fcd74b8df5-92cfec0a8d.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,995 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-syntax-async-generators-npm-7.8.4-d10cf993c9-7ed1c1d9b9.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,995 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/inherits-npm-2.0.4-c66b3957a0-4a48a73384.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,996 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/keyv-npm-4.5.4-4c8e2cf7f7-74a24395b1.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,996 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@babel-plugin-transform-reserved-words-npm-7.25.9-1e24d80df4-8beda04481.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,997 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/defaults-npm-1.0.4-f3fbaf2528-3a88b7a587.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,997 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/@typescript-eslint-type-utils-npm-7.18.0-acee9c858d-68fd5df514.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,998 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/readable-stream-npm-3.6.2-d2a6069158-bdcbe6c22e.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,998 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/debug-npm-4.3.7-385645adf9-822d74e209.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:29,999 INFO: Ignoring ZIP file archive at .yarn/cache/identity-obj-proxy-npm-3.0.0-080ab9ac1e-97559f8ea2.zip
2025-02-11 03:04:30,002 INFO: Creating source tarball...
2025-02-11 03:05:30,294 INFO: Building Gradle project...
2025-02-11 03:05:30,295 DEBUG: Directory: build/com.scalepractice/android/app
2025-02-11 03:05:30,295 DEBUG: > /home/vagrant/fdroidserver/gradlew-fdroid assembleRelease
Found 8.10.2 via distributionUrl
Running /opt/gradle/versions/8.10.2/bin/gradle assembleRelease
To honour the JVM settings for this build a single-use Daemon process will be forked. For more on this, please refer to https://docs.gradle.org/8.10.2/userguide/gradle_daemon.html#sec:disabling_the_daemon in the Gradle documentation.
Daemon will be stopped at the end of the build
> Task :gradle-plugin:settings-plugin:checkKotlinGradlePluginConfigurationErrors
> Task :gradle-plugin:shared:checkKotlinGradlePluginConfigurationErrors
> Task :gradle-plugin:shared:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :gradle-plugin:settings-plugin:pluginDescriptors
> Task :gradle-plugin:settings-plugin:processResources
> Task :gradle-plugin:shared:compileKotlin
> Task :gradle-plugin:shared:compileJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :gradle-plugin:shared:classes UP-TO-DATE
> Task :gradle-plugin:shared:jar
> Task :gradle-plugin:settings-plugin:compileKotlin
> Task :gradle-plugin:settings-plugin:compileJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :gradle-plugin:settings-plugin:classes
> Task :gradle-plugin:settings-plugin:jar
> Task :gradle-plugin:react-native-gradle-plugin:checkKotlinGradlePluginConfigurationErrors
> Task :gradle-plugin:react-native-gradle-plugin:pluginDescriptors
> Task :gradle-plugin:react-native-gradle-plugin:processResources
> Task :gradle-plugin:react-native-gradle-plugin:compileKotlin
> Task :gradle-plugin:react-native-gradle-plugin:compileJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :gradle-plugin:react-native-gradle-plugin:classes
> Task :gradle-plugin:react-native-gradle-plugin:jar
> Configure project :react-native-reanimated
Android gradle plugin: 8.6.0
Gradle: 8.10.2
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-10/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-11/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-12/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-13/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-14/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-15/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-16/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-17/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-18/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-19/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-20/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-21/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-22/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-23/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-24/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-25/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-26/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-27/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-28/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-29/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-30/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-31/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-32/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-33/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-10/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-11/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-12/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-13/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-14/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-15/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-16/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-17/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-18/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-19/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-20/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-21/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-22/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-23/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-24/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-25/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-26/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-27/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-28/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-29/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-30/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-31/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-32/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-33/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Errors during XML parse:
Additionally, the fallback loader failed to parse the XML.
Errors during XML parse:
Additionally, the fallback loader failed to parse the XML.
Checking the license for package Android SDK Build-Tools 35 in /opt/android-sdk/licenses
License for package Android SDK Build-Tools 35 accepted.
Preparing "Install Android SDK Build-Tools 35 v.35.0.0".
"Install Android SDK Build-Tools 35 v.35.0.0" ready.
Installing Android SDK Build-Tools 35 in /opt/android-sdk/build-tools/35.0.0
"Install Android SDK Build-Tools 35 v.35.0.0" complete.
"Install Android SDK Build-Tools 35 v.35.0.0" finished.
Checking the license for package Android SDK Platform 35 in /opt/android-sdk/licenses
License for package Android SDK Platform 35 accepted.
Preparing "Install Android SDK Platform 35 (revision 2)".
"Install Android SDK Platform 35 (revision 2)" ready.
Installing Android SDK Platform 35 in /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-35
"Install Android SDK Platform 35 (revision 2)" complete.
"Install Android SDK Platform 35 (revision 2)" finished.
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-10/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-11/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-12/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-13/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-14/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-15/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-16/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-17/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-18/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-19/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-20/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-21/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-22/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-23/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-24/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-25/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-26/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-27/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-28/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-29/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-30/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-31/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-32/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-33/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Checking the license for package Android SDK Build-Tools 34 in /opt/android-sdk/licenses
License for package Android SDK Build-Tools 34 accepted.
Preparing "Install Android SDK Build-Tools 34 v.34.0.0".
"Install Android SDK Build-Tools 34 v.34.0.0" ready.
Installing Android SDK Build-Tools 34 in /opt/android-sdk/build-tools/34.0.0
"Install Android SDK Build-Tools 34 v.34.0.0" complete.
"Install Android SDK Build-Tools 34 v.34.0.0" finished.
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-10/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-11/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-12/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-13/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-14/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-15/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-16/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-17/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-18/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-19/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-20/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-21/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-22/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-23/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-24/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-25/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-26/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-27/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-28/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-29/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-30/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-31/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-32/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
Exception while marshalling /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-33/package.xml. Probably the SDK is read-only
> Task :app:checkKotlinGradlePluginConfigurationErrors
> Task :app:generateAutolinkingNewArchitectureFiles
> Task :app:generateAutolinkingPackageList
> Task :app:generateCodegenSchemaFromJavaScript SKIPPED
> Task :app:generateCodegenArtifactsFromSchema SKIPPED
> Task :app:preBuild
> Task :app:preReleaseBuild
> Task :app:generateReleaseBuildConfig
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:generateCodegenSchemaFromJavaScript
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:generateCodegenArtifactsFromSchema
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:preBuild
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:preReleaseBuild
> Task :react-native-device-info:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-device-info:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:writeReleaseAarMetadata
> Task :react-native-device-info:writeReleaseAarMetadata
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:generateCodegenSchemaFromJavaScript
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:generateCodegenArtifactsFromSchema
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:preBuild
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:preReleaseBuild
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:writeReleaseAarMetadata
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:writeReleaseAarMetadata
> Task :react-native-localize:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:writeReleaseAarMetadata
> Task :react-native-localize:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-localize:writeReleaseAarMetadata
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:writeReleaseAarMetadata
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:generateCodegenSchemaFromJavaScript
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:generateCodegenArtifactsFromSchema
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:preBuild
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:preReleaseBuild
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:writeReleaseAarMetadata
> Task :react-native-reanimated:assertLatestReactNativeWithNewArchitectureTask SKIPPED
> Task :react-native-reanimated:assertMinimalReactNativeVersionTask SKIPPED
> Task :react-native-reanimated:generateCodegenSchemaFromJavaScript
> Task :react-native-reanimated:generateCodegenArtifactsFromSchema
> Task :react-native-reanimated:prepareReanimatedHeadersForPrefabs
> Task :react-native-reanimated:prepareWorkletsHeadersForPrefabs
> Task :react-native-reanimated:preBuild
> Task :react-native-reanimated:preReleaseBuild
> Task :react-native-reanimated:writeReleaseAarMetadata
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:generateCodegenSchemaFromJavaScript
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:generateCodegenArtifactsFromSchema
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:preBuild
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:preReleaseBuild
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:writeReleaseAarMetadata
> Task :react-native-screens:generateCodegenSchemaFromJavaScript
> Task :react-native-screens:generateCodegenArtifactsFromSchema
> Task :react-native-screens:preBuild
> Task :react-native-screens:preReleaseBuild
> Task :react-native-screens:writeReleaseAarMetadata
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:generateCodegenSchemaFromJavaScript
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:generateCodegenArtifactsFromSchema
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:preBuild
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:preReleaseBuild
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:writeReleaseAarMetadata
> Task :app:createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets
debug Using @react-naive-community/cli-tools' logger
debug Reading Metro config from /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/metro.config.js
WARN the transform cache was reset.
Welcome to Metro v0.81.0
Fast - Scalable - Integrated
info Writing bundle output to: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle
info Writing sourcemap output to: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/intermediates/sourcemaps/react/release/index.android.bundle.packager.map
info Done writing bundle output
info Done writing sourcemap output
info Copying 43 asset files
info Done copying assets
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:1092:23: warning: the variable "DebuggerInternal" was not declared in function "__shouldPauseOnThrow"
return typeof DebuggerInternal !== 'undefined' && DebuggerInternal.sh...
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:5412:7: warning: the variable "setTimeout" was not declared in function "logCapturedError"
setTimeout(function () {
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:3646:31: warning: the variable "nativeFabricUIManager" was not declared in anonymous function " 134#"
var _nativeFabricUIManage = nativeFabricUIManager,
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:3674:21: warning: the variable "clearTimeout" was not declared in anonymous function " 134#"
cancelTimeout = clearTimeout;
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:3687:51: warning: the variable "RN$enableMicrotasksInReact" was not declared in anonymous function " 134#"
... "undefined" !== typeof RN$enableMicrotasksInReact && !!RN$enableMicrotask...
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:3688:47: warning: the variable "queueMicrotask" was not declared in anonymous function " 134#"
...otask = "function" === typeof queueMicrotask ? queueMicrotask : scheduleTi...
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:8109:30: warning: the variable "__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__" was not declared in anonymous function " 134#"
if ("undefined" !== typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__) {
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:10127:5: warning: the variable "setImmediate" was not declared in function "handleResolved"
setImmediate(function () {
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:13303:12: warning: the variable "fetch" was not declared in anonymous function " 388#"
fetch: fetch,
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:13304:14: warning: the variable "Headers" was not declared in anonymous function " 388#"
Headers: Headers,
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:13305:14: warning: the variable "Request" was not declared in anonymous function " 388#"
Request: Request,
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:13306:15: warning: the variable "Response" was not declared in anonymous function " 388#"
Response: Response
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:13458:24: warning: the variable "FileReader" was not declared in function "readBlobAsArrayBuffer"
var reader = new FileReader();
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:13498:36: warning: the variable "Blob" was not declared in anonymous function " 399#"
} else if (support.blob && Blob.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) {
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:13500:40: warning: the variable "FormData" was not declared in anonymous function " 399#"
} else if (support.formData && FormData.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) {
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:13502:44: warning: the variable "URLSearchParams" was not declared in anonymous function " 399#"
...e if (support.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body...
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:13618:26: warning: the variable "AbortController" was not declared in anonymous function " 405#"
var ctrl = new AbortController();
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:13744:23: warning: the variable "XMLHttpRequest" was not declared in anonymous function " 409#"
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:13315:71: warning: the variable "self" was not declared in anonymous function " 391#"
...undefined' && globalThis || typeof self !== 'undefined' && self || typeof ...
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:21319:26: warning: the variable "navigator" was not declared in anonymous function " 701#"
"undefined" !== typeof navigator && undefined !== navigator.scheduling && u...
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:21429:37: warning: the variable "MessageChannel" was not declared in anonymous function " 701#"
};else if ("undefined" !== typeof MessageChannel) {
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:21444:34: warning: the variable "nativeRuntimeScheduler" was not declared in anonymous function " 701#"
... = "undefined" !== typeof nativeRuntimeScheduler ? nativeRuntimeScheduler....
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:29527:34: warning: the variable "requestAnimationFrame" was not declared in function "start 9#"
... this._animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(this.onUpdate.bind(this));
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:49527:10: warning: the variable "_WORKLET" was not declared in function "registerReanimatedError"
if (!_WORKLET) {
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:50421:44: warning: the variable "__reanimatedLoggerConfig" was not declared in function "replaceLoggerImplementation"
registerLoggerConfig(Object.assign({}, __reanimatedLoggerConfig, {
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:51183:131: warning: the variable "location" was not declared in function "registerSensor"
...E(_dependencyMap[4]).isWeb)() && location.protocol !== 'https:' ? ' Make s...
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:51638:24: warning: Direct call to eval(), but lexical scope is not supported.
workletFun = eval('(' + initData.code + '\n)');
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:51661:110: warning: the variable "_toString" was not declared in function "valueUnpacker"
...recognized by value unpacker: "${_toString(objectToUnpack)}".`);
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:63993:27: warning: the variable "HTMLElement" was not declared in function "findDescendantWithExitingAnimation"
if (!(node instanceof HTMLElement)) {
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:64020:24: warning: the variable "MutationObserver" was not declared in function "addHTMLMutationObserver"
var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutationsList) {
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:66215:41: warning: the variable "getComputedStyle" was not declared in function "fixElementPosition"
...entBorderTopValue = parseInt(getComputedStyle(parent).borderTopWidth);
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:66551:26: warning: the variable "structuredClone" was not declared in function "createAnimationWithInitialValues"
var animationStyle = structuredClone(_$$_REQUIRE(_dependencyMap[6]).Anima...
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:69919:24: warning: the variable "_getAnimationTimestamp" was not declared in function "computeEasingProgress"
var elapsedTime = (_getAnimationTimestamp() - startingTimestamp) / 1000;
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets/index.android.bundle:70263:5: warning: the variable "jest" was not declared in function "beforeTest"
> Task :app:checkReleaseAarMetadata
> Task :app:generateReleaseResValues
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:generateReleaseResValues
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:generateReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:packageReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-device-info:generateReleaseResValues
> Task :react-native-device-info:generateReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-device-info:packageReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:generateReleaseResValues
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:generateReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:packageReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:generateReleaseResValues
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:generateReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:packageReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:generateReleaseResValues
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:generateReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:packageReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-localize:generateReleaseResValues
> Task :react-native-localize:generateReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-localize:packageReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:generateReleaseResValues
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:generateReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:packageReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:generateReleaseResValues
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:generateReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:packageReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-reanimated:generateReleaseResValues
> Task :react-native-reanimated:generateReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-reanimated:packageReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:generateReleaseResValues
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:generateReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:packageReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-screens:generateReleaseResValues
> Task :react-native-screens:generateReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-screens:packageReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:generateReleaseResValues
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:generateReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:packageReleaseResources
> Task :app:mapReleaseSourceSetPaths
> Task :app:generateReleaseResources
> Task :app:packageReleaseResources
> Task :app:mergeReleaseResources
> Task :app:createReleaseCompatibleScreenManifests
> Task :app:extractDeepLinksRelease
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:extractDeepLinksRelease
> Task :react-native-device-info:extractDeepLinksRelease
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:extractDeepLinksRelease
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:extractDeepLinksRelease
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:extractDeepLinksRelease
> Task :react-native-localize:extractDeepLinksRelease
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:extractDeepLinksRelease
> Task :app:parseReleaseLocalResources
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:extractDeepLinksRelease
> Task :react-native-reanimated:extractDeepLinksRelease
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:processReleaseManifest
package="com.BV.LinearGradient" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-linear-gradient/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
Setting the namespace via the package attribute in the source AndroidManifest.xml is no longer supported, and the value is ignored.
Recommendation: remove package="com.BV.LinearGradient" from the source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-linear-gradient/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:processReleaseManifest
package="com.marcshilling.idletimer" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-idle-timer/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
Setting the namespace via the package attribute in the source AndroidManifest.xml is no longer supported, and the value is ignored.
Recommendation: remove package="com.marcshilling.idletimer" from the source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-idle-timer/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:processReleaseManifest
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:processReleaseManifest
package="com.reactnativecommunity.picker" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
Setting the namespace via the package attribute in the source AndroidManifest.xml is no longer supported, and the value is ignored.
Recommendation: remove package="com.reactnativecommunity.picker" from the source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:processReleaseManifest
package="com.reactnativecommunity.asyncstorage" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-async-storage/async-storage/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
Setting the namespace via the package attribute in the source AndroidManifest.xml is no longer supported, and the value is ignored.
Recommendation: remove package="com.reactnativecommunity.asyncstorage" from the source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-async-storage/async-storage/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
> Task :react-native-device-info:processReleaseManifest
package="com.learnium.RNDeviceInfo" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-device-info/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
Setting the namespace via the package attribute in the source AndroidManifest.xml is no longer supported, and the value is ignored.
Recommendation: remove package="com.learnium.RNDeviceInfo" from the source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-device-info/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:extractDeepLinksRelease
> Task :react-native-localize:processReleaseManifest
package="com.zoontek.rnlocalize" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-localize/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
Setting the namespace via the package attribute in the source AndroidManifest.xml is no longer supported, and the value is ignored.
Recommendation: remove package="com.zoontek.rnlocalize" from the source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-localize/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
> Task :react-native-reanimated:processReleaseManifest
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:processReleaseManifest
package="org.reactnative.maskedview" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-masked-view/masked-view/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
Setting the namespace via the package attribute in the source AndroidManifest.xml is no longer supported, and the value is ignored.
Recommendation: remove package="org.reactnative.maskedview" from the source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-masked-view/masked-view/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
> Task :react-native-screens:extractDeepLinksRelease
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:processReleaseManifest
package="com.th3rdwave.safeareacontext" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
Setting the namespace via the package attribute in the source AndroidManifest.xml is no longer supported, and the value is ignored.
Recommendation: remove package="com.th3rdwave.safeareacontext" from the source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:extractDeepLinksRelease
> Task :react-native-screens:processReleaseManifest
package="com.swmansion.rnscreens" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
Setting the namespace via the package attribute in the source AndroidManifest.xml is no longer supported, and the value is ignored.
Recommendation: remove package="com.swmansion.rnscreens" from the source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:processReleaseManifest
package="com.oblador.vectoricons" found in source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
Setting the namespace via the package attribute in the source AndroidManifest.xml is no longer supported, and the value is ignored.
Recommendation: remove package="com.oblador.vectoricons" from the source AndroidManifest.xml: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:compileReleaseLibraryResources
> Task :app:processReleaseMainManifest
> Task :app:processReleaseManifest
> Task :react-native-device-info:compileReleaseLibraryResources
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:parseReleaseLocalResources
> Task :react-native-device-info:parseReleaseLocalResources
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:compileReleaseLibraryResources
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:parseReleaseLocalResources
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:compileReleaseLibraryResources
> Task :react-native-device-info:generateReleaseRFile
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:generateReleaseRFile
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:parseReleaseLocalResources
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:generateReleaseRFile
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:compileReleaseLibraryResources
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:generateReleaseRFile
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:parseReleaseLocalResources
> Task :react-native-localize:compileReleaseLibraryResources
> Task :react-native-localize:parseReleaseLocalResources
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:generateReleaseRFile
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:compileReleaseLibraryResources
> Task :react-native-localize:generateReleaseRFile
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:parseReleaseLocalResources
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:generateReleaseRFile
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:compileReleaseLibraryResources
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:parseReleaseLocalResources
> Task :react-native-reanimated:compileReleaseLibraryResources
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:generateReleaseRFile
> Task :react-native-reanimated:parseReleaseLocalResources
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:compileReleaseLibraryResources
> Task :react-native-reanimated:generateReleaseRFile
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:parseReleaseLocalResources
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:generateReleaseRFile
> Task :react-native-screens:compileReleaseLibraryResources
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:compileReleaseLibraryResources
> Task :react-native-screens:parseReleaseLocalResources
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:parseReleaseLocalResources
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:generateReleaseBuildConfig
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:generateReleaseRFile
> Task :react-native-screens:generateReleaseRFile
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:javaPreCompileRelease
> Task :react-native-device-info:generateReleaseBuildConfig
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-async-storage/async-storage/android/src/main/java/com/reactnativecommunity/asyncstorage/AsyncStorageModule.java:84: warning: [removal] onCatalystInstanceDestroy() in NativeModule has been deprecated and marked for removal
public void onCatalystInstanceDestroy() {
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-async-storage/async-storage/android/src/javaPackage/java/com/reactnativecommunity/asyncstorage/AsyncStoragePackage.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
1 warning
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:checkKotlinGradlePluginConfigurationErrors
> Task :react-native-device-info:javaPreCompileRelease
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:generateReleaseBuildConfig
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:bundleLibCompileToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-device-info:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-device-info/android/src/main/java/com/learnium/RNDeviceInfo/RNDeviceModule.java:188: warning: [removal] onCatalystInstanceDestroy() in NativeModule has been deprecated and marked for removal
public void onCatalystInstanceDestroy() {
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
1 warning
> Task :react-native-device-info:bundleLibCompileToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-reanimated:generateReleaseBuildConfig
> Task :react-native-reanimated:packageNdkLibs NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-reanimated:javaPreCompileRelease
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:javaPreCompileRelease
> Task :react-native-reanimated:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:generateReleaseBuildConfig
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:javaPreCompileRelease
> Task :react-native-reanimated:bundleLibCompileToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:generateReleaseBuildConfig
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac
Note: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-idle-timer/android/src/main/java/com/marcshilling/idletimer/IdleTimerManager.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:bundleLibCompileToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:javaPreCompileRelease
> Task :react-native-localize:generateReleaseBuildConfig
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:bundleLibCompileToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-localize:javaPreCompileRelease
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:generateReleaseBuildConfig
> Task :react-native-localize:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-localize/android/src/main/java/com/zoontek/rnlocalize/RNLocalizeModule.java:101: warning: [removal] onCatalystInstanceDestroy() in NativeModule has been deprecated and marked for removal
public void onCatalystInstanceDestroy() {
/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-localize/android/src/main/java/com/zoontek/rnlocalize/RNLocalizeModule.java:102: warning: [removal] onCatalystInstanceDestroy() in NativeModule has been deprecated and marked for removal
Note: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-localize/android/src/main/java/com/zoontek/rnlocalize/RNLocalizeModule.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
2 warnings
> Task :react-native-localize:bundleLibCompileToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:javaPreCompileRelease
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:bundleLibCompileToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:generateReleaseBuildConfig
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:javaPreCompileRelease
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:checkKotlinGradlePluginConfigurationErrors
> Task :app:processReleaseManifestForPackage
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:generateReleaseBuildConfig
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:bundleLibCompileToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-screens:checkKotlinGradlePluginConfigurationErrors
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:javaPreCompileRelease
> Task :react-native-screens:generateReleaseBuildConfig
> Task :react-native-screens:javaPreCompileRelease
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:generateReleaseBuildConfig
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:javaPreCompileRelease
> Task :app:buildKotlinToolingMetadata
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:bundleLibCompileToJarRelease
> Task :app:javaPreCompileRelease
> Task :app:copyReactNativeVectorIconFonts
> Task :app:extractProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:processReleaseJavaRes NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:bundleLibRuntimeToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:extractProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:createFullJarRelease
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:generateReleaseLintModel
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:prepareLintJarForPublish
> Task :react-native-device-info:processReleaseJavaRes NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-device-info:bundleLibRuntimeToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-device-info:extractProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-device-info:createFullJarRelease
> Task :react-native-device-info:generateReleaseLintModel
> Task :react-native-device-info:prepareLintJarForPublish
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:extractProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-reanimated:bundleLibRuntimeToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-reanimated:processReleaseJavaRes NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-reanimated:createFullJarRelease
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:compileReleaseKotlin
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/src/main/java/com/th3rdwave/safeareacontext/SafeAreaContextPackage.kt:27:11 'constructor ReactModuleInfo(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)' is deprecated. use ReactModuleInfo(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)]
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/src/main/java/com/th3rdwave/safeareacontext/SafeAreaContextPackage.kt:33:27 'getter for hasConstants: Boolean' is deprecated. This property is unused and it's planning to be removed in a future version of
React Native. Please refrain from using it.
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/src/main/java/com/th3rdwave/safeareacontext/SafeAreaView.kt:59:23 'getter for uiImplementation: UIImplementation!' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac
> Task :react-native-reanimated:extractProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:bundleLibCompileToJarRelease
> Task :app:processReleaseResources
> Task :react-native-reanimated:generateReleaseLintModel
> Task :react-native-reanimated:prepareLintJarForPublish
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:prepareLintJarForPublish
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:bundleLibRuntimeToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:processReleaseJavaRes NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:createFullJarRelease
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:extractProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:generateReleaseLintModel
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:prepareLintJarForPublish
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:processReleaseJavaRes NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:bundleLibRuntimeToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:extractProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:createFullJarRelease
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:generateReleaseLintModel
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:prepareLintJarForPublish
> Task :react-native-localize:bundleLibRuntimeToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-localize:processReleaseJavaRes NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-localize:createFullJarRelease
> Task :react-native-localize:extractProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-localize:generateReleaseLintModel
> Task :react-native-localize:prepareLintJarForPublish
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:bundleLibRuntimeToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:processReleaseJavaRes NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:createFullJarRelease
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:extractProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:generateReleaseLintModel
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:prepareLintJarForPublish
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:processReleaseJavaRes NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:bundleLibRuntimeToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:extractProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:createFullJarRelease
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:generateReleaseLintModel
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:prepareLintJarForPublish
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:bundleLibRuntimeToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:processReleaseJavaRes
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:createFullJarRelease
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:extractProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:generateReleaseLintModel
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:prepareLintJarForPublish
> Task :react-native-screens:extractProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-screens:prepareLintJarForPublish
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:processReleaseJavaRes NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:bundleLibRuntimeToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:createFullJarRelease
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:extractProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:generateReleaseLintModel
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:prepareLintJarForPublish
> Task :react-native-reanimated:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[arm64-v8a]
Checking the license for package CMake 3.22.1 in /opt/android-sdk/licenses
License for package CMake 3.22.1 accepted.
Preparing "Install CMake 3.22.1 v.3.22.1".
"Install CMake 3.22.1 v.3.22.1" ready.
Installing CMake 3.22.1 in /opt/android-sdk/cmake/3.22.1
"Install CMake 3.22.1 v.3.22.1" complete.
"Install CMake 3.22.1 v.3.22.1" finished.
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:compileReleaseKotlin
> Task :react-native-screens:compileReleaseKotlin
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/RNScreensPackage.kt:58:17 'constructor ReactModuleInfo(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)' is deprecated. use ReactModuleInfo(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)]
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenContainer.kt:33:53 'FrameCallback' is deprecated. Use Choreographer.FrameCallback instead
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenContainer.kt:34:38 'FrameCallback' is deprecated. Use Choreographer.FrameCallback instead
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenStackHeaderConfig.kt:101:38 'getter for systemWindowInsetTop: Int' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenStackHeaderConfigViewManager.kt:6:34 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenStackHeaderConfigViewManager.kt:191:9 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenStackHeaderConfigViewManager.kt:193:13 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenStackHeaderConfigViewManager.kt:195:13 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenViewManager.kt:5:34 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenViewManager.kt:287:48 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenViewManager.kt:288:49 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenViewManager.kt:289:45 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenViewManager.kt:290:52 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenViewManager.kt:291:48 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenViewManager.kt:292:51 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenViewManager.kt:293:56 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenViewManager.kt:294:57 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenWindowTraits.kt:62:53 'getter for statusBarColor: Int' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenWindowTraits.kt:73:48 'getter for statusBarColor: Int' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenWindowTraits.kt:76:32 'setter for statusBarColor: Int' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenWindowTraits.kt:146:47 'replaceSystemWindowInsets(Int, Int, Int, Int): WindowInsetsCompat' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenWindowTraits.kt:147:51 'getter for systemWindowInsetLeft: Int' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenWindowTraits.kt:149:51 'getter for systemWindowInsetRight: Int' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenWindowTraits.kt:150:51 'getter for systemWindowInsetBottom: Int' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenWindowTraits.kt:197:72 'getter for navigationBarColor: Int' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/ScreenWindowTraits.kt:203:16 'setter for navigationBarColor: Int' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/SearchBarManager.kt:5:34 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/SearchBarManager.kt:138:66 Elvis operator (?:) always returns the left operand of non-nullable type Boolean
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/SearchBarManager.kt:142:9 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/SearchBarManager.kt:144:13 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/SearchBarManager.kt:146:13 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/SearchBarManager.kt:148:13 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/SearchBarManager.kt:150:13 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/SearchBarManager.kt:152:13 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/SearchBarManager.kt:154:13 'MapBuilder' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/rnscreens/SearchBarView.kt:153:43 Parameter 'flag' is never used
> Task :react-native-reanimated:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[armeabi-v7a]
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:compileReleaseKotlin
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-gesture-handler/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/gesturehandler/RNGestureHandlerPackage.kt:69:42 'constructor ReactModuleInfo(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)' is deprecated. use ReactModuleInfo(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)]
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-gesture-handler/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/gesturehandler/core/FlingGestureHandler.kt:25:26 Parameter 'event' is never used
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-gesture-handler/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/gesturehandler/react/RNGestureHandlerButtonViewManager.kt:72:62 The corresponding parameter in the supertype 'ViewGroupManager' is named 'borderRadius'. This may cause problems when calling this function with named arguments.
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-gesture-handler/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/gesturehandler/react/RNGestureHandlerButtonViewManager.kt:77:63 The corresponding parameter in the supertype 'ViewGroupManager' is named 'borderRadius'. This may cause problems when calling this function with named arguments.
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-gesture-handler/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/gesturehandler/react/RNGestureHandlerButtonViewManager.kt:82:65 The corresponding parameter in the supertype 'ViewGroupManager' is named 'borderRadius'. This may cause problems when calling this function with named arguments.
w: file:///home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-gesture-handler/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/gesturehandler/react/RNGestureHandlerButtonViewManager.kt:87:66 The corresponding parameter in the supertype 'ViewGroupManager' is named 'borderRadius'. This may cause problems when calling this function with named arguments.
> Task :react-native-screens:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:bundleLibRuntimeToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:bundleLibCompileToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-screens:bundleLibCompileToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:processReleaseJavaRes
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:createFullJarRelease
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:generateReleaseLintModel
> Task :react-native-screens:bundleLibRuntimeToJarRelease
> Task :react-native-screens:processReleaseJavaRes
> Task :react-native-screens:createFullJarRelease
> Task :react-native-screens:generateReleaseLintModel
> Task :app:compileReleaseKotlin
> Task :react-native-reanimated:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86]
> Task :app:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac
> Task :app:generateReleaseLintVitalReportModel
> Task :react-native-reanimated:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86_64]
> Task :react-native-reanimated:generateJsonModelRelease
> Task :react-native-reanimated:prefabReleaseConfigurePackage
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[arm64-v8a]
> Task :react-native-reanimated:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[arm64-v8a]
> Task :react-native-reanimated:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[armeabi-v7a]
> Task :react-native-reanimated:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86]
> Task :react-native-reanimated:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86_64]
> Task :react-native-reanimated:externalNativeBuildRelease
> Task :react-native-reanimated:prefabReleasePackage
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[arm64-v8a]
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[armeabi-v7a]
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[armeabi-v7a]
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86]
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86]
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86_64]
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86_64]
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:mergeReleaseJniLibFolders
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:extractDeepLinksForAarRelease
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:mergeReleaseNativeLibs
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:extractReleaseAnnotations
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:mergeReleaseGeneratedProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:mergeReleaseConsumerProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:mergeReleaseShaders
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:compileReleaseShaders NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:packageReleaseAssets
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:prepareReleaseArtProfile
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:mergeReleaseJniLibFolders
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:mergeReleaseNativeLibs NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:stripReleaseDebugSymbols NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:extractDeepLinksForAarRelease
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:extractReleaseAnnotations
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:mergeReleaseGeneratedProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:mergeReleaseConsumerProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:stripReleaseDebugSymbols
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:mergeReleaseShaders
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:compileReleaseShaders NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:packageReleaseAssets
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:prepareReleaseArtProfile
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:mergeReleaseJavaResource
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:mergeReleaseJavaResource
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars
> Task :react-native-screens:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[arm64-v8a]
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:syncReleaseLibJars
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:bundleReleaseLocalLintAar
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:syncReleaseLibJars
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:bundleReleaseLocalLintAar
> Task :react-native-screens:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[arm64-v8a]
> Task :react-native-screens:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[armeabi-v7a]
> Task :react-native-screens:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[armeabi-v7a]
> Task :react-native-screens:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86]
> Task :react-native-screens:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86]
> Task :react-native-screens:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86_64]
> Task :react-native-screens:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86_64]
> Task :react-native-screens:mergeReleaseJniLibFolders
> Task :react-native-screens:extractDeepLinksForAarRelease
> Task :react-native-screens:extractReleaseAnnotations
> Task :react-native-screens:mergeReleaseGeneratedProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-screens:mergeReleaseConsumerProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-screens:mergeReleaseShaders
> Task :react-native-screens:compileReleaseShaders NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-screens:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-screens:packageReleaseAssets
> Task :react-native-screens:prepareReleaseArtProfile
> Task :react-native-screens:mergeReleaseJavaResource
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:mergeReleaseJniLibFolders
> Task :react-native-screens:syncReleaseLibJars
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:mergeReleaseNativeLibs NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:stripReleaseDebugSymbols NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:extractDeepLinksForAarRelease
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:extractReleaseAnnotations
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:mergeReleaseGeneratedProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:mergeReleaseConsumerProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:mergeReleaseShaders
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:compileReleaseShaders NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:packageReleaseAssets
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:prepareReleaseArtProfile
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:mergeReleaseJavaResource
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:mergeReleaseJniLibFolders
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:syncReleaseLibJars
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:bundleReleaseLocalLintAar
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:mergeReleaseNativeLibs NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:stripReleaseDebugSymbols NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:extractDeepLinksForAarRelease
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:extractReleaseAnnotations
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:mergeReleaseGeneratedProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:mergeReleaseConsumerProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:mergeReleaseShaders
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:compileReleaseShaders NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:packageReleaseAssets
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:prepareReleaseArtProfile
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:mergeReleaseJavaResource
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:mergeReleaseJniLibFolders
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:syncReleaseLibJars
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:bundleReleaseLocalLintAar
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:mergeReleaseNativeLibs NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:stripReleaseDebugSymbols NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:extractDeepLinksForAarRelease
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:extractReleaseAnnotations
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:mergeReleaseGeneratedProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:mergeReleaseConsumerProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:mergeReleaseShaders
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:compileReleaseShaders NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:packageReleaseAssets
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:prepareReleaseArtProfile
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:mergeReleaseJavaResource
> Task :react-native-device-info:mergeReleaseJniLibFolders
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:syncReleaseLibJars
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:bundleReleaseLocalLintAar
> Task :react-native-device-info:mergeReleaseNativeLibs NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-device-info:stripReleaseDebugSymbols NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-device-info:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars
> Task :react-native-device-info:extractDeepLinksForAarRelease
> Task :react-native-device-info:extractReleaseAnnotations
> Task :react-native-device-info:mergeReleaseGeneratedProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-device-info:mergeReleaseConsumerProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-device-info:mergeReleaseShaders
> Task :react-native-device-info:compileReleaseShaders NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-device-info:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-device-info:packageReleaseAssets
> Task :react-native-device-info:prepareReleaseArtProfile
> Task :react-native-device-info:mergeReleaseJavaResource
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:mergeReleaseJniLibFolders
> Task :react-native-device-info:syncReleaseLibJars
> Task :react-native-device-info:bundleReleaseLocalLintAar
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:mergeReleaseNativeLibs NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:stripReleaseDebugSymbols NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:extractDeepLinksForAarRelease
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:extractReleaseAnnotations
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:mergeReleaseGeneratedProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:mergeReleaseConsumerProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:mergeReleaseShaders
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:compileReleaseShaders NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:packageReleaseAssets
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:prepareReleaseArtProfile
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:mergeReleaseJavaResource
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:mergeReleaseJniLibFolders
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:syncReleaseLibJars
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:bundleReleaseLocalLintAar
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:mergeReleaseNativeLibs NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:stripReleaseDebugSymbols NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:extractDeepLinksForAarRelease
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:extractReleaseAnnotations
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:mergeReleaseGeneratedProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:mergeReleaseConsumerProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:mergeReleaseShaders
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:compileReleaseShaders NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:packageReleaseAssets
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:prepareReleaseArtProfile
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:mergeReleaseJavaResource
> Task :react-native-localize:mergeReleaseJniLibFolders
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:syncReleaseLibJars
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:bundleReleaseLocalLintAar
> Task :react-native-localize:mergeReleaseNativeLibs NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-localize:stripReleaseDebugSymbols NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-localize:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars
> Task :react-native-localize:extractDeepLinksForAarRelease
> Task :react-native-localize:extractReleaseAnnotations
> Task :react-native-localize:mergeReleaseGeneratedProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-localize:mergeReleaseConsumerProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-localize:mergeReleaseShaders
> Task :react-native-localize:compileReleaseShaders NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-localize:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-localize:packageReleaseAssets
> Task :react-native-localize:prepareReleaseArtProfile
> Task :react-native-localize:mergeReleaseJavaResource
> Task :react-native-reanimated:mergeReleaseJniLibFolders
> Task :react-native-localize:syncReleaseLibJars
> Task :react-native-localize:bundleReleaseLocalLintAar
> Task :react-native-reanimated:extractDeepLinksForAarRelease
> Task :react-native-reanimated:extractReleaseAnnotations
> Task :react-native-reanimated:mergeReleaseGeneratedProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-reanimated:mergeReleaseConsumerProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-reanimated:mergeReleaseShaders
> Task :react-native-reanimated:compileReleaseShaders NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-reanimated:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-reanimated:packageReleaseAssets
> Task :react-native-reanimated:prepareReleaseArtProfile
> Task :react-native-reanimated:mergeReleaseJavaResource
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:mergeReleaseJniLibFolders
> Task :react-native-reanimated:syncReleaseLibJars
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:mergeReleaseNativeLibs NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:stripReleaseDebugSymbols NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:extractDeepLinksForAarRelease
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:extractReleaseAnnotations
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:mergeReleaseGeneratedProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:mergeReleaseConsumerProguardFiles
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:mergeReleaseShaders
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:compileReleaseShaders NO-SOURCE
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:packageReleaseAssets
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:prepareReleaseArtProfile
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:mergeReleaseJavaResource
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:syncReleaseLibJars
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:bundleReleaseLocalLintAar
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:writeReleaseLintModelMetadata
> Task :react-native-device-info:writeReleaseLintModelMetadata
> Task :react-native-reanimated:writeReleaseLintModelMetadata
> Task :react-native-reanimated:mergeReleaseNativeLibs
> Task :react-native-screens:mergeReleaseNativeLibs
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:writeReleaseLintModelMetadata
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:writeReleaseLintModelMetadata
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:writeReleaseLintModelMetadata
> Task :react-native-localize:writeReleaseLintModelMetadata
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:writeReleaseLintModelMetadata
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:writeReleaseLintModelMetadata
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:writeReleaseLintModelMetadata
> Task :react-native-screens:writeReleaseLintModelMetadata
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:writeReleaseLintModelMetadata
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:generateReleaseLintVitalModel
> Task :react-native-reanimated:stripReleaseDebugSymbols
> Task :react-native-device-info:generateReleaseLintVitalModel
> Task :react-native-reanimated:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:generateReleaseLintVitalModel
> Task :react-native-screens:stripReleaseDebugSymbols
> Task :react-native-reanimated:bundleReleaseLocalLintAar
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:generateReleaseLintVitalModel
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:generateReleaseLintVitalModel
> Task :react-native-localize:generateReleaseLintVitalModel
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:generateReleaseLintVitalModel
> Task :react-native-screens:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:generateReleaseLintVitalModel
> Task :react-native-screens:bundleReleaseLocalLintAar
> Task :react-native-reanimated:generateReleaseLintVitalModel
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:generateReleaseLintVitalModel
> Task :react-native-screens:generateReleaseLintVitalModel
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:generateReleaseLintVitalModel
> Task :app:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[arm64-v8a]
> Task :app:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[arm64-v8a]
C/C++: ninja: Entering directory `/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/.cxx/RelWithDebInfo/6eq6k1e5/arm64-v8a'
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:16:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDialogPickerEventEmitter::onSelect(OnSelect $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:17:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:17:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:18:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:19:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:19:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:20:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:25:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDialogPickerEventEmitter::onFocus(OnFocus $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:27:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:29:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:34:56: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDialogPickerEventEmitter::onBlur(OnBlur $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:36:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:38:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:43:62: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDropdownPickerEventEmitter::onSelect(OnSelect $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:44:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:44:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:45:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:46:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:46:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:47:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:52:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDropdownPickerEventEmitter::onFocus(OnFocus $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:54:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:56:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:61:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDropdownPickerEventEmitter::onBlur(OnBlur $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:63:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:65:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:70:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCPickerEventEmitter::onChange(OnChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:71:28: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("change", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:71:45: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("change", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:72:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:73:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newValue", $event.newValue);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:73:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newValue", $event.newValue);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:74:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newIndex", $event.newIndex);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:74:43: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newIndex", $event.newIndex);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:75:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: 35 warnings generated.
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:lintVitalAnalyzeRelease
> Task :app:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[arm64-v8a]
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:16:69: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCSafeAreaProviderEventEmitter::onInsetsChange(OnInsetsChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:17:34: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("insetsChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:17:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("insetsChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:18:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:21:38: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "top", $event.insets.top);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:22:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "right", $event.insets.right);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:23:41: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "bottom", $event.insets.bottom);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:24:39: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "left", $event.insets.left);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:25:3: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "insets", insets);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:29:35: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "x", $event.frame.x);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:30:35: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "y", $event.frame.y);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:31:39: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "width", $event.frame.width);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:32:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "height", $event.frame.height);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:33:3: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "frame", frame);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:35:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: 15 warnings generated.
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:lintVitalAnalyzeRelease
> Task :react-native-device-info:lintVitalAnalyzeRelease
> Task :app:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[arm64-v8a]
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:17:52: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onAppear(OnAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:19:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:21:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:26:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onDisappear(OnDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:28:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:30:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:35:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onDismissed(OnDismissed $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:36:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:36:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:37:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:38:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:38:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:39:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:44:84: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onNativeDismissCancelled(OnNativeDismissCancelled $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:45:44: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:45:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:46:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:47:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:47:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:48:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:53:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onWillAppear(OnWillAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:55:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:57:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:62:66: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onWillDisappear(OnWillDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:64:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:66:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:71:76: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderHeightChange(OnHeaderHeightChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:72:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:72:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:73:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:74:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:74:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:75:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:80:76: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onTransitionProgress(OnTransitionProgress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:81:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:81:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:82:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:83:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:83:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:84:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:84:42: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:85:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:85:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:86:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:91:66: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onGestureCancel(OnGestureCancel $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:93:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:95:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:100:86: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderBackButtonClicked(OnHeaderBackButtonClicked $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:102:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:104:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:110:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onAppear(OnAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:112:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:114:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:119:53: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onDisappear(OnDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:121:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:123:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:128:53: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onDismissed(OnDismissed $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:129:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:129:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:130:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:131:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:131:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:132:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:137:79: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onNativeDismissCancelled(OnNativeDismissCancelled $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:138:44: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:138:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:139:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:140:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:140:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:141:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:146:55: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onWillAppear(OnWillAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:148:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:150:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:155:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onWillDisappear(OnWillDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:157:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:159:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:164:71: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderHeightChange(OnHeaderHeightChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:165:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:165:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:166:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:167:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:167:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:168:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:173:71: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onTransitionProgress(OnTransitionProgress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:174:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:174:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:175:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:176:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:176:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:177:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:177:42: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:178:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:178:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:179:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:184:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onGestureCancel(OnGestureCancel $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:186:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:188:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:193:81: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderBackButtonClicked(OnHeaderBackButtonClicked $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:195:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:197:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:203:68: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenStackHeaderConfigEventEmitter::onAttached(OnAttached $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:205:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:207:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:212:68: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenStackHeaderConfigEventEmitter::onDetached(OnDetached $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:214:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:216:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:222:78: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenStackEventEmitter::onFinishTransitioning(OnFinishTransitioning $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:224:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:226:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:231:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onSearchFocus(OnSearchFocus $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:233:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:235:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:240:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onSearchBlur(OnSearchBlur $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:242:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:244:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:249:72: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onSearchButtonPress(OnSearchButtonPress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:250:39: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("searchButtonPress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:250:56: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("searchButtonPress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:251:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:252:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:252:43: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:253:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:258:72: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onCancelButtonPress(OnCancelButtonPress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:260:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:262:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:267:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onChangeText(OnChangeText $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:268:32: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("changeText", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:268:49: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("changeText", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:269:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:270:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:270:43: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:271:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:276:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onClose(OnClose $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:278:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:280:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:285:46: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onOpen(OnOpen $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:287:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:289:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: 138 warnings generated.
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:lintVitalAnalyzeRelease
> Task :react-native-localize:lintVitalAnalyzeRelease
> Task :app:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[armeabi-v7a]
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:lintVitalAnalyzeRelease
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:lintVitalAnalyzeRelease
> Task :app:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[armeabi-v7a]
C/C++: ninja: Entering directory `/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/.cxx/RelWithDebInfo/6eq6k1e5/armeabi-v7a'
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:16:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDialogPickerEventEmitter::onSelect(OnSelect $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:17:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:17:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:18:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:19:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:19:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:20:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:25:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDialogPickerEventEmitter::onFocus(OnFocus $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:27:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:29:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:34:56: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDialogPickerEventEmitter::onBlur(OnBlur $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:36:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:38:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:43:62: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDropdownPickerEventEmitter::onSelect(OnSelect $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:44:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:44:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:45:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:46:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:46:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:47:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:52:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDropdownPickerEventEmitter::onFocus(OnFocus $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:54:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:56:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:61:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDropdownPickerEventEmitter::onBlur(OnBlur $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:63:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:65:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:70:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCPickerEventEmitter::onChange(OnChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:71:28: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("change", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:71:45: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("change", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:72:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:73:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newValue", $event.newValue);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:73:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newValue", $event.newValue);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:74:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newIndex", $event.newIndex);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:74:43: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newIndex", $event.newIndex);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:75:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: 35 warnings generated.
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:16:69: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCSafeAreaProviderEventEmitter::onInsetsChange(OnInsetsChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:17:34: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("insetsChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:17:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("insetsChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:18:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:21:38: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "top", $event.insets.top);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:22:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "right", $event.insets.right);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:23:41: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "bottom", $event.insets.bottom);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:24:39: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "left", $event.insets.left);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:25:3: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "insets", insets);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:29:35: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "x", $event.frame.x);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:30:35: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "y", $event.frame.y);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:31:39: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "width", $event.frame.width);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:32:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "height", $event.frame.height);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:33:3: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "frame", frame);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:35:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: 15 warnings generated.
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:lintVitalAnalyzeRelease
> Task :app:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[armeabi-v7a]
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:17:52: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onAppear(OnAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:19:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:21:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:26:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onDisappear(OnDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:28:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:30:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:35:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onDismissed(OnDismissed $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:36:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:36:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:37:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:38:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:38:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:39:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:44:84: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onNativeDismissCancelled(OnNativeDismissCancelled $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:45:44: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:45:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:46:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:47:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:47:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:48:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:53:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onWillAppear(OnWillAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:55:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:57:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:62:66: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onWillDisappear(OnWillDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:64:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:66:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:71:76: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderHeightChange(OnHeaderHeightChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:72:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:72:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:73:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:74:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:74:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:75:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:80:76: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onTransitionProgress(OnTransitionProgress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:81:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:81:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:82:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:83:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:83:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:84:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:84:42: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:85:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:85:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:86:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:91:66: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onGestureCancel(OnGestureCancel $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:93:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:95:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:100:86: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderBackButtonClicked(OnHeaderBackButtonClicked $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:102:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:104:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:110:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onAppear(OnAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:112:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:114:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:119:53: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onDisappear(OnDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:121:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:123:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:128:53: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onDismissed(OnDismissed $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:129:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:129:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:130:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:131:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:131:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:132:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:137:79: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onNativeDismissCancelled(OnNativeDismissCancelled $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:138:44: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:138:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:139:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:140:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:140:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:141:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:146:55: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onWillAppear(OnWillAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:148:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:150:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:155:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onWillDisappear(OnWillDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:157:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:159:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:164:71: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderHeightChange(OnHeaderHeightChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:165:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:165:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:166:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:167:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:167:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:168:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:173:71: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onTransitionProgress(OnTransitionProgress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:174:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:174:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:175:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:176:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:176:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:177:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:177:42: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:178:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:178:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:179:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:184:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onGestureCancel(OnGestureCancel $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:186:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:188:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:193:81: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderBackButtonClicked(OnHeaderBackButtonClicked $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:195:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:197:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:203:68: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenStackHeaderConfigEventEmitter::onAttached(OnAttached $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:205:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:207:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:212:68: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenStackHeaderConfigEventEmitter::onDetached(OnDetached $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:214:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:216:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:222:78: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenStackEventEmitter::onFinishTransitioning(OnFinishTransitioning $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:224:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:226:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:231:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onSearchFocus(OnSearchFocus $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:233:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:235:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:240:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onSearchBlur(OnSearchBlur $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:242:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:244:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:249:72: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onSearchButtonPress(OnSearchButtonPress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:250:39: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("searchButtonPress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:250:56: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("searchButtonPress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:251:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:252:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:252:43: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:253:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:258:72: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onCancelButtonPress(OnCancelButtonPress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:260:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:262:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:267:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onChangeText(OnChangeText $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:268:32: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("changeText", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:268:49: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("changeText", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:269:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:270:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:270:43: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:271:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:276:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onClose(OnClose $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:278:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:280:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:285:46: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onOpen(OnOpen $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:287:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:289:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: 138 warnings generated.
> Task :app:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86]
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:lintVitalAnalyzeRelease
> Task :react-native-reanimated:lintVitalAnalyzeRelease
> Task :app:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86]
C/C++: ninja: Entering directory `/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/.cxx/RelWithDebInfo/6eq6k1e5/x86'
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:16:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDialogPickerEventEmitter::onSelect(OnSelect $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:17:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:17:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:18:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:19:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:19:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:20:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:25:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDialogPickerEventEmitter::onFocus(OnFocus $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:27:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:29:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:34:56: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDialogPickerEventEmitter::onBlur(OnBlur $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:36:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:38:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:43:62: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDropdownPickerEventEmitter::onSelect(OnSelect $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:44:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:44:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:45:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:46:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:46:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:47:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:52:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDropdownPickerEventEmitter::onFocus(OnFocus $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:54:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:56:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:61:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDropdownPickerEventEmitter::onBlur(OnBlur $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:63:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:65:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:70:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCPickerEventEmitter::onChange(OnChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:71:28: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("change", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:71:45: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("change", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:72:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:73:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newValue", $event.newValue);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:73:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newValue", $event.newValue);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:74:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newIndex", $event.newIndex);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:74:43: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newIndex", $event.newIndex);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:75:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: 35 warnings generated.
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:16:69: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCSafeAreaProviderEventEmitter::onInsetsChange(OnInsetsChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:17:34: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("insetsChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:17:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("insetsChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:18:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:21:38: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "top", $event.insets.top);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:22:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "right", $event.insets.right);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:23:41: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "bottom", $event.insets.bottom);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:24:39: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "left", $event.insets.left);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:25:3: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "insets", insets);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:29:35: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "x", $event.frame.x);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:30:35: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "y", $event.frame.y);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:31:39: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "width", $event.frame.width);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:32:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "height", $event.frame.height);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:33:3: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "frame", frame);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:35:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: 15 warnings generated.
> Task :react-native-screens:lintVitalAnalyzeRelease
> Task :app:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86]
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:17:52: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onAppear(OnAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:19:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:21:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:26:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onDisappear(OnDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:28:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:30:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:35:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onDismissed(OnDismissed $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:36:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:36:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:37:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:38:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:38:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:39:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:44:84: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onNativeDismissCancelled(OnNativeDismissCancelled $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:45:44: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:45:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:46:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:47:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:47:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:48:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:53:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onWillAppear(OnWillAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:55:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:57:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:62:66: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onWillDisappear(OnWillDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:64:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:66:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:71:76: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderHeightChange(OnHeaderHeightChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:72:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:72:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:73:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:74:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:74:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:75:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:80:76: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onTransitionProgress(OnTransitionProgress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:81:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:81:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:82:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:83:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:83:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:84:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:84:42: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:85:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:85:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:86:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:91:66: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onGestureCancel(OnGestureCancel $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:93:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:95:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:100:86: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderBackButtonClicked(OnHeaderBackButtonClicked $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:102:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:104:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:110:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onAppear(OnAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:112:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:114:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:119:53: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onDisappear(OnDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:121:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:123:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:128:53: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onDismissed(OnDismissed $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:129:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:129:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:130:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:131:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:131:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:132:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:137:79: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onNativeDismissCancelled(OnNativeDismissCancelled $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:138:44: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:138:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:139:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:140:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:140:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:141:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:146:55: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onWillAppear(OnWillAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:148:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:150:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:155:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onWillDisappear(OnWillDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:157:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:159:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:164:71: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderHeightChange(OnHeaderHeightChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:165:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:165:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:166:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:167:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:167:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:168:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:173:71: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onTransitionProgress(OnTransitionProgress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:174:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:174:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:175:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:176:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:176:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:177:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:177:42: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:178:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:178:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:179:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:184:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onGestureCancel(OnGestureCancel $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:186:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:188:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:193:81: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderBackButtonClicked(OnHeaderBackButtonClicked $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:195:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:197:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:203:68: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenStackHeaderConfigEventEmitter::onAttached(OnAttached $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:205:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:207:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:212:68: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenStackHeaderConfigEventEmitter::onDetached(OnDetached $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:214:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:216:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:222:78: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenStackEventEmitter::onFinishTransitioning(OnFinishTransitioning $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:224:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:226:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:231:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onSearchFocus(OnSearchFocus $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:233:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:235:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:240:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onSearchBlur(OnSearchBlur $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:242:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:244:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:249:72: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onSearchButtonPress(OnSearchButtonPress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:250:39: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("searchButtonPress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:250:56: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("searchButtonPress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:251:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:252:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:252:43: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:253:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:258:72: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onCancelButtonPress(OnCancelButtonPress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:260:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:262:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:267:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onChangeText(OnChangeText $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:268:32: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("changeText", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:268:49: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("changeText", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:269:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:270:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:270:43: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:271:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:276:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onClose(OnClose $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:278:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:280:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:285:46: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onOpen(OnOpen $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:287:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:289:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: 138 warnings generated.
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:lintVitalAnalyzeRelease
> Task :app:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86_64]
> Task :app:lintVitalAnalyzeRelease
> Task :app:buildCMakeRelWithDebInfo[x86_64]
C/C++: ninja: Entering directory `/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/android/app/.cxx/RelWithDebInfo/6eq6k1e5/x86_64'
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:16:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDialogPickerEventEmitter::onSelect(OnSelect $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:17:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:17:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:18:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:19:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:19:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:20:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:25:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDialogPickerEventEmitter::onFocus(OnFocus $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:27:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:29:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:34:56: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDialogPickerEventEmitter::onBlur(OnBlur $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:36:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:38:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:43:62: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDropdownPickerEventEmitter::onSelect(OnSelect $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:44:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:44:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("topSelect", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:45:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:46:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:46:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "position", $event.position);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:47:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:52:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDropdownPickerEventEmitter::onFocus(OnFocus $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:54:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:56:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:61:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCAndroidDropdownPickerEventEmitter::onBlur(OnBlur $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:63:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:65:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:70:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCPickerEventEmitter::onChange(OnChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:71:28: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("change", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:71:45: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("change", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:72:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:73:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newValue", $event.newValue);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:73:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newValue", $event.newValue);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:74:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newIndex", $event.newIndex);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:74:43: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "newIndex", $event.newIndex);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/@react-native-picker/picker/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnpicker/EventEmitters.cpp:75:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: 35 warnings generated.
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:16:69: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNCSafeAreaProviderEventEmitter::onInsetsChange(OnInsetsChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:17:34: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("insetsChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:17:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("insetsChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:18:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:21:38: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "top", $event.insets.top);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:22:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "right", $event.insets.right);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:23:41: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "bottom", $event.insets.bottom);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:24:39: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: insets.setProperty(runtime, "left", $event.insets.left);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:25:3: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "insets", insets);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:29:35: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "x", $event.frame.x);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:30:35: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "y", $event.frame.y);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:31:39: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "width", $event.frame.width);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:32:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: frame.setProperty(runtime, "height", $event.frame.height);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:33:3: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "frame", frame);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-safe-area-context/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/safeareacontext/EventEmitters.cpp:35:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: 15 warnings generated.
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:17:52: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onAppear(OnAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:19:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:21:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:26:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onDisappear(OnDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:28:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:30:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:35:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onDismissed(OnDismissed $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:36:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:36:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:37:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:38:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:38:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:39:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:44:84: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onNativeDismissCancelled(OnNativeDismissCancelled $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:45:44: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:45:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:46:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:47:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:47:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:48:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:53:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onWillAppear(OnWillAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:55:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:57:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:62:66: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onWillDisappear(OnWillDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:64:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:66:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:71:76: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderHeightChange(OnHeaderHeightChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:72:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:72:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:73:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:74:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:74:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:75:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:80:76: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onTransitionProgress(OnTransitionProgress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:81:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:81:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:82:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:83:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:83:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:84:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:84:42: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:85:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:85:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:86:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:91:66: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onGestureCancel(OnGestureCancel $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:93:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:95:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:100:86: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSModalScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderBackButtonClicked(OnHeaderBackButtonClicked $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:102:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:104:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:110:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onAppear(OnAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:112:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:114:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:119:53: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onDisappear(OnDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:121:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:123:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:128:53: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onDismissed(OnDismissed $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:129:31: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:129:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("dismissed", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:130:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:131:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:131:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:132:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:137:79: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onNativeDismissCancelled(OnNativeDismissCancelled $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:138:44: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:138:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("nativeDismissCancelled", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:139:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:140:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:140:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "dismissCount", $event.dismissCount);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:141:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:146:55: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onWillAppear(OnWillAppear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:148:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:150:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:155:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onWillDisappear(OnWillDisappear $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:157:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:159:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:164:71: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderHeightChange(OnHeaderHeightChange $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:165:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:165:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("headerHeightChange", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:166:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:167:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:167:51: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "headerHeight", $event.headerHeight);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:168:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:173:71: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onTransitionProgress(OnTransitionProgress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:174:40: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:174:57: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("transitionProgress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:175:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:176:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:176:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "progress", $event.progress);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:177:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:177:42: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "closing", $event.closing);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:178:1: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:178:47: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "goingForward", $event.goingForward);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:179:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:184:61: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onGestureCancel(OnGestureCancel $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:186:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:188:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:193:81: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenEventEmitter::onHeaderBackButtonClicked(OnHeaderBackButtonClicked $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:195:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:197:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:203:68: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenStackHeaderConfigEventEmitter::onAttached(OnAttached $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:205:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:207:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:212:68: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenStackHeaderConfigEventEmitter::onDetached(OnDetached $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:214:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:216:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:222:78: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSScreenStackEventEmitter::onFinishTransitioning(OnFinishTransitioning $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:224:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:226:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:231:60: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onSearchFocus(OnSearchFocus $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:233:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:235:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:240:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onSearchBlur(OnSearchBlur $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:242:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:244:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:249:72: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onSearchButtonPress(OnSearchButtonPress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:250:39: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("searchButtonPress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:250:56: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("searchButtonPress", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:251:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:252:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:252:43: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:253:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:258:72: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onCancelButtonPress(OnCancelButtonPress $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:260:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:262:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:267:58: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onChangeText(OnChangeText $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:268:32: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("changeText", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:268:49: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: dispatchEvent("changeText", [$event=std::move($event)](jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:269:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:270:5: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:270:43: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: $payload.setProperty(runtime, "text", $event.text);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:271:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:276:48: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onClose(OnClose $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:278:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:280:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:285:46: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: void RNSSearchBarEventEmitter::onOpen(OnOpen $event) const {
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:287:10: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: auto $payload = jsi::Object(runtime);
C/C++: ^
C/C++: /home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice/node_modules/react-native-screens/android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/react/renderer/components/rnscreens/EventEmitters.cpp:289:12: warning: '$' in identifier [-Wdollar-in-identifier-extension]
C/C++: return $payload;
C/C++: ^
C/C++: 138 warnings generated.
> Task :app:mergeReleaseJniLibFolders
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectOnly
> Task :react-native-device-info:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectOnly
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectOnly
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectOnly
> Task :react-native-localize:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectOnly
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectOnly
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectOnly
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectOnly
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectOnly
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectOnly
> Task :app:lintVitalReportRelease
> Task :app:lintVitalRelease
> Task :react-native-safe-area-context:bundleLibRuntimeToDirRelease
> Task :react-native-masked-view_masked-view:bundleLibRuntimeToDirRelease
> Task :react-native-async-storage_async-storage:bundleLibRuntimeToDirRelease
> Task :react-native-device-info:bundleLibRuntimeToDirRelease
> Task :react-native-idle-timer:bundleLibRuntimeToDirRelease
> Task :react-native-linear-gradient:bundleLibRuntimeToDirRelease
> Task :react-native-localize:bundleLibRuntimeToDirRelease
> Task :react-native-picker_picker:bundleLibRuntimeToDirRelease
> Task :react-native-vector-icons:bundleLibRuntimeToDirRelease
> Task :react-native-gesture-handler:bundleLibRuntimeToDirRelease
> Task :react-native-screens:bundleLibRuntimeToDirRelease
> Task :react-native-reanimated:bundleLibRuntimeToDirRelease
> Task :react-native-reanimated:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectOnly
> Task :app:checkReleaseDuplicateClasses
> Task :app:dexBuilderRelease
> Task :app:desugarReleaseFileDependencies
> Task :app:mergeReleaseStartupProfile
> Task :react-native-screens:copyReleaseJniLibsProjectOnly
> Task :app:mergeReleaseArtProfile
> Task :app:mergeReleaseGlobalSynthetics
> Task :app:mergeReleaseShaders
> Task :app:compileReleaseShaders NO-SOURCE
> Task :app:generateReleaseAssets
> Task :app:mergeReleaseAssets
> Task :app:compressReleaseAssets
> Task :app:extractReleaseVersionControlInfo
> Task :app:processReleaseJavaRes
> Task :app:mergeReleaseJavaResource
> Task :app:mergeExtDexRelease
> Task :app:mergeReleaseNativeLibs
> Task :app:collectReleaseDependencies
> Task :app:sdkReleaseDependencyData
> Task :app:writeReleaseAppMetadata
> Task :app:writeReleaseSigningConfigVersions
> Task :app:optimizeReleaseResources
> Task :app:stripReleaseDebugSymbols
> Task :app:extractReleaseNativeSymbolTables
> Task :app:mergeDexRelease
> Task :app:mergeReleaseNativeDebugMetadata
> Task :app:compileReleaseArtProfile
> Task :app:packageRelease
> Task :app:createReleaseApkListingFileRedirect
> Task :app:assembleRelease
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
For more on this, please refer to https://docs.gradle.org/8.10.2/userguide/command_line_interface.html#sec:command_line_warnings in the Gradle documentation.
554 actionable tasks: 554 executed
2025-02-11 03:17:40,542 DEBUG: Popen(['git', 'cat-file', '--batch-check'], cwd=/home/vagrant/build/com.scalepractice, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=<valid stream>)
2025-02-11 03:17:40,548 INFO: Successfully built version 2.8.0 of com.scalepractice from 44dfd9d20fceb54684bc7747c7a5d984b3772bc7
2025-02-11 03:17:40,950 DEBUG: Checking build/com.scalepractice/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk
2025-02-11 03:17:41,128 INFO: success: com.scalepractice
2025-02-11 03:17:41,128 INFO: Finished
2025-02-11 03:17:41,128 INFO: 1 build succeeded